Split · 2003
1. Warsore Chronic Waste
2. Warsore Choking On Streets
3. Warsore Deathly Sick
4. Warsore Nothing But Enemies
5. Warsore Just Another Stab In The Back
6. Warsore Stop Posing An Kill Someone
7. Warsore Slave Information
8. Warsore Industrial Suicide
9. Warsore Demoralised
10. Warsore Brutal Reprisal
11. Warsore Dying In My Own Excrement
12. Warsore Substance Abuse
13. Warsore Sensory Depravation
14. Warsore Cops Make Good Targets
15. Warsore Bastardised
16. Warsore Destroy All Monsters
17. Warsore Sinking In Shit
18. Warsore Crayon Shinchan
19. Warsore Bitter End
20. Warsore Sweating Blood
21. Warsore Psychosmatic
22. Warsore Social Parasite
23. Warsore Human Origins
24. Warsore Sociopath
25. Warsore 52 Confirmed Kills
26. Warsore Killing Fields
27. Warsore Ritual Hate
28. Warsore Suicide Bomber
29. Dysmorfic Human Waste
30. Dysmorfic Psychopathia Sexualis
31. Dysmorfic Life / When You Die
32. Dysmorfic Abomination
33. Dysmorfic Nothing
34. Dysmorfic Beating The Dead
35. Dysmorfic Punk?
36. Dysmorfic Party In Rome
37. Dysmorfic Leaders
38. Dysmorfic Grey Nothingness & Ignorance/Lies
39. Dysmorfic Merda
40. Dysmorfic Forcefed / You Disgust Me
Paul Cosopodiotis / Guitar
Mark Harvey / Bass
Erik Simonsen / Drums
Den Willamson / Vocals
About this release
Smell The Stench
Thanks to Vim Fuego for the addition