For guitar hero shred-style Neoclassical Metal, impressive musicianship is a given. For that reason, it doesn’t really matter how good the guitarist is if they are able to play this genre on a technical level, cause they’re all in the top 1%. What matters is songwriting ability, the rest of the band, vocals if any, etc. What sets it apart from other shredders? Why does it deserve my 5 cents?
In Warmen’s case… well, there isn’t anything, at least for this debut album. The album is stuffed with “good enough” Neoclassical Metal with nothing separating it from contemporaries in the genre. Yeah, the musicianship is good, but again, I need a bit more than that. It’s a mostly instrumental affair, with vocals appearing on only two tracks. The vocals are good, but nothing mind blowing in terms of ability, choruses, etc. And the instrumental tracks are, again, fine stuff, quite good, but not offering anything memorable. The only unique track would be Devil’s Mistress, which chooses the very odd avenue of having the guitars take a backseat. I mean, half the time they’re barely even noticeable, being lead by drums and synths really. It also has a great chorus, but the verses are breaks are boring.
Overall, the band doesn’t have much identity at this point. But that could change!