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The RUSSELL ALLEN / JORN LANDE project of 2005, billed as 'The Battle', pitched two of the most extraordinary Hard Rock vocal talents together. JORN LANDE had made a striking impression on the global Metal scene with a collection of solo albums and most prominently fronting MASTERPLAN. The in demand singer had also vocalised for VAGABOND, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, ARK, MUNDANUS IMPERIUM, MILLENIUM and THE SNAKES. RUSSELL ALLEN, frontman of leading US Progressive Metal act SYMPHONY X, had issued a solo effort, 'Atomic Soul'.

The elaborate artwork for 'The Battle' was executed by the esteemed Christian fantasy artist Rodney Matthews. Guitar work came courtesy of LAST TRIBE's Magnus Karlsson. Japanese versions on the Avalon Marquee label added an extra track with an acoustic rendition of 'Reach A Little Longer'.

Working with vocalist / keyboard player Mike Andersson of CLOUDSCAPE, Magnus Karlsson initiated an all star project dubbed PLANET ALLIANCE for a
Thanks to stephen for the addition and graphix, progshine, adg211288 for the updates

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ALLEN / LANDE The Battle album cover 3.75 | 12 ratings
The Battle
Heavy Metal 2005
ALLEN / LANDE The Revenge album cover 4.07 | 16 ratings
The Revenge
Heavy Metal 2007
ALLEN / LANDE The Showdown album cover 4.17 | 11 ratings
The Showdown
Heavy Metal 2010
ALLEN / LANDE The Great Divide album cover 4.00 | 5 ratings
The Great Divide
Heavy Metal 2014

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ALLEN / LANDE The Battle

Album · 2005 · Heavy Metal
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Russell Allen and Jorn Lande singing on the same album, huh? I’m kind of surprised that this album doesn’t get a little more support, since Symphony X seems to be the hot setup nowadays and whatever bands Jorn is in are pretty good. Then again, this did come out six years ago, so that shows how late to the party I am. Oh, well.

The name of this project is a little misleading. It’s called Allen-Lande, but guess what? They’re just singing. Neither of them wrote anything on this album. In fact, everything was written by one guy, Magnus Karlsson, who also played all of the instruments except for the drums. Now, to me, this absolutely screams “I’m using two famous vocalists to get me money and exposure,” but I’m probably more cynical than you, so take that with a grain of salt. Anyway, this isn’t necessarily a problem, but you might want to change your expectations if you’re thinking this is going to be something like Symphony X or Ark, or even Masterplan. Again, this isn’t bad, but it’s something that threw me for a loop when I first listened to it.

The Battle is more of a melodic rock/heavy metal album, with lots of formulaic song structures and power ballad influences. If you look at it that way, it’s very good; Karlsson is a gifted musician, considering he put something like this together. His riffs have plenty of crunch, his solos are pretty good (although a few of them are bit long), and the pianos are used tastefully. Obviously, vocals are far from a weak point on this album, with both Allen and Lande giving their usual excellent performances. And pretty much every song on here is catchy and friendly enough to be played on the radio (see Come Alive or My Own Way Home), but with enough metal thrown in to keep it from being a straight-up rock project. In short, there’s nothing really WRONG with this album per se, as it’s easy to listen to with solid songwriting and musicianship. It’s also put together in a way that doesn’t get boring or repetitive, even though there might be one too many songs for people who like shorter albums.

Here’s the issue I have with all of this. This album (and this project, for that matter) is centered around two extremely talented vocalists. So why in the world are they singing stuff this simple? The vocal lines are good, yeah, and catchy as all get out, but there aren’t really any “epic” moments on this album that you might find in another Allen or Lande band. They’re either taking turns in the verse or singing together in the choruses, and that’s pretty much it. Allen rarely gets into the upper register, and when he does, it’s usually just backing Jorn’s midrange vocal lines and not at the forefront. So, Mr. Karlsson…did you REALLY want to form a groundbreaking project with two of metal’s finest vocalists? Or did you just want a couple of famous guys to sing vocal lines that could easily have been done by someone else? Of course, I’m kidding. I’ll drop the accusations. But seriously, I feel like there is a LOT being held back on The Battle.

To embellish on what defines The Battle, I present to you the following scenario! Let’s say that I’m going out to buy a car. I have a shit-ton of money (lottery winnings, I guess), so I settle on a Ferrari California with a V8 engine. But wait! I still live in the suburbs, where the speed limit is 25 miles per hour. It’s still a Ferrari; I can use it to get chicks and make my friends jealous. But there’s no way I can use it to its full potential because this stupid town doesn’t allow street racing. That’s the sort of thing I’m getting at here.

I’m not sure if fans of any other Russell or Lande acts will like The Battle as much as those. Yes, they’re singing on this album, but they’re definitely not as big a part of it as the band would like you to think. If you’re looking for a catchy, no-nonsense melodic metal album with plenty of tracks to sing along to, don’t let this stop you. Just don’t be disappointed with what you find.

P.S. I apologize fifty-seven times for not spelling Jorn's name with the cool slashed-O. Curse my Americanized keyboard!

ALLEN / LANDE The Showdown

Album · 2010 · Heavy Metal
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PURE MASTERPIECE!After 3 years of long wait,finally the new album of 2 of the most amazing rock vocalists RUSSEL ALLEN and the mighty Norwegian king JORN LANDE is here!The expectations were really big,and to be honest,I was a little skeptical that this 3-rd shot will be a little dissapointing!I WAS SO WRONG!I can tell that THE SHOWDOWN is THE BEST ALLEN LANDE cd so far!Why?Because everything is close to perfection and the quality of the compositions is so amazing,giving to this album the definition of a classic already!The melodic aspect of the album is really sensational and MAGNUS KARLSSON did it again!And all is made with class and majesty!He is absolutelly thrilling in his solos and all the copmositions are wonderful!Each song is a pure masterpiece and it's difficult to pick the highlights of the album,because,I repeat,all tracks are true jewels!Never again is,maybee,the most sensitive song performed by the guys ,a true splendor!Both vocalists are burning with passion in performing with top professionalism and belief some brilliant composition!I can say,thet from the point of view of the musical direction,this album is really 100 % orientated to composition and melodic sense!KARLSSON has the magic formula to mix the melody with power metal and the final result is astonishing!Definitelly a masterpiece and the melodic power metal album of the year,another triumph for FRONTIERS RECORDS undoubtedly!500 stars if possible!

ALLEN / LANDE The Revenge

Album · 2007 · Heavy Metal
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At first, I thought "The Battle" will be the sole project of the two infamous names, Russell Allen and Jorn Lande, but apparently they proved my opinion wrong with the 2007 follow up, "The Revenge". Still supported by the remarkable virtuoso, Magnus Karlsson, Allen/Lande continues the melodic metal saga with a string of mindblowing tracks. The sound production is excellent, the vocals delivery are unquestionable, the band is tight, but when everything looks flawless, I see a weak point of the album which lies on the songwriting aspect.

I'm not saying that they didn't write great tracks, in fact, the majority of the songs here are carefully crafted, enjoyable, and none of them is bad. But if you hear the whole 12 tracks here, everything seems too predictable and formulated, from the acoustical guitar/piano intro, the groovy beat, the drum patterns, and worst thing is, most of them seems to lack the crowning moment chorus that could be a million-sales hits.

Some of the standout tracks here are "The Revenge", a mid tempo opener with a stunning chorus, "Will You Follow" and "Just A Dream", huge chorus tunes with great groove and nice melodies, "Gone Too Far" with its gorgeous verse and pompous chorus, and "Wake Up Call", a pure melodic metal bliss with an anthemic chorus. If you like ballad, then "Master of Sorrow" is probably their strongest offering here. A beautiful piano-driven ballad that flows very well with Jorn Lande's passionate singing. "When Time Doesn't Heal" also is a spectacular power ballad with great verse, but somehow I think the chorus is slightly weaker than "Sorrow".

With half of the record suffers with decent chorus making them an average quality song, most of the times, they still showcased a superior technical ability of the band, which is a plus point of the whole album. I saw an improvement growing from their debut and if they can maintain the trend, the third release could be better than this, if any. Aside from the forgivable weakness, "The Revenge" is sure still a solid release and make a great addition to your library.

ALLEN / LANDE The Revenge

Album · 2007 · Heavy Metal
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Fantastic project released by FRONTIERS RECORDS,one of the most amazing albums of melodic metal ever!When we think only to this 2 fabulous vocalists -JORN LANDE is a phenomenon and RUSSEL ALLEN -the driving force from SYMPHONY X,the final result couldn't have been a disspointing one!The fact is that this album is better then the fantastic debut one THE BATTLE- named album of the year in 2005 by many metal sites and magazines!MAGNUS KARLSSON-the composer and the guitar player on the album shines here at 100% and delivers all his tremendeous talent in brilliant compositions where he is offering also some stellar guitar solos!Wonderful production and diverse compositions-from power ballads ,passing by mid tempo heavy songs ,combining marvelous vocal performances and heavy riffs with crunchy guitar solos-we are spoiled and delighted with very high quality melodic metal here and the duo ALLEN LANDE is on top,unleashed and very inspired really!KARLSSON also is offering solid compositions,really beautiful and perfectly well composed tracks that will plenty satisfy the most pretentious melodic metal fan!!!I was sure that THE REVENGE is impossible to beat THE BATTLE!Well..MEA CULPA!I was wrong..IT'S BETTER!This year, in 2010 it seems that we'll have a third episode of the project,and God only knows how will be the new album?!?!Undoubtedly the high standard put by the first 2 albums demands something more now,but I am sure nobody will be dissapointed!Anyway..ALLEN LANDE is one of the strongest power melodic metal projects ever and FRONTIERS were very inspired to put together such amazing performers!500 STARS for something magical!!!

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ovidiu wrote:
more than 2 years ago
2 MUSICAL MELODIC METAL PEARLS!Both albums are fantastic,composed by one of the most talented and well respected guitar players MAGNUS KARLSSON!Fantastic compositions and fabulous vocal work!!!Pure melodiic metal jewels!Top class albums!


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