"Demo 1994" is the first demo recording by US, New York based death metal act Skinless. The demo was independently released in 1994. Skinless formed in 1992 under the Gorebag monicker but soon after changed their name to the current one. It´s the only Skinless release to feature original vocalist Mike Levy, who would depart soon after the release of this demo.
The demo features 6 tracks and a playing time close to 25 minutes, so there is quantity enough in terms of getting to know Skinless and their style of music, which is ultimately the goal of a demo. Stylistically this is brutal and heavy death metal which is predominantly mid-paced and features heavy brutal grooves and riffs. It´s artists like Obituary, Six Feet Under, and Jungle Rot, I´m reminded of, and this is generally crushingly heavy death metal. The vile movie sample intros are quite effective, providing the demo with the right foul atmosphere.
It doesn´t sound much like anything Skinless would produce down the road, but it´s still good quality death metal. Skinless are a well playing unit, and the demo features a decent sound production job, so upon conclusion it´s a demo worth investigaing and a 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.