Sludge Metal / Drone Metal / Doom Metal • Japan — the ultimate metal music online community, with discographies, reviews and forums
Corrupted is a sludge metal / doom metal band from Osaka in Japan, formed in 1994.

Corrupted's sound is characterized by incredibly downtuned guitars and bass playing slow, monotonous riffs under deep layers of feedback. The vocals are harsh guttural grunts, and the music alternates between long instrumental sections and sections with vocals which go for long periods of time without rest. They are considered by most familiar with the genre to be one of the heaviest and darkest doom metal bands of all. However, they sometimes have long acoustic sections, spoken-word interludes, and other breaks in the style, even other instruments, as on their album El Mundo Frio, a 71-minute song which contains long sections of harp. To this effect, they recently added a keyboardist, Takehito Miyagi, to their lineup, which had previously consisted only of guitar, bass, drums, and vocals.

Corrupted has a few notable idiosyncrasies which seem
Thanks to Stooge, Bosh66 for the updates


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CORRUPTED Discography

CORRUPTED albums / top albums

CORRUPTED Paso Inferior album cover 2.69 | 7 ratings
Paso Inferior
Drone Metal 1997
CORRUPTED Llenandose De Gusanos album cover 2.14 | 5 ratings
Llenandose De Gusanos
Drone Metal 1999
CORRUPTED Paso Inferior (2002) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Paso Inferior (2002)
Sludge Metal 2002
CORRUPTED Se Hace Por Los Sueños Asesinos album cover 3.25 | 2 ratings
Se Hace Por Los Sueños Asesinos
Doom Metal 2004
CORRUPTED El Mundo Frío album cover 4.38 | 8 ratings
El Mundo Frío
Drone Metal 2005
CORRUPTED Garten der Unbewusstheit album cover 4.25 | 2 ratings
Garten der Unbewusstheit
Drone Metal 2011
CORRUPTED Felicific Algorithim album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Felicific Algorithim
Drone Metal 2018

CORRUPTED EPs & splits

CORRUPTED Anciano album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Sludge Metal 1995
CORRUPTED El Dios Queja album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
El Dios Queja
Sludge Metal 1995
CORRUPTED Nadie album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Sludge Metal 1995
CORRUPTED Grief / Corrupted album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Grief / Corrupted
Sludge Metal 1995
CORRUPTED Painkiller Vol. 1 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Painkiller Vol. 1
Sludge Metal 1996
CORRUPTED Black Army Jacket / Corrupted album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Black Army Jacket / Corrupted
Sludge Metal 1997
CORRUPTED Corrupted / Noothgrush album cover 3.50 | 1 ratings
Corrupted / Noothgrush
Sludge Metal 1997
CORRUPTED Corrupted / Enemy Soil album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Corrupted / Enemy Soil
Sludge Metal 1997
CORRUPTED Dios Injusto album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Dios Injusto
Sludge Metal 1999
CORRUPTED Corrupted / Phobia album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Corrupted / Phobia
Sludge Metal 1999
CORRUPTED Scarver's Calling / Corrupted album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Scarver's Calling / Corrupted
Sludge Metal 1999
CORRUPTED Corrupted / Machetazo album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Corrupted / Machetazo
Sludge Metal 2000
CORRUPTED Corrupted / Sloth album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Corrupted / Sloth
Sludge Metal 2000
CORRUPTED Meat Slave / Corrupted album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Meat Slave / Corrupted
Sludge Metal 2000
CORRUPTED La Victima Es Tu Mismo album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
La Victima Es Tu Mismo
Sludge Metal 2001
CORRUPTED Twin Threat To Your Sanity album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Twin Threat To Your Sanity
Sludge Metal 2001
CORRUPTED Discordance Axis / Corrupted / 324 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Discordance Axis / Corrupted / 324
Sludge Metal 2001
CORRUPTED Corrupted / Infaust album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Corrupted / Infaust
Sludge Metal 2002
CORRUPTED Empty / Gnadentod Of The Healthy album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Empty / Gnadentod Of The Healthy
Sludge Metal 2002
CORRUPTED An Island Insane album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
An Island Insane
Sludge Metal 2007
CORRUPTED Vasana album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Sludge Metal 2007
CORRUPTED 喪失:Loss album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Sludge Metal 2015

CORRUPTED live albums

CORRUPTED demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

CORRUPTED re-issues & compilations

CORRUPTED El Futuro En La Oscuridad album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
El Futuro En La Oscuridad
Sludge Metal 2008

CORRUPTED singles (0)

CORRUPTED movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)


CORRUPTED Llenandose De Gusanos

Album · 1999 · Drone Metal
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Llenadose de gusanos contains 30 plodding minutes of some of the best Drone Metal I’ve heard yet. The guitars are exceedingly simple, just droning chords, but the real magic is in the layers. Feedback and noise create a cacophony of twisted suffering, and later on, haunting choirs join in the back, rising from the graves to contribute to the hellscape. Minimalist piano comes in as well, matching the guitar chords, and adding just enough actual music to counter the wall of chaotic, disharmonious noise forming the backbone of this skeletal monolith. Funeral Doom influence is evident in the atmospheres being built with the simple but layered droning.

There’s just one little problem with that.

This album is over 2 hours long.

About 20 minutes of track one is Minimalist piano. Not offensive, but does nowhere near enough to justify the length it goes on.

Then we have the second track, which is almost an hour and 15 minutes of Ambient Drone. And not good Ambient, mind you. It’s the kind that does absolutely nothing and goes absolutely nowhere. It’s not offensive, and even manages to be pleasant in moments, but again… absolutely does not justify its hour-long run.

I have trouble calling this a very good Drone Metal album because ¾ of it is not Drone Metal and ¾ of it is not very good. Corrupted prove here they’ve got potential, and display some of the best early Drone Metal around. But, the album is beyond bloated with non-Metal nonsense.

CORRUPTED Paso Inferior

Album · 1997 · Drone Metal
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You put two genres like Drone Metal and Sludge Metal together, you gotta expect something pretty rancid. Dissonant, noisy, repetitive, lethargic… those were some traits that come to mind, and they are also traits I tend not to like when combined.

The short of it is, the album sounds exactly as you might expect (at least, exactly as I did), and it’s just not my thing.

The longer story though, is there were some great details to this album I did appreciate. The density of numerous guitars in the background creating a twisted cacophony with feedback and bent notes was quite great. The atmosphere here is destructive; there’s no real emotion to it, but there is a terrifying emptiness, like the heart of a cold killer, long since surrendered to insanity.

I’m not sure what the lore behind this Japanese band is, but writing the whole album in Spanish is a very odd choice. Google translating it doesn’t make a lick of sense.

CORRUPTED Paso Inferior

Album · 1997 · Drone Metal
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"Paso Inferior" is the debut full-length studio album by Japanese doom/sludge metal act Corrupted. The album was originally released through Frigidity Discos in 1997.

"Paso Inferior" consists of one 41:46 minutes long track. The music style is brick heavy and repetitive doom metal featuring a bleak atmosphere. The crushingly heavy riffs and almost funeral doom paced rythms are complimented by the omnipresence of guitar feedback throughout the whole track. As you can maybe imagine "Paso Inferior" is as a consequence quite the punishing listen. The vocals on the album are beastly growling. The vocal performance is very convincing and definitely one of the greatest assets of the music. I´d like to mention the organic sound production as a great asset too. I absolutely adore the sound on this album.

The track is structured with about 3 minutes of feedback before the drums, the more "regular" heavy riffing and the vocals kick in. This then almost goes on for the duration of the track until about 2 minutes before the end of the track. Then we´re back to a feedback only finale. It´s overall an extremely punishing listen as there are no real climaxes on the album. The bleak atmosphere, the crushingly heavy riffs and the brutal vocals just keep playing and playing and I´m left with a feeling of dread and at times even physical and mental discomfort. The feedback squealing occasionally provides sections of the track with an epic touch, but those moments are brief and are never allowed to develop further.

"Paso Inferior" is an atmospheric and hypnotic listen and it´s doubtful music like this has a broad appeal even within the heavy metal community. Personally I find the album fascinating albeit a bit too long for comfort. About half way into the album I begin to wonder when it´s over, but somehow I´m still intrigued by the disturbing emotions the music stir up in me and I can´t help to listen until the bitter end. As a musical experiment "Paso Inferior" succeeds greatly. As an enjoyable listen I guess it depends on the ears that hear. A 3.5 star (70%) rating is deserved.

CORRUPTED Paso Inferior

Album · 1997 · Drone Metal
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Corrupted were a simple band once upon a time, albeit still incredibly good at what they did. Their debut full length album, Paso Inferior, is one 41 minute long dirge of a track, one of, if not the heaviest sludge metal albums I've heard in my time.

What makes this album both their purest sludge album and their most inaccessible? Aside from the one track, it's also basically one riff, flayed to bits, akin to a feedback laced drone injection, whirring razorblades and baseball bats around inside your eardrums. A sandwich of screechy, livid hate. A cacophony of pitch black doom.

It's an intense listen, and that's the impression I got before I heard the vocals. Man, Corrupted has a great vocalist. You know, it's strange to hear death metal tinged vocals in sludge, but also great. A japanese band that sings in Spanish? Well, that's Corrupted for you. Sure, I don't know what the band is really singing about, Spanish is not my forte, but judging by the musical accompaniment, I doubt it's anything too upbeat.

There's no real climax to the piece, but then there's no real structure, aside from a three minute feedback intro that leads straight into the dirge, then a similar outro. One long journey of darkness.

Doom/sludge music is rarely this uncompromising, and in creating an atmosphere and sticking it out to the bitter end is noteworthy. Is it a good listen however? Depends how much doom/sludge you can handle. If you're not an avid uber-heavy music buff, listening to this could be a form of torture. I'm listening to it now, and if you're not initiated, it can turn into background music, despite how aversive it is.

In conclusion, if you seek nihilistic and near deafening sludge - and you love Corrupted's later work, come see where they began, with this dirge journey into hell. You may well love it.


Album · 2005 · Drone Metal
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It's really hard for me to figure out exactly what the appeal of this album is, or for me to even understand why I, and so many other people like it so much.

This is the fourth full length album by Corrupted, and is arguably their most fully realised and varied. That said, what we are dealing with here is a single track giant, 71:40 of sludge/post metal. At least, that's what the genre tags it as.

You wouldn't think so by the ten minute mark, at which point you have heard some dark ambient, mixed in with minimalist classical harp and drums. Suddenly, just as you're dosing, the sludge hits at 10:40, and you're hooked into the meaty part of the track, a long, minimalist sludge intro, which takes us into the 20th minute, at which point there are still no vocals in sight. The drums and guitar settle into a groove here, and we're finally given the first vocals at 23 minutes.

This is pretty restrained stuff for the sludge giants renowned for their uncompromising sludge power, in Paso Inferior for instance - but as the vocals work up the rest of the band to build - we see this is a premeditated piece; it makes us work hard for the payoff. At 27 minutes, that payoff comes, as the vocals roar forth, and the instruments wrap themselves around them, pummeling forward to the thirty minute mark.

While this is a high point in the song, we're not even halfway done. Soon after this early peak, the song returns to the minimalist post-rock style from whence it began, grooving along slowly, weaving in the beautiful strums of the harp along the way. It's this middle section which confuses me as to how it keeps me hooked - as it's more then 15 minutes of minimalist post rock, with very subtle developments as it goes. Somehow, the epic walks a fine line between minimalism and boredom - and even here, for some reason I cannot explain, it works wonders.

At the 48 minute mark, the album picks up the pace again, which is a pretty broad statement, seeing as it's still a super slow development. We're back with the 20 minute mark groove, and soon the lyrics follow again. Here, the lyrics sound like a reprise of what came before, but investigating the lyric book, they tell a different tale the second time around. I'll let you read up on that for yourself.

At the 55 minute mark, we are back with the thunderous vocal roars and heavy riffs oncemore, and this leads us on and on, until we're just under the hour mark, and the vocals let out their last and fade away.

Then, to close the album, like a book cover; a ten minute outro to match the 10 minute intro. And like a good book, it's also very satisfying.

I can't really explain the appeal of this album, but it works on its own terms, and is quite the experience if you ever find 72 minutes to sit down and listen to the whole thing. It's not like a typical sludge piece, as you can see, but there's enough here to pull in fans of minimalism, ambiance, metal and post rock alike.

A great album, but only if you're the patient kind.

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