Time Signature
A way in...
Genre: (post-)hardcore/crossover
Yes, the first track might primarily be sludgy and quite melodic in a way, but this release is, when it all comes down, deeply rooted in d-beating hardcore punk, and is perhaps best described as a sort of post-hardcore release.
"Human Progress - Endless Regress" is nonetheless rich in heavy metal elements - not just from sludge metal (which features quite prominently on the album), but also from thrash and speed metal. For instance, one of the main sections of 'Changes' and 'Said and Done' sound quite speed-metal inspired, while 'A Way Out' and 'The Enemy' feature some primitive in-yer-face thrashy palm-muted riffing, while 'Human Progress' features some figures that sound almost like old school death metal.
The production is raw and unpolished, and the vocals are invariable screamed, but these features just the music quite well, and, on the whole, if you like hardcore punk with lots of elements from sludge metal, thrash metal and other types of metal - all amounting to s sort of post-crossover style, then you should definitely check out this rough 'n' tough release by Mediocracy.