Black Metal / Non-Metal / War Metal • Finland — the ultimate metal music online community, with discographies, reviews and forums
BEHERIT picture
Beherit is a black metal band from Finland. The band was formed in 1989 by Nuclear Holocausto (Marko Laiho), Sodomatic Slaughter (Jari Pirinen) and Demon Fornication, with the purpose of performing "the most primitive, savage, hell-obsessed black metal imaginable". "Beherit" is the Syriac word for Satan. Through the uncommercial nature of their music, visuals and live performances, the band quickly attracted a cult following. Besides the "raw" sound, the band's music is noted for its avant-garde side and emphasis on atmosphere. Beherit are now regarded as a pioneer in their genre.

As a full band, Beherit released two full-length albums and many demos of raw and minimalistic black metal. They disbanded soon after the release of the experimental 1993 album Drawing Down the Moon, which is now considered a classic of the genre. Laiho, the group's mainman, continued as a solo project and released two more albums under the band's
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BEHERIT Discography

BEHERIT albums / top albums

BEHERIT Drawing Down the Moon album cover 3.45 | 6 ratings
Drawing Down the Moon
Black Metal 1993
BEHERIT H418ov21.C album cover 2.25 | 2 ratings
Non-Metal 1994
BEHERIT Electric Doom Synthesis album cover 2.67 | 2 ratings
Electric Doom Synthesis
Non-Metal 1995
BEHERIT Engram album cover 2.79 | 3 ratings
Black Metal 2009
BEHERIT At the Devil's Studio 1990 album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
At the Devil's Studio 1990
Black Metal 2011
BEHERIT Bardo Exist album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Bardo Exist
Black Metal 2020
BEHERIT WBRRR album cover 2.00 | 1 ratings
Black Metal 2023

BEHERIT EPs & splits

BEHERIT Dawn of Satan's Millennium album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Dawn of Satan's Millennium
War Metal 1991
BEHERIT Triumph of Death album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Triumph of Death
Black Metal 1992
BEHERIT Messe Des Morts album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Messe Des Morts
Black Metal 1993
BEHERIT Messe des Morts / Angelcunt album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Messe des Morts / Angelcunt
Black Metal 1999
BEHERIT Celebrate the Dead album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Celebrate the Dead
Black Metal 2012

BEHERIT live albums

BEHERIT demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

BEHERIT Seventh Blasphemy album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
Seventh Blasphemy
Black Metal 1990
BEHERIT Morbid Rehearsals album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
Morbid Rehearsals
Black Metal 1990
BEHERIT Demonomancy album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
War Metal 1990
BEHERIT Unreleased Studio Tracks album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
Unreleased Studio Tracks
Black Metal 1991
BEHERIT Promo 1992 album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
Promo 1992
Black Metal 1992
BEHERIT Promo Tape album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Promo Tape
Black Metal 2020

BEHERIT re-issues & compilations

BEHERIT The Oath of Black Blood album cover 3.33 | 2 ratings
The Oath of Black Blood
War Metal 1991
BEHERIT Drawing Down the Moon / Electric Doom Synthesis album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Drawing Down the Moon / Electric Doom Synthesis
Black Metal 1997
BEHERIT Beast of Beherit: Complete Workxxx album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Beast of Beherit: Complete Workxxx
Black Metal 1999
BEHERIT H418ov21.C / Electric Doom Synthesis album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
H418ov21.C / Electric Doom Synthesis
Non-Metal 2007
BEHERIT Dawn of Satan's Millenium album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Dawn of Satan's Millenium
Black Metal 2023

BEHERIT singles (0)

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Album · 2023 · Black Metal
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"WBRRR" is the seventh full-length studio album by Finnish black metal/dark ambient music act Beherit. The album was released through World Breaking Records in 2023. It´s the successor to "Bardo Exist" from November 2020. Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance continues to operate Beherit as a one-man act this time changing his name back to Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance (he worked under the NHV Beherit pseudonym on "Bardo Exist"). "WBRRR" was instead originally released under the NHV Beherit monicker, but it is widely considered part of the Beherit discography.

Stylistically the material on "WBRRR" contineus the dark and droning ambient music style of "Bardo Exist". So at least at this point the black metal of Beherit´s comeback album "Engram" from April 2009 is gone from Beherit´s music. It´s not unusual for Beherit to change style between releases, as their raw and savage early 90s black metal demo and EP releases were followed-up by an atmosperic black/doom metal style on their November 1993 debut full-length studio album "Drawing Down the Moon", and then two dark ambient music albums in "H418ov21.C" (1994) and the "Electric Doom Synthesis" (1996). So the music style on "WBRRR" is not a surprise, but compared to "Bardo Exist" I think it´s a slightly less interesting release. The more dominant emphasis on noisy and eerie dronescapes instead of the sci-fi ambience of "Bardo Exist" is not a good choice to my ears. it´s makes for a harsh and uninviting listen, and although that aestethic actually works well within the black metal parameters Beherit worked with in the early 90s, where they also produced some pretty raw, savage and uninviting music, the slightly more accessible "Bardo Exist" is just a more varied and intereresting release.

"WBRRR" is an album for those who can stomach a full album of noise and drone sounds. It´s well produced and if you look at it from that angle, it´s a good quality release. It´s just such a hard listen and not pleasant on the ears one bit, and it´s extremely difficult to sit through in one go. A 2 star (40%) rating is warranted.

BEHERIT Bardo Exist

Album · 2020 · Black Metal
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"Bardo Exist" is the sixth full-length studio album by Finnish black/dark ambient music act Beherit. The album was released through Kvlt in November 2020. It´s the successor to "At the Devil's Studio 1990" from 2011, although the two full-length studio albums are bridged by the May 2012 "Celebrate the Dead" EP. As "At the Devil's Studio 1990" is infact a re-release of Beherit´s until then unreleased debut album from 1990, the last preceding album release featuring original material was actually "Engram" from April 2009. Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance (here working under the NHV Beherit pseudonym) is now alone again and therefore Beherit is a one-man project on "Bardo Exist". The full band constellation didn´t last long.

Stylistically "Bardo Exist" is also quite different from the black metal Beherit played on "Engram" and instead NHV Beherit have returned to the dark ambient music style they played from 1994-1996 on the "H418ov21.C" (1994) and the "Electric Doom Synthesis" (1996) albums. It´s especially the darkness and eerie nature of the latter which come to mind here, but "Bardo Exist" is if possible an even darker, more ambient/droning, and inaccessible release than "Electric Doom Synthesis" is (no distorted guitars or accessible rhythms on this one). It´s like listening to a soundtrack to a grim and cold sci-fi movie. No light or hope in sight. just the vast darkness and coldness of space passing by. Very little happens during the tracks which are slow, atmospheric, and keyboard heavy, although a few tracks introduce a little more drama like the explosions and pulsating rhythm on "Acid Death Vision".

The first edition of the album features the 22:58 minutes long title track, while the regular versions of the album features eleven tracks and a total playing time of 37:00 minutes.

"Bardo Exist" features a detailed and well sounding production, which provides the material with the perfect platform to shine. While I often find the material uneventful, slow, and dragging out too long, I still think "Bardo Exist" was the most succeesful dark ambient music release by Beherit up until then. It´s obvious NHV Beherit had time to consider what a new release in this style should sound like, and it´s a pretty strong release in the genre. A 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.

BEHERIT Celebrate the Dead

EP · 2012 · Black Metal
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"Celebrate the Dead" is an EP release by Finnish black metal/dark ambient music act Beherit. The EP was released through Kvlt in May 2012. It bridges the gap between Beherit´s fifth full-length studio album "At the Devil's Studio 1990" (2011) and their sixth full-length studio album "Bardo Exist" (2020). As "At the Devil's Studio 1990" is in fact a re-release of Beherit´s until then unreleased debut album from 1990, "Celebrate the Dead" is more rightly a companion release to Beherit´s fourth full-length studio album "Engram" (2009).

The EP only features two tracks but they are both 13 minutes plus long. Both tracks are actually demo material solely recorded by Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance in July 2008 and a re-recorded version of "Demon Advance" would be included as the closing track on "Engram". This demo version of the track (which features a professional and well sounding production) is slightly more ambient than the version on "Engram", but it´s equally as heavy, doomy, and repetitive. The second track is the EP title track, and it´s a 16 minutes long track, which is also a slow, darkly atmospheric, doomy, and repetitive track. It´s blackened drone doom or something like that...It goes on and on and on without many changes, although keyboards are introduced (playing what almost sounds like a Depeche Mode keyboard theme) and the song becomes more and more layered and chaotic as the minutes go by. About 9 minutes in the song stops and a new ambient, dark, and minimalistic theme is introduced without distorted guitars and later some melancholic clean vocals kick in. The heavy riffs never return and the song ends after quite a few minutes of dark ambient music.

I can understand why Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance felt that there was enough quality here to warrant releasing these demo recordings as an EP, and if you enjoyed the heavy, doomy, and ambient atmospheric "Demon Advance" from "Engram" and want more of that from Beherit, "Celebrate the Dead" may be worth your time. A 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.


Album · 2009 · Black Metal
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"Engram" is the fourth full-length studo album by Finnish black metal act Beherit. The album was released through Spinefarm Records in April 2009. Beherit disbanded in 1996 so this is the first new material from them since the release of the dark ambient "Electric Doom Synthesis" album from 1996. Both "Electric Doom Synthesis" and the preceding 1994 "H418ov21.C" album were one-man projects and they were in a dark ambient music style with very few ties to Beherit´s black/death metal past and since founder and only remaining original member Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance (vocals, guitars, keyboards, programming) had worked with electronic music and as a DJ for many years since disbanding Beherit, it was anyone´s guess what "Engram" would sound like.

As it turns out Beherit have returned to a more pure black metal sound, although the grim, savage, and rather primitive black metal sound found on "Engram" is spiced up with some occasional gloomy atmospheric keyboards. Original Beherit drummer Sodomatic Slaughter has returned to the ranks, and the new quartet lineup is completed by the addition of Ancient Corpse Desekrator (guitars, backing vocals) and Abyss, Twisted Baptizer (bass, backing vocals). So although the music features programming, the programmed drums from the last couple of releases are gone with the return of Sodomatic Slaughter.

It´s a bit hard to compare the material on "Engram" with Beherit´s early 90s black/death metal releases, but if a comparison has to be made, it´s that "Engram" is every bit as relentless, savage, and repetitive in its expression as the early demo and EP recordings by Beherit. It´s only the occasional use of keyboards and the few times the band lower the pace and play more heavy riffs and rhythms (like they do on "Pagan Moon" and on the 15 minutes long album closer "Demon Advance") which point in the direction of Beherit´s dark atmospheric black/doom metal debut album "Drawing Down the Moon" (November 1993, Spinefarm Records).

"Engram" features a professional, raw, and aggressive sounding production job, which suits the material well. I´ll go as far as to say, that it´s the first Beherit release featuring a sound production which can be labelled professional. The previous releases all featured either lo-fi or downright weird sounding production values, but with "Engram" you finally get to hear what Beherit sound like when their music is packed in a professional production.

Upon conclusion "Engram" is a decent quality black metal release, but it´s not a release which screams that it´s Beherit who has made it. The relentlessly fast-paced tremolo riffing and blasting drumming are pretty generic features of this genre of black metal, the vocals are raw snarling and although pretty hateful and well performed (and occasionally complimented by some chanting clean vocals), they aren´t anything out of the ordinary for the style. It´s a good idea to lower the pace and play some heavy parts because that brings some variation to the album, and the occasional use of keyboards is also effectful, so a 3 - 3.5 star (65%) rating isn´t all wrong.

BEHERIT Electric Doom Synthesis

Album · 1995 · Non-Metal
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"Electric Doom Synthesis" is the third full-length studio album by Finnish black metal/dark ambient music act Beherit. The album was released through Spinefarm Records in June 1996. Beherit called it quits shortly after the release of the album. It´s the follow-up release to "H418ov21.C" from February 1994.

Thematically and stylistically it´s also the natural successor to the dark ambient music found on "H418ov21.C". Already after the release of "Drawing Down the Moon" (November 1993), Beherit became a one-man project and Nuclear Holocausto Vengeance opted to change the music style from the atmospheric black/doom metal style of the early Beherit releases to dark ambient music primarily created on keyboards and using drum programming.

While "Electric Doom Synthesis" follows the trail already tread by "H418ov21.C", it´s ultimately a darker, more ambient, and less accessible release. It´s harsher and more raw and it definitely requires more of the listener than the predecessor did. It´s still a very slow building and an, although not entirely uneventful release, still a bit repetitive and often tedious listen. A 2.5 star (50%) rating is warranted.

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