Time Signature
Birth of a psycho...
Genre: thrash metal
So, Warbeast and Phil Anselmo join forces and release a split with two tracks each. Overall, the split has what a split should have, I think, featuring two artists which sound very different, but style have some stylistic overlaps.
While Phil Anselmo's two tracks are slightly difficult to pinpoint genrewise (although there definitely is a dominant thrash element), Warbeast's two tracks are more straightforward thrashers.
Their first track 'Birth of a Psycho' is a fierce uptempo and aggressive affair, featuring flesh-ripping riffage and fast-paced drums (and even some blastbeats). 'It' is not as fast as 'Virth of a Psycho', but no less aggressive. Featuring some aggressive, perhaps slightly primitive, riffage and a moshing-friendly chorus, 'It' is the epitome of aggressive thrash metal.
Overall, "War of the Gargantuas" is a split which should appeal to thrash fans in general, and, of course, to fans of Anselmo and Warbeast in particular.