Rose Funeral are a deathcore band that are actually one of the more boring ones than all the rest. We have bad riffs, uninspiring drums, stupid breakdowns, and stupid lyrics. I don't have much to say for their debut album 'Crucify. Kill. Rot.', but the main thing I'll tell you is not to listen to it.
You probably can tell if you're off to a bad start on an album when the first song's lyrics are "CRUCIFY! KILL! ROT!" repeated several times. Sadly, the rest of the album doesn't get better with the lyrics. On "Sledgehammer Facelift" you have brainless lyrics like:
"My sledge Your face Is your fucking death Taken your life To satesfy Shaking begging I spit in your face Now I have your Life in my hands"
Like I said, I really don't have much to say about this, because honestly, it's not interesting music.