Album · 2007
Disc 1: The Father
1. Intro (0:51)
2. ThreeOhSevenOhh (2:09)
3. PissStomper (1:51)
4. TheKidsCanGetFucked (2:14)
5. RockNRollJihad (1:55)
6. BrokeAssBitch (3:18)
7. MyspaceYourFace (2:37)
8. AngryDragon (1:28)
9. ILoveThePills (2:32)
10. DusterDuster (3:17)
11. TheNightTheyBurnedOldEmoDown (5:10)
Total Time: 27:22
Disc 2: Un)Holy Ghost
1. TendonsSlicedForTransport (1:29)
2. TheRichBreedFuckingCockheadChildrenWhoWillOneDayBeYourEmployer (0:24)
3. TheWorldAndEveryoneInItDeservesToDie (0:24)
4. RecreationalKilling (1:14)
5. BetterStartASeedBank (1:09)
6. ChildLabourEconomics (1:06)
7. BarrelChockFullOfDeadCops (0:50)
8. CzechItOutIGotSomeRules (0:16)
9. LustMord (1:39)
10. OhMyMyRahindley (0:34)
11. E55 (0:10)
12. RapedWithATyreIron (1:28)
13. ISawYourDadSuckingOffAnotherDudesDad (0:38)
14. OrgansForAProfit (0:58)
15. StrungUpWithCockInHand (0:58)
16. BalladOfHenryAndotis (3:20)
Total Time: 16:37
Disc 3: The Son
1. SlowAndLongina (21:15)
Total Time: 21:15
- Jason P.C. / bass
- Tone Bone Silver / vocals
- M-Lo / guitars (rhythm)
- Belt-Thrower / guitars (lead)
- Rizzo / drums
About this release
Released April 28th, 2007 on Obscene Productions.
The release is split into three discs, each playing different genres:
Disc 1: "The Father" (Hard Rock)
Disc 2: "The (un)Holy Ghost" (Grindcore)
Disc 3: "The Son" (Drone Doom)
The third disc is downloadable from the band's official site using a password included with the CD.
All the song titles have NO space in them.
Released on LP mid-2008 by Apathic View Productions Productions, featuring the rock album on the first vinyl, and the grindcore/drone albums on the second. LP designs were handled by Kaos Grafix.
Lyden Nå is Norwegian for "The Now Sound".
Thanks to Bosh66 for the updates