As it always happens, when you think that a year has already told every musical story it can, after all expectations are met, in all that hodge-podge of great stuff a new name appears from out of nowhere. A name which certainly has a lot to offer. Truthseeker appears to be such name for me.
"Weightless at Dawn" is the first release of this Boston duo, which consists of Brendan James Hayter (songwriter/bassist) and Alex Fewell (drums) and is an introduction for a full-lentgh which is set to be released in 2012. Truthseeker is completely instrumental chemistry, with influences which run high from dark rock, ambient, doom, post-rock, metal to “squeezed“ prog rock.
I don’t know if their formula for success is having a death metal drummer playing slow rock beats or a wide range of influences or whatever, but the soundimage breaking out from the speakers is astonishing. Deep atmospherics in "Submerged" or Katatoniasque "Storm", the mixture of ambient and dark rock in "Daybreak", doomy "Permafrost" and symphonically semi-acoustic "Through the Waves" are impressive ingredients of this 5-track EP.
The prologue has been written and according to the same, the first chapter in the Truthseeker book is with good looks to become the groundbreaking record in the running opus. My eyes are on you, Truthseeker!