Time Signature
Fighting the bore...
Genre: metalcore / alt. metal / Nü-ish metal
Sometimes, you have to take chances. I stumbled across this album in the local record store in the discount section priced 5 DKR (less than one Euro and one Dollar), so I took the chance...
... and sometimes, when you take chances, things go wrong. This is really not my cup of tea, and, to be honest, I find it quite boring. I guess, stylistically, "Compression" is a kind of blend of Grunge, Hardcore and early Nü-Metal. There is nothing wrong with that as such, and there are a bunch of nice groovy riffs on this album and some cool breakdowns and changes, too. However, on the whole, this album is quite forgettable and uninspiring to me and tends to be quite monotonous. I think this monotony could have avoided with some guitar melodies and solos. The vocals are basically just yelled, not even screamed or growled, and they quickly started to annoy me. And the vocals also add further monotony - had the vocalist added some variation to his singing, "Compression" would have been a much more interesting album. As it is now, this album is boring - simply boring.
But, of course, the things that I am calling for here would be totally incompatible with the late 90s metal genres that the music on this album falls under, so, with that in mind, Compression are perhaps excused. But when it comes to making captivating and interesting music as such, they fail. That's really a shame, because, as mentioned above, there are a lot of cool riffs and a lot of potential, but the potential that undoubtedly is there unfortunately drowns in monotony and sub par vocals. A shame!
I think that fans of Grunge and Nü Metal and perhaps some fans of Hardcore and Sludge Metal might like it, but I doubt that it will appeal to those who prefer 80s and 00s metal to 90s metal.