Death-Doom Metal / Doom Metal • Finland
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The death/doom luminaries of Finland, Swallow the Sun, started at the turn of the millennium when guitarist Juha Raivio collected a group of friends around him. The band's first recording, Out of This Gloomy Light demo, was recorded in January 2003 and has become a rare collectors item. This demo also brought them their first record deal with Firebox Records.

With their debut The Morning Never Came Swallow the Sun were elected newcomer of the year by Inferno Magazine and received a full 5 K review in Kerrang. The album was quoted: “One of doom metals finest moments to date”.

Ghosts of Loss, the band's second full length album climbed to number 8 on the Finnish album charts. This rare occasion, along with heavy touring both in Finland and abroad, laid the groundwork for Swallow the Sun's skyrocketing success.

In September 2006 Swallow the Sun recorded Hope, which was released
Thanks to Pekka, tupan, TheHeavyMetalCat for the updates



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SWALLOW THE SUN albums / top albums

SWALLOW THE SUN The Morning Never Came album cover 4.00 | 9 ratings
The Morning Never Came
Death-Doom Metal 2003
SWALLOW THE SUN Ghosts of Loss album cover 3.78 | 9 ratings
Ghosts of Loss
Death-Doom Metal 2005
SWALLOW THE SUN Hope album cover 3.91 | 11 ratings
Death-Doom Metal 2007
SWALLOW THE SUN New Moon album cover 3.80 | 16 ratings
New Moon
Death-Doom Metal 2009
SWALLOW THE SUN Emerald Forest and the Blackbird album cover 3.96 | 15 ratings
Emerald Forest and the Blackbird
Doom Metal 2012
SWALLOW THE SUN Songs from the North I, II & III album cover 3.57 | 7 ratings
Songs from the North I, II & III
Death-Doom Metal 2015
SWALLOW THE SUN When A Shadow Is Forced Into The Light album cover 3.83 | 6 ratings
When A Shadow Is Forced Into The Light
Doom Metal 2019
SWALLOW THE SUN Moonflowers album cover 3.83 | 5 ratings
Doom Metal 2021
SWALLOW THE SUN Shining album cover 4.50 | 1 ratings
Doom Metal 2024


SWALLOW THE SUN Plague of Butterflies album cover 4.00 | 4 ratings
Plague of Butterflies
Death-Doom Metal 2008
SWALLOW THE SUN Lumina Aurea album cover 3.50 | 1 ratings
Lumina Aurea
Doom Metal 2018

SWALLOW THE SUN live albums

SWALLOW THE SUN 20 Years of Gloom, Beauty and Despair: Live in Helsinki album cover 4.00 | 1 ratings
20 Years of Gloom, Beauty and Despair: Live in Helsinki
Doom Metal 2021

SWALLOW THE SUN demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

SWALLOW THE SUN Out of This Gloomy Light album cover 3.50 | 2 ratings
Out of This Gloomy Light
Death-Doom Metal 2003

SWALLOW THE SUN re-issues & compilations

SWALLOW THE SUN singles (2)

.. Album Cover
4.00 | 1 ratings
Forgive Her...
Death-Doom Metal 2005
.. Album Cover
4.00 | 1 ratings
Don't Fall Asleep
Death-Doom Metal 2007

SWALLOW THE SUN movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)



Album · 2021 · Doom Metal
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Melodic doommasters Swallow the Sun have just released their eight full-length album, Moonflowers, which came out on 19th November 2021 via Century Media. The new album follows what many consider to be the pinnacle of the Finnish band’s career so far, 2019’s When a Shadow Is Forced into the Light, a gorgeous, dark record suspended between doom/gothic metal, prog and post-rock and packed with tremendous emotional intensity due to the dramatic events that inspired its songwriting (the untimely death of Juha Raivio’s partner, Aleah Stanbridge). Written entirely by Raivio and recorded by the same line-up as the previous album (minus keyboard player Jaani Peuhu, who here only provides backing vocals), Moonflowers draws inspiration from the same sorrowful place as Swallow the Sun’s previous LP and it can be considered in many ways its lyrical and musical continuation. There are subtle differences in mood and style, though, which ensures Moonflowers tells its own tale of pain and sorrow and does not just replicate what had already been told by the previous album.

The 8 tracks of Moonflowers tell the intimate and unashamedly personal tale of Raivio’s pain and depression triggered by the loss of Aleah, symbolized by the album’s shocking cover art that Raivio painted with his own blood. The music perfectly captures this dark mood: it is slow, oppressive and full of dramatic contrasts. The songs swing continuously between minimalistic sections dominated by delicate guitar arpeggios and beautiful string arrangements, and violent accelerations with distorted guitars, devastating growls and blast beats. The music feels intentionally unadorned: drums and bass often play very simple patterns, sticking to the beat without too many embellishments. The keyboards are also used sparingly and even the guitar riffs are used in moderation, leaving arpeggios and simple, forlorn leads take the spotlight.

The other main ingredient of the album are the string arrangements played by the Trio N O X, a Finnish group of classical musicians playing violin, viola and cello. The symphonic flair provided by the strings is probably the most distinctive aspect of the album that draws a clear distinction relative to its predecessor. The strings greatly contribute to the dramatic atmosphere of the record and provide a stark contrast with the rest of the electrified instrumentation. With all these elements in place, the album offers a near perfect combination of all the elements that Swallow the Sun have been incorporating into their sound for years now, from the sludgy tempos of doom, to the ferocity of black/death metal, to the romantic atmosphere of gothic metal, to the mellowness of post-rock and the sophistication of progressive metal.

Despite the common lyrical and sonic themes, there is a great deal of variation across the 8 tracks of the album. The record opens and closes with what are the most intense and dramatic pieces of the whole LP. “Moonflowers Bloom in Darkness” is probably the best track here, opening with a sombre, disheartened waltz that suddenly explodes in a stunning blackened chorus where Mikko Kotamäki’s pained vocals paint an all too real image of the “fires of Misery” he sings about. Album closer “This House Has No Home” follows a similar inspiration and reconnects also lyrically with the opener. This is probably the bleakest and most forlorn piece of the record, to the point that it almost hurts to listen to it. “Woven into Sorrow” is another slow-burn piece that follows similar musical coordinates, accentuating the doom/death component of the music. Elsewhere Moonflowers softens its stance and lets the gothic undertones of the music come more to the fore. “Enemy” and “The Void” are the most accessible tracks on the album, with gorgeously catchy vocal lines and a sense of melancholy that brings to mind the best work of Katatonia. “All Hallow’s Grieve” is another beautiful and incredibly melodic gothic piece that represents the emotional peak of the record. The song also stands out for Cammie Gilbert’s (Oceans of Slumber) cameo, her soulful voice playing a perfect counterpoint to Kotamäki’s forlorn crooning. The guitars shine on this track too, from the stunning arpeggio that opens the song to the howling guitar solo that brings it to its climax.

Meanwhile, on “Keep Your Heart Safe from Me” and “The Fight of Your Life” the band experiment with more complex, long-form compositions, alternating acoustic sections with heavier parts (big Opeth vibes here) and playing with subtle atmospheres and mood shifts, rather than relying on melodic accessibility. I’ll be honest – these tracks do not grab me as much as the rest of the album, to the point that I feel the record drags a bit through their combined 14 minutes. This is probably the main weakness of Moonflowers: despite all its splendour, the album does falter in a couple of episodes and its songwriting is not as homogeneously stellar as that on When a Shadow Is Forced into the Light. Strong tracks like “Moonflowers Bloom in Darkness”, “Enemy”, and “All Hallow’s Grieve” are counterbalanced by more inaccessible episodes, like the two songs just mentioned, but even “This House Has No Home” and “Woven into Sorrow” feel bleak and forbidding in comparison.

This unevenness underscores even more what is probably the true essence of this record: Moonflowers is no easy listening material. It’s dark, dense and desperate music, to the point that Juha Raivio himself confessed to find it hard to listen back to these songs after having recorded them. His pain feels raw and real and, as an outside listener, it almost hurts to be its witness. There is a raging fury smoldering underneath the album’s 52 minutes that has all but replaced the sweet romanticism of the material contained on When a Shadow Is Forced into the Light. On that album, the loss of the loved one was tempered by the remembrance of her love, Aleah’s spirit still very much present in every note. That presence is now gone, extinguished, and Moonflowers sings of absence, rather than of loss. The difference is subtle, yet dramatic and crippling. It explains why the music can sometimes feel so difficult, unadorned and barren. Therein probably lie both the greatest virtue and flaw of the album: the thick gloom and rage that transpire from Moonflowers can be intoxicating, but also taxing and emotionally draining for the listener as much as for the man who wrote the music, and while I just couldn’t get enough of When a Shadow Is Forced into the Light, I can only take Moonflowers in small doses, separated in time.

[Originally written for The Metal Observer]

SWALLOW THE SUN Emerald Forest and the Blackbird

Album · 2012 · Doom Metal
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Time Signature
Doom, lead the way...

Genre: doom metal

I know I have said it before, and I do not mind saying it again (and again (and again (and again))), but doom metal is one of the most interesting heavy metal subgenres. Just because the focus is on playing slow music, it does not mean that all doom metal is boring.

Far from it.

Just take the Finnish doom masters Swallow The Sun's latest effort Emerald Forest and the Blackbird, which was released in the beginning of this year. As is traditional in doom metal, the album is characterized by an emphasis on the melancholic, and the tempos are generally heavy without the music every becoming too slow. While some doom bands opt for a minimalistic approach, Swallow The Sun have gone for lush textures and a general multi-facettedness on this album. Thus, the traditional doom metal riffs are accompanied by atmospheric keyboards, female vocals, clean guitars, strings, symphonic effects and whatnot, and I do not think it would be incorrect to describe the music on this album as a different type of epic doom metal.

The heavy and doom-laden sections are considerably melodic and harmonic – and very compelling. Understanding the dynamics of mellow and heay, Swallow The Sun's composition juxtapose these heavy doom metal sections with soft, but dark, melodic, and often melodic, passages. Moreover, the Finnish doom act import elements from other metal genres, such as brutal death metal growls, metalcore screams (and this actually works surprisingly well) and, as heard in, 'Hate, Lead the Way', melodic black metal. There is also an overall gothic feel to the album, which at times makes me think of The Gathering's Mandylion and at other times of post-Draconian Times Paradise Lost.

More on the melodic side of things, Swallow The Sun's Emerald Forest and the Blackbird might not appeal to those who like their doom metal totally bleak, but it definitely captures the melancholy of doom metal spot on, and if you like darkly lush and sorrowfully epic doom metal with a progressive touch, then this is an album you must not miss out on.

(review originally posted at seaoftranquility.org)

SWALLOW THE SUN Emerald Forest and the Blackbird

Album · 2012 · Doom Metal
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Yes, doom is a many diverse genre. From rock and roll styles of Candlemass & Cathedral to the doom and gloom of My Dying Bride & Paradise Lost, the genre can have a lot of faces.

Now these guys have been on my radar for a while now, mainly because my brother was a bit of a fan of them. I won’t lie, as much as I like these guys, nothing of theirs has ever really stood out and grabbed my attention. I won’t lie, their sound is amazing, the lead vocalist growls like a demon from hell and overall they sound amazing, but sometimes they can be quite generic and repetitive. This is the album they needed to make.

This album really surprised me. I thought that listening to this would be a chore, but it really was. Ok, at times it was a bit boring and repetitive, but the rest really surprised me. The band really experimented with different styles and tones on this album than previous releases.

The album is definitely a lot more gothic than there previous releases. At times the band reminded me of another doom band Draconian and at times more gothic influences reminded me of HIM and Charon (2 fellow Finn bands). Also, black metal elements, the norm melo death and even some proggy moments.

Musically the band is as good as they always have been. A lot more clean vocals can be heard on this album, giving the album a more melancholic and gothic tone. Lyrically, the bands lyrics are the same as always, and remind me of very beautiful poems, with their type of metal being the perfect soundtrack. And the death growls are as evil as ever.

1. Emerald Forest & The Blackbird – An epic start to the album. With the slow icy narrations and the nice melodic moments, the song then explodes to one dark evil dank song. Amazing start to the album. 9/10

2. This Cut Is The Deepest – An almost ballady sounding song. Some nice melodies and vocals, but pretty standard nonetheless. 7/10 3. Hate, Lead The Way! - Wow, I wasn't expecting this song. With Mikko sounding very much like Alexi from Children Of Bodom, and some pretty cool black metal sounding shrieks, this is definitly one of the better shorter songs on the album. 10/10

4. Cathedral Walls – A nice slow paced ballad, with some good vocals from Anette Olson (from Nightwish). The song then explodes into one dark and dank, and quite evily sounding vocals. 9/10

5. Hearts Wide Shut – Another slow paced song. As usual it is pretty standard. This song does remind me of the gothic metal band Charon though. 8/10

6. Silent Towers – Some nice passed vocals. I love how the song is almost like a poem with musical accompaniment. 8/10

7. Labyrinth Of London – The best song on the album. A very melodic death paced song with some amazing vocals from Miiko. A very diverse song with some really epic and surprising moments. Great haunting chorus too. 10/10

8. Of Death & Corruption – One of the most kick ass songs on the album. Pretty killer riffs and a cool chorus. 8/10

9. April 14th – One of the darkest songs on the album. The into to this song is eerie as hell, and when the song really kicks off, it is one very evil moment. One of the most black metal influenced songs on the album. 10/10

10. Night Will Forgive Us – A great ending to the album. Full of twists and turns and reflective moments. Great way to see the album fade away. 8/10

CONCLUSION: I didn't think I was going to like this, and I was very surprised. This is definitly there most diverse album and I can't wait to see what these guys are gonna do next.



Album · 2009 · Death-Doom Metal
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"New Moon" is the 4th full-length studio album by Finnish doom/ goth metal act Swallow the Sun. The album was released in November 2009 by Spinefarm Records.

The music on the album is a mix of doom, goth and death/ black metal. The vocals by lead vocalist Mikko Kotamaki vary between deep death growls, clean vocals and the occasional higher pitched raspy black metal vocal. There are also some female vocals on the "Lights on the Lake (Horror pt. III)" track. I´d say Amorphis and Paradise Lost are the biggest sources of inspiration for Swallow the Sun, but these guys do well at coming up with original ideas and they have a sound of their own IMO. Not all tracks on the album are equally intricate, but all songs are of high quality. Personally I like the more structurally complex and most extreme tracks like "These Woods Breathe Evil" and "Weight of the Dead" the most, and I could have lived without the more "goth" tinged songs/ elements on the album, but even those songs/ moments are very well performed and suit the general mood and atmosphere of the album well.

The production is very well sounding and professional.

"New Moon" is a very good album by Swallow the Sun and while it´s not exactly my personal cup of tea, I never deny quality and a 3.5 - 4 star rating is deserved.

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