So I listen to this album, and after a mood setting intro, there's some pretty amazing death metal with keyboards here! I mean, musically, this is like a death metal equivalent to Nokturnal Mortum! I feel so mighty listening to-
and BOOM! Breakdown!
ARE YOU SHITTING ME!? Are you telling me that this would have been an amazing symphonic death metal is actually a deathcore experiment gone wrong? I feel so damn stupid comparing this to Nokturnal Mortum as now there is no resemblance. The rest of this album doesn't get much better.
Seriously though, this album had potential, but the breakdowns ruined it. "Anthems to the Apocalypse" would be epic if they replaced the breakdown with something else. I mean come on! The song was epic up until the two minute mark, and at that point I realized that this was in fact terrible.