Witches - The Hunt
"The Hunt" is the third studio album by thrash/death metal band Witches. Witches is a death/thrash band that formed back in 1986, but disbanded after releasing only one album. They came back onto the scene in 2006 releasing "7" in 2007. Now, eight years later, they have released their third studio album.
The music here is pure old school thrash/death, with addicting headbang-inducing riffs, chaotic drums, and spit-fire growls/snarls. Just listen to 'Jump With Fright', 'Riding and Hunting', and 'Up 'n' Down' and you'll hear what I mean. Also, what better sound effects to include on an album like this than the sounds of piercing screams and people being gutted with a sword. The name 'Up 'n' Down' certainly fits that song, with menacing ascending and descending riffing.
Overall, the album is very short clocking in at about 21 and half minutes, but it's definitely an example of "All killer, no filler" with no room for filler. This is 21 minutes of pure addicting thrash/death, and if you're looking for some addicting old-school death/thrash look no further. Hope you found this review helpful.
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