Time Signature
It went well...
Genre: progressively oriented alternative metal with metalcore tendencies
Trusted Few are a relatively unknown Danish band, but, man, they're frigging good. Well, certainly "And Then We Forgot" is awesome - I really haven't heard their EPs and demos.
The style falls somewhere between alternative metal and metalcore, and it is generally progressively inclined. And this blend works very well, I think. They tend to make use of strange flowing guitar chords paired with heavy muted guitar riffs and lots of guitar playing techniques that were very prevalent in the alternative rock of the 90s (which in turn was inherited from The Pixies, I think). The vocalist makes use of angry screams and yells, but there are also entire songs which he sings in an expressive and tender clear voice (I guess that makes him an emo singer - I don't know... I don't care, he's a good vocalist, end of story).
On a personal note, I guess that all the 90s alternative rock and alternative metal elements, sort of make me nostalgic, remembering the local alt. rock scene in Denmark, which was much more interesting than the mainstream music scene in the country today.
This album is recommended to fans of alternative rock and alternative metal, and I think that fans of more melodic metalcore might like it too. This is good stuff.