Time Signature
Son of a gun...
Genre: cowpunk, new wave
"Call of the Wild" is more of a country-inspired post-punk album with elements of hard rock and blues rock. It is an entertaining album, to be sure, with a lot of not-too-bad tunes on it, which contain numerous references, lyrical and musical, to the universe of country-western culture (including lryrical topics of cattle herding, truck driving, shoot-outs, gunmen, outlaws, revenge, settling and pioneering - and musical features such as twang and slide guitar solos and banjo-like guitar figures).
While not a metal album, "Call of the Wild" is important in relation to Danish hard rock and heavy metal, since it introduced Disneyland After Dark (later D-A-D) - a band that would be the most important Danish hard rock and heavy metal band on the Danish mainstream rock scene. Ironically, D-A-D allegedly switched to metal because they became sick and tired of playing country-inspired punk.
I don't know if the generic metalhead (I apologize for this stereotypification) will like "Call of the Wild". Still, if one likes rock music and alternative music, then I think one might like "Call of the Wild."