Time Signature
Beyond a lifetime...
Genre: progressive hard rock
Coming from the left is the latest Adramelch album "Lights from Oblivion", which is really a kind of hybrid album in terms of style than an all out progressive metal album.
Featuring twangy guitars and plenty of inclinations from alternative rock, this album is more of a hard rock affair than a metal affair, but there definitely are metal traces in both the drumming and some of the riffage. Not content with the simplicities of straight up hard rock, Adramelch imbue their music with a considerable dose of progressiveness - some of which is inherited from progressive rock, and some of which is inherited from progressive metal.
Thus, some of the tracks on the album do come across as progressive metal light, such as my personal favorite 'Truth Lies' and a couple of others. While not all tracks on the album are equally interesting, one particularly positive features is the use of twin guitars aplenty, and the progressive approach definitely also prevents the album from being too samey.
The production is a bit strange, I think. The drums are quite prominent and have a very metallic sound to them, but the guitars are only weakly distorted and lack the explosive power to match up with the drums. I think that the music would come across much more compelling, had the guitars been less fuzzy and more distorted.
But in all, my impression of this album is definitely a positive one, and it might appeal to fans of prog rock, prog metal and hard rock alike.