Time Signature
In the trash...
Genre: thrash metal
"Terror Squad" is somewhat of an underrated album. True, it is not up there with "By Inheritance" or "When Death Comes" (a lot of fans do not consider "B.A.C.K." a 'true' Artillery album, so, for political reasons, I will refrain from comparing it to "Terror Squad"), but it's still a damn fine album which certainly measures up to many of the first generation thrash metal albums which have attained status as classics.
"Terror Squad" offers all out thrash metal tracks, many of which should have been, instant classics, such as "The Challenge", "In the Trash", "Let There Be Sin", "Hunger and Greed", and the aptly titled "Decapitations of Deviants". Musically, Artillery have become considerably more technical on this album that they were on "Fear of Tomorrow".
As usual, my problem with this album lies in the production, as I think there is way too much reverb - especially on the vocals.
Anyway, if you're a thrasher, do yourself a favor and buy "Terror Squad"... and how about that cover art? How cool is that?!?