Non-Metal / Alternative Metal / Metal Related • Norway — the ultimate metal music online community, with discographies, reviews and forums
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Seigmen was a Norwegian band in the 1990s, whose music varied from Progressive Metal/Rock to Alternative Rock and Goth Rock. The band's name is derived from a Norwegian brand of man-shaped jelly candies (Seigmenn). Although hard to categorize, their music varies from album to album. Total was the album which caught Norway's ears. Some of the songs such as Sort Tulipan were very gloomy and had a gothic-like atmosphere. Metropolis is their most well-known album to this date. Radiowaves is the album that shows a significant change on their style. The keyboardist/programmer Eric Ljungren (who later would join Kim, Alex and Noralf in Zeromancer) is more present and the songs are similar to New order and Depeche Mode. They'd split in 1999 after a farewell tour. Seigmen reunited during the UKA-festival in Trondheim, Norway on October 20, 2005, and decided in November 2005 to do even more reunion-gigs in Norway read more...
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SEIGMEN Discography

SEIGMEN albums / top albums

SEIGMEN Ameneon album cover 3.94 | 4 ratings
Alternative Metal 1993
SEIGMEN Total album cover 4.00 | 5 ratings
Metal Related 1994
SEIGMEN Metropolis album cover 3.33 | 4 ratings
Non-Metal 1995
SEIGMEN Radiowaves album cover 4.50 | 1 ratings
Non-Metal 1997
SEIGMEN Enola album cover 4.00 | 2 ratings
Non-Metal 2015

SEIGMEN EPs & splits

SEIGMEN Pluto album cover 4.00 | 3 ratings
Alternative Metal 1992
SEIGMEN Hjernen er alene album cover 4.50 | 1 ratings
Hjernen er alene
Non-Metal 1994
SEIGMEN Opera for the Crying Machinery album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Opera for the Crying Machinery
Non-Metal 1997

SEIGMEN live albums

SEIGMEN Rockefeller album cover 5.00 | 1 ratings
Non-Metal 2006

SEIGMEN demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

SEIGMEN Metropolis: The Grandmaster Recordings album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Metropolis: The Grandmaster Recordings
Non-Metal 1996

SEIGMEN re-issues & compilations

SEIGMEN Monument album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Non-Metal 1999

SEIGMEN singles (8)

.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Alternative Metal 1993
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Non-Metal 1994
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Non-Metal 1995
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Non-Metal 1995
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Slaver av solen
Non-Metal 1996
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
The First Wave
Non-Metal 1997
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
The Next Wave
Non-Metal 1997
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Döderlein (live Rockefeller)
Non-Metal 2006

SEIGMEN movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)


SEIGMEN Metropolis

Album · 1995 · Non-Metal
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"Metropolis" is the third full-length studio album by Norwegian rock act Seigmen. The album was released through the 1:70 label in October 1995. It´s the successor to "Total" from 1994. The original album release features Norwegian language lyrics, but the band released an English language version of the album in February 1996 titled "Metropolis – The Grandmaster Recordings". Probably as an attempt to have a breakthrough outside of Scandinavia. "Metropolis" is Seigmen´s most commercially successful release and although it´s not a mainstrean seeking rock album, it is overall more accessible than the two albums which precede it.

Stylistically the music is dark, heavy (not in a heavy metal fashion), and melancholic rock and although this is generally a bit more harder edged and energetic, I´m often reminded of The Cure albeit with Norwegian lyrics. Lead vocalist Alex Møklebust, whispers, sings emotional parts, and at times a bit more raw, and his voice and singing style are great for this style of music. The bass is a prominent instrument in Seigmen´s music and along with the two guitars create a gloomy and depressive atmosphere. The drums are dynamic and perfectly compliment both the softer parts of the music as well as the louder and more hard rocking sections.

Among the highlights on the 11 track, 57:38 minutes long album are the opening title track, the anthemic "Slaver av solen", the beatiful instrumental "Circus", and the 11:47 minutes long closing track "Nemesis" (which does end with 3 minutes of annoying feedback noise, but is otherwise a great track). Every track on the album is worth a mention though, and "Metropolis" is through and through a quality release. That feeling is further enhanced by the incredibly well sounding production job, which is both powerful, detailed, and suiting the music perfectly. A 4 star (80%) rating is deserved.

SEIGMEN Rockefeller

Live album · 2006 · Non-Metal
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"Rockefeller" is a live album release by Norwegian dark/melancholic rock act Seigmen. The album was released through 1:70 (a subsidiary label to Sony Music Entertainment) in June 2006. The album was recorded at Rockefeller Music Hall, Oslo, Norway, from February 16th to 18th, 2006. Seigmen disbanded in 1999 but temporarily reunited in 2005 and played several reunion concerts in Norway.

The 13 tracks on the 74:59 minutes long album are predominantly taken from the band´s arguably most popular albums "Total (1994)" and "Metropolis (1995)" with a few nods toward "Ameneon (1993)" and the "Pluto (1992)" EP. In addition to that there are are couple of single tracks on the album too. As "Radiowaves (1997)" was generally not that well received by fans of the band, it´s no surprise that Seigmen haven´t included a single track from that album. They´ve simply picked their most revered tracks for this live album and the tracklist works wonders because of it. There are so many highlights to pick from but "classics" like "Ohm", "Slaver av Solen", the ultra heavy "Colosseum", "Döderlein", and the somewhat progressive, dark and heavy "Mesusah" are some of my favorite picks from "Rockefeller".

The album features a great flow and energy with a lot of audience participation/reactions like singing, clapping, and shouting. Even though "Rockefeller" features a very powerful and professional sound quality, it´s still obvious that this is a "real" live album, recorded in front of a live audience. It´s interesting how music as dark and melancholic as this can be this raw, powerful, and groovy in a live setting. The band are exceptionally well playing (the energetic drumming and the melancholic guitar leads are among the greatest assets) and lead vocalist Alex Møklebust is positively on fire throughout the album. In addition to delivering flawless vocals he has a great way of communicating with the audience, that makes "Rockefeller" a very authentic sounding live album. It´s not often I come across live albums, that are greater than an artist´s studio output, but to my ears "Rockefeller" might very well be Seigmen´s crowning achievement. A 5 star (100%) rating is fully deserved. If you´ve never heard of Seigmen before, I recommend starting here.


Album · 2015 · Non-Metal
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"Enola" is the 5th full-length studio album by Norwegian rock act Seigmen. The album was released through Indie Recordings in April 2015. Seigmen is a very prolific act in their homeland, and especially enjoyed a lot of success in the mid-90s. They disbanded after releasing "Radiowaves (1997)" that generally didn´t resonate that well with their fans, but reunited in 2005 to play some shows (which resulted in the brilliant "Rockefeller (2006)" live album), again in 2008, and finally in 2012, where the idea of recording a new studio album began. According to bassist/main composer Kim Ljung the original intention wasn´t to record a full-length studio album, but the material just started coming to him, and Seigmen soon had enough written material to enter a studio to record their first album in 18 years.

18 years is a long time between albums, so it´s remarkable how "Enola" sounds unmistakably like Seigmen. Heavy and dark melancholic rock with Norwegian lyrics, featuring the trademark dynamic of restrained verses and louder anthemic choruses. It´s like "Radiowaves (1997)" never existed and "Enola" was released right after "Metropolis (1995)". For most fans of the band that´s probably a big relief.

The material on the 10 track, 51:40 minutes long album (the vinyl version features the bonus track "Mot I Brystet") is well written, catchy, and always features the dark melancholy that is Seigmen´s trademark. Some tracks are slightly more light in mood (with an emphasis on slightly), while others are really dark and heavy. Examples of the latter are "Trøst", "I Mitt Hus", and "Til Verdens Ende". The two last mentioned even feature a couple of metal oriented riffs. In the other end of the spectrum there´s a ballad type track like "Tenn Alle Lys". It´s Alex Møklebust emotional vocals which set the mood, but the heavy rhythm section, and the two guitarists who compliment each other with clean and distorted tones and rhythm and leads, and seldom play in unison, are also important parts of the band´s sound.

"Enola" is very well produced, featuring a powerful, dark, and organic sound production, which suits the music perfectly. An extra atmosphere enhancer if you will. It´s always with some hesitation and fear that I listen to comeback albums by artists I once used to enjoy a lot, but "Enola" won me over on first listen. The fact that Seigmen sounds like they were never gone, although it´s been almost 20 years, is incredible, and it´s like being transported right back to the mid-90s and the heyday of this great band. "Enola" is a high quality release through and through and a 4 star (80%) rating is deserved.


Album · 1994 · Metal Related
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"Total" is the 2nd full-length studio album by Norwegian rock/metal act Seigmen. The album was released through 1:70/Voices Of Wonder in October 1994. The cover artwork features a different colour depending on which label version you own.

To begin with "Total" pretty much continues down the same dark and heavy rock/metal path as "Ameneon (1993)" walked. Depressive moody vocals, occasional more raw vocal ourbursts, heavy riffs but also more atmospheric guitar playing, busy and challenging drumming, and unconventional song structures. The atmosphere of total despair and sadness which "Ameneon (1993)" was drenched in, is also present on "Total" and is still a central element in the band´s sound.

Tracks like "Colosseum" and "Ohm" represent this part of the band´s sound, but Seigmen have a few surprises up their sleeve. "Total" is generally less "metallic" in style than the case was on "Ameneon (1993)" although it was always debatable if the band´s music should be tagged metal. A rock and metal hybrid is probably a more correct description of their early output. Even though the metal element is not as prominent on "Total" as it was on "Ameneon (1993)" it is still a bit surprising when "Sort Tulipan" kicks in. It´s an atmospheric and quiet track, drenched in melancholi and featuring violins. A kind of dark chamber rock track. So for about 6 minutes right there, in the middle of the 10 track, 58:12 minutes long album, it´s like the storm dies down and we´re left to mourn the damages it caused. The pace and intensity of the tracks pick up again after this but again dies down on "Nephilia" (and pretty much stays that way for the remainder of the album), which is another dark chamber rock track with cello and chanting vocals. So as mentioned "Total" is not as intense and heavy as "Ameneon (1993)" is. Instead it´s more dynamic and varied. At 58:12 minutes it´s also a pretty long album, but because of the variation on the album the almost hour long album flows by in an enjoyable way.

The musicianship is excellent. Everything is delivered with conviction and once you get used to Alex Møklebust´s rather expressive and distinct sounding vocal style, it´s hard not to appreciate how much his efforts mean to the music. "Total" is also packed in a clear and powerful sound production and this is just the kind of album that screams high class from a mile away.

"Total" is overall a great successor to "Ameneon (1993)", which itself was a really great album. While I don´t find all the features equally interesting or entertaining (sometimes the music becomes a bit too self-important and repetition is also a slight issue at times), it´s great to hear a band have the courage to develop their sound and branch out into new territories like Seigmen do on "Total". Boldness that proves to be even a partial success, should always be rewarded and a 3.5 - 4 star (75%) rating is deserved.


Album · 1993 · Alternative Metal
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"Ameneon" is the debut full-length studio album by Norwegian rock/metal act Seigmen. The album was released in two editions in April 1993. One through the 1:70 label and one through the Voices of Wonder label.

The music on the album continues the dark and bleak rock/metal style that was initiated on the "Pluto (1992)" EP. There´s an atmosphere of deep depression and despair about the music, which runs through every fiber of the album. The tracks are heavy and atmospheric but occasionally also a bit more aggressive and energetic. The drumming is especially busy throughout the album. The musicianship is strong although lead vocalist Alex Møklebust are more distinct sounding and passionate than technically skilled. His gloomy (and occasionally aggressive) vocal style suits the music very well though (the lyrics are in the Norwegian language). The two guitarists play a central role in the music complimenting each other well with heavy riffs and atmospheric leads and motifs.

The quality of the material is generally high, but I have to mention the fantastic 9:01 minutes long "Mesusah" as the major highlight of the album. The Cure inspired opening to that track is brilliant and the chanting monotone vocals really add to the gloomy mood of the song. The bleak nature of the material might lead to the deception that the music isn´t catchy and memorable, but after a few spins, that proves to be a wrong perception of tracks that are both varied and intriguingly structured. One of the great assets of "Ameneon" is, that while there are recurring themes and what can be perceived as vers/chorus structures, Seigmen make an effort to challenge those conventional structures, which ultimately results in "Ameneon" being an album that´s worth listening to again and again. Stylistically the music on "Ameneon" is hard to nail, but references to acts like Joy Division, Bauhaus, Katatonia and a slight nod towards Tool, aren´t completely wrong. Dark and depressive rock with an occassional metal edge.

Generally I´d say the songwriting is more mature than the case was on "Pluto (1992)" and the sound production is also much stronger than the case was on the EP, so all in all "Ameneon" is a natural and positive step up for Seigmen and a 4 star (80%) rating is fully deserved.

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Balthamel wrote:
more than 2 years ago
this is a great band and should have more attention, i think also they are a litle misslabeld, as i hear both doom metal, gothic metal, avant metal, alternative metal, progressive metal, and other genres of metal in their music,


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