Time Signature
Skull collector...
Genre: death metal
Originally released last year, "The Serpent's Redemption" was ressued in August on vinyl format via Blood Harvest with a differently ordered tracklist. The rationale behind this reissue is simply that death metal deserves to be put out on vinyl.
If you are familiar with Bombs of Hades, then you know that they embrace crust punk extensively, and the tracks on this release definitely carry on this tradition, so to speak. In particular tracks like "Skull Collector" and "Darkness My Soul" are very crust-influenced with the former being an all out crust song. That being said, the harsh Stockholm death metal elements do dominate this album, as the listener is barraged with primitive and raw death metal riffs galore. However, if compared to their 2008-EP "Carnivores" which was also reissued this fall, "The Serpent's Redemption" has a much more death 'n' roll oriented character, as heard in for instance 'Crawl Away and Bleed Frever", while the more atmospheric title track features a couple of passages that remind me a lot of Sepultura in ther tribal metal era.
The production is crunchy and organic without being too lo-fi, which suits the music itself quite well. This ma not appeal to those who like clean sounding polished modern metal, but nothing harnesses raw death-crust energy better than a crunchy production.
Fans of old school dirty Stockholm-oriented death metal are bound to enjoy this release, as are those who enjoy the crust-death metal crossover music of the likes of Bastard Priest and Acephalix; and death 'n' rollers who enjoy Entombed and Gorefest might also like it.