Death Metal / Thrash Metal / Crossover Thrash • United States — the ultimate metal music online community, with discographies, reviews and forums
DECEASED picture
DECEASED arose in 1985, drawing inspiration from BLACK SABBATH, VENOM, RAVEN, MERCIFUL FATE, SLAYER and SODOM. During the period of 1985-1989, DECEASED recorded and circulated three demos (The Evil Side Of Religion, Birth By Radiation and Nuclear Exorcist ) that galvanized their reputation as trailblazers of original, technical American death metal. The 1988 hit and run death of bassist Rob Sterzel brought Les Snyder into the fold, completing the quintessential DECEASED line-up (rounded out by King Fowley on drums/vocals, Mark Adams and Mike Smith on guitars). Extensive self-promotion and frequent gigging up and down the east coast brought the band to the attention of a brand new label- Relapse Records - to which DECEASED were the first band to sign.

For a very in depth history of the band go to their official site and read through "The History Of The Band' and "Photo History".
Thanks to UMUR, Nightfly for the updates

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DECEASED Discography

DECEASED albums / top albums

DECEASED Luck of the Corpse album cover 3.00 | 3 ratings
Luck of the Corpse
Death Metal 1992
DECEASED The Blueprints for Madness album cover 3.42 | 2 ratings
The Blueprints for Madness
Death Metal 1995
DECEASED Fearless Undead Machines album cover 3.72 | 3 ratings
Fearless Undead Machines
Death Metal 1997
DECEASED Supernatural Addiction album cover 4.23 | 7 ratings
Supernatural Addiction
Thrash Metal 2000
DECEASED Rotten To The Core album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Rotten To The Core
Crossover Thrash 2004
DECEASED As the Weird Travel On album cover 4.00 | 4 ratings
As the Weird Travel On
Death Metal 2005
DECEASED Surreal Overdose album cover 3.86 | 3 ratings
Surreal Overdose
Death Metal 2011
DECEASED Ghostly White album cover 4.00 | 2 ratings
Ghostly White
Death Metal 2018
DECEASED Rotten To The Core Part 2 (The Nightmare Continues) album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Rotten To The Core Part 2 (The Nightmare Continues)
Crossover Thrash 2020
DECEASED Thrash Times at Ridgemont High album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Thrash Times at Ridgemont High
Thrash Metal 2021
DECEASED Children of the Morgue album cover 4.00 | 2 ratings
Children of the Morgue
Death Metal 2024

DECEASED EPs & splits

DECEASED Gut Wrench album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
Gut Wrench
Death Metal 1991
DECEASED The 13 Frightened Souls album cover 3.42 | 2 ratings
The 13 Frightened Souls
Death Metal 1993
DECEASED Behind the Mourner's Veil album cover 4.00 | 1 ratings
Behind the Mourner's Veil
Death Metal 2001
DECEASED Relapse Singles Series Vol. 2 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Relapse Singles Series Vol. 2
Death Metal 2003
DECEASED Inject the Ugliness album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Inject the Ugliness
Death Metal 2007
DECEASED The Weird Sessions / Figure in Black album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Weird Sessions / Figure in Black
Death Metal 2008
DECEASED Unpleasant Scenarios / Unholy Wrath album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Unpleasant Scenarios / Unholy Wrath
Death Metal 2008
DECEASED The Figure of Uneasiness / Below the Deck of Opulence album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Figure of Uneasiness / Below the Deck of Opulence
Death Metal 2014

DECEASED live albums

DECEASED Up the Tombstones!!! Live 2000 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Up the Tombstones!!! Live 2000
Death Metal 2002
DECEASED Stalking the Airwaves album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Stalking the Airwaves
Death Metal 2010
DECEASED Death Metal from the Dave album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Death Metal from the Dave
Death Metal 2019

DECEASED demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

DECEASED The Evil Side Of Religion album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Evil Side Of Religion
Death Metal 1986
DECEASED Birth By Radiation album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Birth By Radiation
Death Metal 1988
DECEASED Nuclear Exorcist album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Nuclear Exorcist
Death Metal 1989
DECEASED One Night in The Cemetery album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
One Night in The Cemetery
Death Metal 1989
DECEASED The Day Of Death Live album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Day Of Death Live
Death Metal 1990
DECEASED Live With The Legions album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Live With The Legions
Death Metal 1992
DECEASED Demo I 1995 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Demo I 1995
Death Metal 1995
DECEASED Demo II 1995 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Demo II 1995
Death Metal 1995
DECEASED Luck Of The Corpse album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Luck Of The Corpse
Death Metal 2012

DECEASED re-issues & compilations

DECEASED Death Metal From The Grave album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Death Metal From The Grave
Death Metal 1996
DECEASED The Radiation Years album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Radiation Years
Death Metal 2002
DECEASED Zombie Hymns album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Zombie Hymns
Death Metal 2002
DECEASED Corpses, Souls & Other Strangeness album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Corpses, Souls & Other Strangeness
Death Metal 2003
DECEASED Legions of Arrggghhhh album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Legions of Arrggghhhh
Death Metal 2004
DECEASED Return To The Evil Side album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Return To The Evil Side
Death Metal 2004
DECEASED Night Of The Deceased album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Night Of The Deceased
Death Metal 2009
DECEASED Worship the Coffin album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Worship the Coffin
Death Metal 2009
DECEASED Cadaver Traditions album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Cadaver Traditions
Death Metal 2015
DECEASED Demos From The Grave album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Demos From The Grave
Death Metal 2015

DECEASED singles (2)

.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
The Premonition
Thrash Metal 2000
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Cloned Day Of The Robot
Death Metal 2011

DECEASED movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)


DECEASED Rotten To The Core Part 2 (The Nightmare Continues)

Album · 2020 · Crossover Thrash
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"Rotten to the Core Part 2 (The Nightmare Continues)" is the ninth full-length studio album by US metal act Deceased. The album was released through Malt Soda Recordings in July 2020. It´s the successor to "Ghostly White" from 2018, but it´s not a new studio album featuring original music. Instead it´s a hardcore/punk covers album, featuring covers of artists like Final Conflict, Buzzcocks, and The Accüsed. It´s Deceased second album featuring hardcore/punk covers as they released the "Rotten to the Core" covers album in 2004.

Not surprisingly "Rotten to the Core Part 2 (The Nightmare Continues)" sounds like a natural successor to "Rotten to the Core" (2004) (the CD version of this album actually features all tracks from the 2004 album as bonus material), and if you enjoyed the first release of the series, you´ll pretty surely appreciate "Rotten to the Core Part 2 (The Nightmare Continues)" too. Deceased are a well playing band and they try to put their own spin on the songs, and are relatively successful doing that. The source material are however a little difficult to deal with in terms of making the tracks stand out. The simple and one-dimensional nature of the hardcore/punk styled tracks simply doesn´t provide Deceased with much to work with.

A few tracks of course stand out more than the rest like the cover of "London Calling" by The Clash, but the album is generally not the most varied listening experience. Although the album is relatively well produced and enjoyable while it plays (regardless if you know the original tracks or not), it´s not a release which holds up to the studio albums featuring the band´s original material, and it should be viewed as a "fun" release, the band recorded because of their love for the source material and for their own sake, rather than for the sake of their normal audience. A 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.

DECEASED Ghostly White

Album · 2018 · Death Metal
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"Ghostly White" is the eighth full-length studio album by US metal act Deceased. The album was released through Hells Headbangers Records in November 2018. It´s the successor to "Surreal Overdose" from 2011 and features one lineup change since the predecessor as drummer Dave Castillo has returned to the fold, and Kingsley Fowley therefore only performs vocals on this album.

Stylistically the material on "Ghostly White" is unmistakably the sound of Deceased as they have pretty much sounded since the release of the band´s third full-length studio album "Fearless Undead Machines" (1997). It´s a relatively unique combination of traditional heavy metal/speed metal, but with an added thrash metal/death metal extremity edge. Fowley for example is firmly placed in the latter camp, with his raw shouting and at times semi-growling vocals, but much of the instrumental part of the music belongs in the former camp, albeit a filthy, loud, and extreme version of it. Deceased are quite sophisticated songwriters though, and there are loads of melodic guitar leads on the album, and the riffs are both powerful and well thought out. Samples and occasional use of female vocals and eerie spoken word sections only add to the ominous mood of the release.

"Ghostly White" features the usual horror story lyrics and Fowley is as always a great storyteller. The type of presenter that you really want to listen to telling a story. "Ghostly White" reeks of occult darkness and horror, and the raw and organic sounding production further enhances the gloomy atmosphere. It´s a timeless production job, and if you didn´t know it, you wouldn´t necessarily have guessed that "Ghostly White" was recorded in 2018. It could just as well have been recorded in the 80s or in the 90s. The tracks are generally pretty long (most of them around 6 minutes long), which isn´t unusual for Deceased, but it is afer all a bit unusual to see that they have composed a track as long as "Germ of Distorted Lore", which features a playing time of 13:20 minutes. The track itself ins´t particularly different from the remaining tracks though...just longer.

Other than the strong songwriting and well sounding production, one of the great strengths of Deceased has always been their high level musicianship, and "Ghostly White" is no different from the preceding releases when it comes to that. The drumming is organic and powerful, the guitars creative and sharp, and while Fowley does have a tendency to be a little one-dimensional, he is still a greatly charming frontman with a unique approach to singing. Upon conclusion "Ghostly White" is another high quality hybrid trad/speed/thrash/death metal release by Deceased, showing no signs of rust or lack of inspiration, which are always the danger signs to look for on releases by artists who have been active as long as Deceased have. A 4 star (80%) rating is deserved.

DECEASED Children of the Morgue

Album · 2024 · Death Metal
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"Children of the Morgue" is the eleventh full-length studio album by US death/thrash/heavy metal act Deceased. The album was released through Hells Headbangers Records in August 2024. It´s the successor to "Thrash Times at Ridgemont High" from 2021, which was a covers album, and as "Thrash Times at Ridgemont High" was preceded by yet another covers album in "Rotten To The Core Part 2 (The Nightmare Continues)" from 2020, "Children of the Morgue" is actually the first album from Deceased featuring new original material since "Ghostly White" from 2018. There´s been one lineup change as drummer Dave Castillo who performed on "Ghostly White" died in a swimming accident in November 2018 and he has been replaced here by Amos Rifkin.

If you´re familiar with Deceased and just about everything they´ve released since at least "Fearless Undead Machines" (1997) (minus the covers albums), you´ll pretty much know what "Children of the Morgue" sounds like. The death metal influences are very limited (as they have been for years), and stylistically the material on "Children of the Morgue" is an old school thrash/speed metal style with a major traditional heavy metal influence. The rhythm section is pounding and organic, while the two guitarists play one heavy and hard rocking riff after another, and spices the whole thing up with some blistering leads and great harmony themes (both of which are absolutely brilliant). It can´t be said enough how well playing Deceased are and how engaging the instrumental part of their music is. Lead vocalist Kingsley "King" Fowley has a raw voice and a shouting hoarse delivery, which becomes a bit one-dimensional for the duration of a full album, but there´s still something incredibly charming about his storytelling style and his horror story lyrics which always save the day.

"Children of the Morgue" features a professional and for the most part well sounding production, but I do think the drums feature a flat and artificial sound, which doesn´t suit the otherwise organic tone of the remaining instruments and vocals. It´s not a major issue, but I hope they bring back a more organic drum sound on the next album.

When all is said and done, "Children of the Morgue" is yet another high quality release from Deceased. They have a cult following (including myself) which will adore this release as equally much as they´ve appreciated the previous output by the band, but "Children of the Morgue" is probably not the album which will break new ground for Deceased and at this point in their career I´m pretty sure that´s not their main goal either. These guys just want to play the type of metal that they love and occasionally make it available to their fans and they are arguably successful in doing that. A 4 star (80%) rating is deserved.

DECEASED Surreal Overdose

Album · 2011 · Death Metal
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"Surreal Overdose" is the seventh full-length studio album by US metal act Deceased. The album was released through Shrieks From The Hearse in April 2011. It´s the successor to "As the Weird Travel On" from 2005 and features a couple of lineup changes since the predecessor as guitarist Mark Adams has left and has been replaced by Shane Fuegel. Drummer Dave Castillo has left too and lead vocalist King Fowley has therefore returned to the drum stool while still performing lead vocals. Completing the quartet lineup are bassist Les Snyder and guitarist Mike Smith, who also remain from the lineup who recorded the predecessor.

Lineup changes or not you´ll be treated to the unmistakable sound of Deceased from the opening notes of "Skin Crawling Progress" to the closing notes of "Dying in Analog". 6 years down the line from "As the Weird Travel On (2005)" and very little seems to have changed. In the horror/gore themed world of Deceased that´s predominantly a good thing though. The lyrics are still well written and intriguing horror/gore stories and Fowley delivers the words with great commanding authority and well articulated storytelling skills. He has a raw and powerful voice, but every word is fully intelligible. The instrumental part of the music is a hybrid of old school thrash, speed, traditional heavy metal (the music features loads of harmonies and leads), and when the music is most brutal and heavy a couple of death metal traits. This could well have been released in the late 1980s, but the sound production is on a higher technical level than what was produced in the 80s. In fact the sound production is very powerful and detailed, and suits the material perfectly.

"Surreal Overdose" proves once again what a unique act Deceased are. The elements may have been heard before, but it´s the combination of the tried and true musical elements which is the reason for their success. The musical performances are also on a high level from all involved, and although Fowley is a slightly one-dimensional singer, the above mentioned storrytelling skills and commanding delivery still provide the vocal part of the music with something special. A 4 star (80%) rating is deserved.

DECEASED Fearless Undead Machines

Album · 1997 · Death Metal
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Thrash Metal was in a sorry state in the late 90’s. Most prominent Thrash bands got infected by the Groove virus or fizzled out into softer styles, and not many new bands were popping up. More extreme and experimental styles of Metal were running both the underground and the mainstream.

But of course, you still got bands like Deceased, who played unrelenting Deathrash in an undisguised love letter to the 80’s. The album is absolutely ripping, full of fantastic riffs and very well composed, lengthy songs. It’s got a Heavy Metal influence, and integrates slower, more melodic portions between the aggression, making the songs varied and effective at maintaining intrigue despite the lengths.

It’s also a concept album about zombies based on the Night of the Living Dead series. How fun is that? I’m also gonna shout out the vocalist Fowley, who not only has a perfect hybrid Thrash yell/Deathgrowl, but is also the drummer! And the drums kick ass! This was pretty much as good as the genre got at that point in time. Never given enough credit or limelight, Deceased remain an underground treasure, but they deserve much more because this is up there with the best of the Deathrash bands.

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