1967/ 1976
Because the attempt to write music in the style of the 70's making it look stylistically of the 80's should be able to move our soul in order to make us appreciate all of this? Let's be honest, Deep Purple in the 80's made me do four yawns and Uriah Heep and Black Sabbath have done me in better shape. The love for the music here is 100% in favor of musical renewal. I thank you and do not step over. But there is a but, as I should point out: it is good to make a band with two great musicians, Carl Canedy (ex The Rods, drums) and Andy "Duck" McDonald (ex Blue Cheer, guitars), doing, then work with them the cream of the metal scene in New York but if the music does not stay in my mind... "Burning At The Speed Of Light", at least, is a good Speed Metal. But it is too little. It took a second Lp. At least I would have to try to figure out where they wanted to go to lead these two shady characters.