Lackluster then, Pointless Now
It took the Scorpions 4 years to followup their wildly successful "Love At First Sting." And it shows. The Scorps clearly are trying to cash in again, and the songs are too slick, lack energy, and follow formula. Nothing here is terrible, but nothing has, well, any sting.
There are no big anthems here though perhaps the aging rockers are trying on "Rhythm of Love." Or maybe not. There's too much mid-tempo, pop-metal, pseudo-love song stuff here. "Every Minute Every Day," Walkin' on the Edge," "Passion Rules the Game," they're all just yawn-fests. There are a few moments here and there, but for the most part this is color by numbers rock. There is no stomp-your-foot, raise-your-fist power of even a relatively pop song like "No One Like You."
Ironically, this was the first Scorpions album I actually bought and I listened to it quite a bit when it was new. But that tape was jettisoned long ago and now I have to search through youtube to sample the songs again. Not surprisingly, they're even less appealing than they were in the late 80's.
Bottom Line: Scorpions have a huge catalog. Don't waste your money on this one.