Thrash Metal • France
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Loudblast is a thrash metal and death metal band that pioneered the genres in France, and one of the most important French metal bands of the 1990s, beside contemporaries Massacra.

The band began in 1986 in the northern city of Lille. Its first recording was a split CD with the Nice based band Agressor. Their eight albums, on the record labels Semetary/FNAC and Metal13 were influenced by American thrash metal standards, but evolved quickly to include influences from the American death metal scene and eventually changed their style to a groove oriented melodic death metal style. Citing influences such as Slayer, Morbid Angel, Possessed, Death, Venom, Celtic Frost, Destruction, Kreator, Sodom and all Thrash-Death Metal bands from the old school... throughout the years.

The band announced that they were splitting in 1999, but after a support concert to Chuck Schuldiner's Death in 2002, the band reformed with Agressor's leader Alex
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LOUDBLAST Discography

LOUDBLAST albums / top albums

LOUDBLAST Sensorial Treatment album cover 3.50 | 1 ratings
Sensorial Treatment
Thrash Metal 1989
LOUDBLAST Disincarnate album cover 3.21 | 3 ratings
Thrash Metal 1991
LOUDBLAST Sublime Dementia album cover 3.50 | 1 ratings
Sublime Dementia
Thrash Metal 1993
LOUDBLAST Fragments album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Thrash Metal 1998
LOUDBLAST Planet Pandemonium album cover 3.50 | 1 ratings
Planet Pandemonium
Thrash Metal 2004
LOUDBLAST Frozen Moments Between Life and Death album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Frozen Moments Between Life and Death
Thrash Metal 2011
LOUDBLAST Burial Ground album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Burial Ground
Thrash Metal 2014
LOUDBLAST Manifesto album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Thrash Metal 2020
LOUDBLAST Altering Fates and Destinies album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Altering Fates and Destinies
Thrash Metal 2024

LOUDBLAST EPs & splits

LOUDBLAST Licensed to Thrash album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Licensed to Thrash
Thrash Metal 1987
LOUDBLAST In the Eyes of Death album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
In the Eyes of Death
Thrash Metal 1991
LOUDBLAST Cross the Threshold album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Cross the Threshold
Thrash Metal 1993

LOUDBLAST live albums

LOUDBLAST The Time Keeper album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Time Keeper
Thrash Metal 1995
LOUDBLAST Submission Tour '98 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Submission Tour '98
Thrash Metal 1998
LOUDBLAST Loud, Live & Heavy album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Loud, Live & Heavy
Thrash Metal 2009
LOUDBLAST III Decades Live Ceremony album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
III Decades Live Ceremony
Thrash Metal 2017

LOUDBLAST demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

LOUDBLAST Behind the Dark Mist album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Behind the Dark Mist
Thrash Metal 1985
LOUDBLAST Ultimate Violence album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Ultimate Violence
Thrash Metal 1986
LOUDBLAST Loudblast album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Thrash Metal 1987
LOUDBLAST Bazooka Rehearsal album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Bazooka Rehearsal
Thrash Metal 1988
LOUDBLAST Sensorial treatment album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Sensorial treatment
Thrash Metal 1989
LOUDBLAST Promo 89 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Promo 89
Thrash Metal 1989

LOUDBLAST re-issues & compilations

LOUDBLAST Licensed to Thrash album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Licensed to Thrash
Thrash Metal 1998
LOUDBLAST A Taste of Death album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
A Taste of Death
Thrash Metal 1999
LOUDBLAST Original Album Classics album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Original Album Classics
Thrash Metal 2009

LOUDBLAST singles (0)

LOUDBLAST movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)

.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Dementia Circle
Thrash Metal 1994
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Thrash Metal 1999


LOUDBLAST Planet Pandemonium

Album · 2004 · Thrash Metal
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"Planet Pandemonium" is the fifth full-length studio album by French thrash/death metal act Loudblast. The album was released through Boycott Records in February 2004. It´s the successor to "Fragments" from 1998 and it features two lineup changes since the predecessor as bassist François Jamin has been replaced by Alex Lenormand and guitarist Nicolas Leclercq has been replaced by Alex Colin-Tocquaine.

Stylistically the material on "Planet Pandemonium" is completely different from the groove oriented metal style with throathy semi-growling/shouting vocals, which Loudblast played on "Fragments (1998)". In fact it´s so different that it could well be two different bands having recorded the two releases. "Planet Pandemonium" is closer in style to "Sublime Dementia (1993)", although "Planet Pandemonium" features a more clear, powerful, and sharp sound production. It´s technically well played thrash/death metal with both heavy groove oriented sections and death/thrashy riff sections. Most tracks are mid-paced and heavy, but there are also a couple of faster-paced tracks on the album (album opener "Bow Down" is an example of that). The vocals are intelligible semi-growling/raw throaty thrash metal type vocals and are well performed, suiting the instrumental part of the music.

"Planet Pandemonium" features a powerful and well sounding production too, so upon conclusion it´s a quality release by Loudblast and a welcome comeback after their long hiatus. If I have to mention one issue related to the album, it´s the same issue I´ve had with most of Loudblast preceding releases. The riffs and the songwriting in general are simply too standard for the genre, and not memorable enough. There´s nothing of bad quality here or anything like that, but Loudblast just don´t stand out on the scene with what they have to offer. Still a 3.5 star (70%) rating isn´t all wrong.


Album · 1998 · Thrash Metal
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"Fragments" is the 4th full-length studio album by French death metal act Loudblast. The album was released through Metal 13 Records in 1998. It´s the successor to "Sublime Dementia" from 1993. Although there have been no lineup changes between the release of "Sublime Dementia (1993)" and "Fragments", the music style has changed quite a bit. Loudblast started out playing death/thrash metal in the late 80s/early 90s and over the course of their first three albums added a technical dimension to their music. On "Fragments" they play a groove oriented heavy metal style with throathy semi-growling/shouting vocals, and they now sound closer to contemporary Machine Head than to the early 90s technical death/thrash scene that they were previously assiociated with. The riffs and the drumming are heavy and groove laden and the vocals raw and shouting in key.

Loudblast are still a skilled unit and they deliver their music with great technical skill. The material is generally a bit tame though. Not many riffs stand out and the vocals are a rather one-dimensional listen (think a more brutal and monotone James Hetfield and you´re not far off the mark). The sound production is professional and detailed, but it lacks power and punch, and ultimately it´s too polished and clean for its own good.

So "Fragments" is an album which shows great development of sound and style, but while it´s not a bad quality release by any means, the new musical direction isn´t quite the success it could have been. The whole thing lacks power and enthusiasm and the album becomes a little boring after a couple tracks. My ears tend to listen to what the musicians are doing rather than listen to the actual music (the drumming is for example quite tasteful), and that´s usually a sign that the songs lack memorable hooks and strong riffs. It´s not all bad though and a 3 star (60%) rating is still warranted.

LOUDBLAST Sublime Dementia

Album · 1993 · Thrash Metal
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"Sublime Dementia" is the 3rd full-length studio album by French death metal act Loudblast. The album was released through Semetery Records in October 1993. It´s the successor to "Disincarnate" from 1991 and there´s been one lineup change since the predecessor as drummer Thierry Pinck has been replaced by Hervé Coquerel (a change that has had great impact on the music, but more on that later). It´s the third drummer in the band on as many albums. "Sublime Dementia" was recorded and mixed at Morrisound Studios in Florida with producer Scott Burns.

Stylistically the material on "Sublime Dementia" continue the US influenced death metal style of "Disincarnate (1991)", but it´s generally a much more sophisticated and varied release than its direct predecessor. The sound production is also of a better quality than the relatively powerless sound on "Disincarnate (1991)", although the production on "Sublime Dementia" isn´t one of the best coming out of Morrisound Studios. It´s decent though and doesn´t distract from the music.

Listening to "Sublime Dementia" it´s audible that Loudblast have had a long look in the mirror after releasing two pretty mediocre albums because the quality of the riffs, the guitar solos, and the growling vocals are all pretty high. Add to that new drummer Hervé Coquerel, who has a varied, powerful, and technical drumming style, which provides the band´s music with a much needed injection of energy and power, and I´m at least half impressed by Loudblast, which isn´t something I thought would be possible after listening to the first two albums.

Not everything is great here, and I could for example have lived without listening to the (fortunately) short atmospheric interlude track "About Solitude" (featuring high pitched female vocals), where I think Loudblast opted for including too much variation and experimentation. The type of death metal which is heard on most tracks on the album is predominantly heavy and mid-paced, but as mentioned above nicely energetic because of the drumming style. Upon conclusion "Sublime Dementia" is a positive surprise and a step up for Loudblast and a 3.5 - 4 star (75%) rating is deserved.

LOUDBLAST Disincarnate

Album · 1991 · Thrash Metal
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"Disincarnate" is the 2nd full-length studio album by French death/thrash metal act Loudblast. The album was released through Semetery Records in July 1991. It´s the successor to "Sensorial Treatment" from 1989 and features one lineup change since the predecessor as drummer Joris Terrier has been replaced by Thierry Pinck.

Stylistically Loudblast have shed the thrash metal leanings of "Sensorial Treatment (1989)" and have gone for a more pure US influenced death metal sound on "Disincarnate". The US influence may in part be a result of the album being recorded and mixed by Scott Burns at Morrisound Studios in Tampa, Florida. "Disincarnate" features a time-typical Scott Burns sound production, but not one of his better ones. In fact the sound production is powerless and renders the music less brutal and raw than it potentially could have been.

The material is decent enough but ultimately very standard for the time and for the genre. The musicianship is alright and lead vocalist/guitarist Stephane Buriez gets the job done with his growling delivery. Again it´s nothing out of the ordinary for the genre, and a little more bite and variation in the way the vocals are delivered and maybe a few more memorable riffs and rhythms could have done the trick.

Upon conclusion "Disincarnate" leaves me relatively indifferent and I don´t really remember anything from the album after it has finished playing. There weren´t many French death metal acts releasing albums in those days (Massacra, Supuration, and Misanthrope come to mind, but not many others), and that makes this album a slightly exotic fruit in the vast sea of Swedish, UK, US, Dutch, and German death metal albums released in the early 90s. Being an exotic fruit doesn´t mean you don´t have to deliver quality though, and compared to the best artists in the genre from that time, this is simply a bit sub par. A 3 star (60%) rating is still warranted though.

LOUDBLAST Sensorial Treatment

Album · 1989 · Thrash Metal
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"Sensorial Treatment" is the debut full-length studio album by French death/thrash metal act Loudblast. The album was released through Jungle Hop Records in 1989. Loudblast were formed in 1985 and were pioneers on the French death/thrash metal scene along with artists like Massacra, Mercyless, and Agressor. It was not a scene that you heard much about back then, but especially Loudblast and Massacra did receive some attention and experienced some success. Before getting signed and releasing "Sensorial Treatment", Loudblast were pretty active on the French underground scene and they released no less than six demo tapes in the 80s and appeared on the 1987 "Licenced to Thrash" split. So this is a band who worked for their success and honed their songwriting craft and playing skills in the process.

Stylistically the material on "Sensorial Treatment" are on the boarder between thrash metal and death metal, and if I´d have to chose I´d call this brutal thrash metal rather than death metal with thrash metal traits. The most valid and obvious reference would be late 80s/early 90s Sepultura. We´re treated to fast-paced thrash metal riffing (and heavier death metal influenced riffs too) and screaming chromatic solos, a solid and energetic rhythm section, and a raw barking lead vocalist. Even for the time it´s not particularly original and the material aren´t fully on par with the best contemporary releases (at least in terms of catchiness and memorability). When that is said "Sensorial Treatment" is still a quality release and it´s certainly enjoyable while it plays.

The album features a relatively well sounding and powerful sound production, but nothing out of the ordinary for the time. So this all leads up to my evaluation of the album, which is that it´s a quality death/thrash release, but it´s not what I´d characterize as a seminal release in the genre. A 3.5 star (70%) rating is still deserved though, and fans of brutal thrash or death/thrash (or whatever you want to call it), are recommended to check it out.

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