Time Signature
Genre: post-metal-noise-core-something
"Iscariot" is the debut EP from the experimental metal act British Cult Cinema's, and listening to it has been a bit of an uneven ride for me.
Stylistically, the band draws on metalcore, sludge metal, hardcore, thrash metal and black metal and noise rock, so they definitely cover a lot of ground on the EP and deserve credit for their eclecticism - still, the album does not strike me as being very varied. Cult Cinema make diligent use of dissonance and tense chords which often appear side by side with more defined and riffage, while the drumming is actually quite varied and the main attraction for my money. This creates as a somewhat organic atmosphere, which is certainly a positive feature. But it is also this very fluid sound that might make the EP - despite the variation that is undeniably present - appear quite monotonous to some listeners (including me, sadly).
"Iscariot" is characterized by experimentation, and there certainly are plenty of positive moments to be heard, but there is one aspect that simply does not sit well with me, and that is, I must say, Ivan Ferreria's screaming vocals, which simply annoy me like hell and totally disturbs my listening experience. As it happens there are a lot of instrumental passages to even things out a bit - but do not let this discourage you, you might like the vocals.
"Iscariot" is certainly not the worst debut release, and, if you like metalcore, noise rock, sludge- and post-metal, and do not mind screaming vocals, then you certainly should check this EP out.