Time Signature
Il y a biens des porcs...
Genre: black metal / sludge metal
"Morte(s) Nee(s)" by Celeste contains seven tracks which manage to combine black metal and sludge metal quite effectively. They draw mainly on black metal riffage to build up a tense atmosphere while the heavy drum beats are derived from sludge metal. In addition, Celeste also makes heavy use of dissonant chords and guitar noise that reminds me a bit of Andres Kisser's guitar work on "Chaos A.D." and "Roots".
The only problem is that, to my untrained ear (when it comes to sludge metal, that is) all the songs on the album sound alike. I can definitely hear that there is something going on in this music, and if you're into really intense yet atmospheric music, then I think you will like this album a lot.
There are two tracks that stand out for me, though. "Il y a biens des porcs que ça ferait bander de t'étouffer" contains some parts which are kind of catchy in their own way, while "(S)" is a doomy and oppressive and very heavy track. And "Un miroir pur qui te rend misérable" contains some haunting black metal riffage.
I must admit that I don't get this must, but I am certainly man enough to admit that, despite my lack of understanding of this sort of music, I do detect a lot of quality in this release by Celeste, and I think it will appeal a lot to fans of sludge-metal, and I think that some black metal fans will also like it. Fans of 90s noise rock, who are not afraid of black metal, might also find this release to their liking.