1967/ 1976
Interesting mix of Cream and Traffic. What else to say for this album? Unfortunately the only album by Blind Faith is a potentially devastating album in projection of future developments. That there have never been. Certainly in "Blind Faith" we can hear a very interesting Prog Soul Blues, varied and powerful. But not too technical. The melody of Winwood dominates in this album in the songs he has written and Clapton is "Clapton is God" only in "Do What You Like", written by Ginger Baker and, incidentally, an excellent example of the Power Prog Psychedelic Blues, light years away by Winwood and Traffic, but also by Cream!
Today "Blind Faith" like it because the result of the minds at the time of four musicians who were masters in their respective instruments. To be honest is not to remain totally enraptured by this album, which, admittedly, has aged badly (except "Do What You Like", because extremely personal and with a new vision).