Time Signature
Brace for impact...
Genre: thrash metal
Are you ready to thrash it up? You better be, because Shallow Ground are a bona fide retro thrash metal band. Although "Embrace the Fury" is only their second full-length album, they have been at it since 1994, and that is evident on this album.
From the fierce 'Once Again' over the heavier 'Brace for Impact' and the mosh-friendly 'Human Flame' to the brutal 'Slayer of the Gods', the listener is treated to old school thrash metal like daddy - in some cases, granddaddy, used to make it. Every song on the album is a solid thrash metal attack and a deliberate throwback to the original thrash metal scene of the 1980s and early 1990s.
The production is pretty good, and the musicianship is excellent, as is the songwriting. Shallow Ground deliberately aim at an old school thrash metal sound, so they do draw extensively on genre features and clichés of that era. Thus, if you're looking for originality, this is not the album for you, but if - like me - you want some ass-kicking solid authentic thrash metal, Shallow Ground's "Embrace the Fury" is a good place to go.