"Visceral Suture" is an eponymously titled EP by Chinese, Shenyang based death metal act Visceral Suture. The EP was released through BrutalSlamGuttural Productions in April 2011. Visceral Suture were formed in 2002 and released a demo in 2003.
It´s not exactly obvious though that the band have existed almost 10 years before recording the 3 tracks on the 10:25 minutes long EP. The musicianship is slightly untight, the sound production bordering unpleasant territory (lo-fi, unpolished, and very noisy), and the songwriting is pretty standard for the more brutal end of the death metal spectrum. There´s pretty good variation in the tempo department and the listener is exposed to both ultra fast grinding parts, mid-paced brutal grooves, and ultra brutal slam death parts. The vocals are deep unintelligible growling type vocals.
Other than the exotic fact that Visceral Suture come from China, I can´t say much positive about this release. It´s simply generic to the bone, and delivered and produced in such an amaturish manner, that I don´t see it appealing to many people. There are lots of other artists playing this style of music, who deliver it both better and more professional. Visceral Suture needs to practice, find a professional studio, and maybe be a bit more picky, when it comes to selecting material for their next release. A 2 - 2.5 star (45%) rating is warranted.