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DEFTONES picture
Deftones (stylized as deftones) is an American Alternative metal/rock band from Sacramento, California formed in 1988, consisting of Chino Moreno (lead vocals and guitar), Stephen Carpenter (guitar), Chi Cheng (bass), Frank Delgado (keyboards and turntables), and Abe Cunningham (drums and percussion). While they were mostly considered as a Nu Metal band in their early years, they are often coined today as an Alternative Metal or Post-Metal band.

Critics have often praised them as one of the closest to unique rock bands of recent years ; as Johnny Loftus writes, "Rock critics usually reserve a special place for Deftones above or at least away from the rest of the turn-of-the-century metal movement [...] Deftones have always seemed more curious, more willing to incorporate traditionally revered sounds like dream pop into their Northern California alt-metal."

Deftones members have worked on several side projects, including Moreno’s Team Sleep and drummer Abe Cunningam’s
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DEFTONES Discography

DEFTONES albums / top albums

DEFTONES Adrenaline album cover 3.15 | 21 ratings
Nu Metal 1995
DEFTONES Around the Fur album cover 2.87 | 22 ratings
Around the Fur
Nu Metal 1997
DEFTONES White Pony album cover 3.80 | 28 ratings
White Pony
Alternative Metal 2000
DEFTONES Deftones album cover 3.93 | 13 ratings
Alternative Metal 2003
DEFTONES Saturday Night Wrist album cover 4.20 | 10 ratings
Saturday Night Wrist
Alternative Metal 2006
DEFTONES Diamond Eyes album cover 4.12 | 17 ratings
Diamond Eyes
Alternative Metal 2010
DEFTONES Koi No Yokan album cover 3.92 | 15 ratings
Koi No Yokan
Alternative Metal 2012
DEFTONES Gore album cover 3.50 | 6 ratings
Alternative Metal 2016
DEFTONES Ohms album cover 4.40 | 12 ratings
Alternative Metal 2020

DEFTONES EPs & splits

DEFTONES Live Tracks album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Live Tracks
Nu Metal 1998
DEFTONES Live album cover 1.50 | 1 ratings
Nu Metal 1998
DEFTONES Back to School (Mini Maggit) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Back to School (Mini Maggit)
Nu Metal 2001
DEFTONES Deftones / Poison The Well album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Deftones / Poison The Well
Alternative Metal 2003
DEFTONES Milk album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Crossover Thrash 2015

DEFTONES live albums

DEFTONES demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

DEFTONES re-issues & compilations

DEFTONES B-Sides & Rarities album cover 4.25 | 2 ratings
B-Sides & Rarities
Alternative Metal 2005
DEFTONES Covers album cover 4.50 | 1 ratings
Alternative Metal 2011

DEFTONES singles (12)

.. Album Cover
2.50 | 1 ratings
7 Words
Nu Metal 1995
.. Album Cover
4.00 | 1 ratings
My Own Summer (Shove It)
Nu Metal 1997
.. Album Cover
2.00 | 1 ratings
Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)
Alternative Metal 1998
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Change (In the House of Flies)
Nu Metal 2000
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Back to School (Mini Maggit)
Nu Metal 2000
.. Album Cover
4.00 | 1 ratings
Alternative Metal 2003
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Alternative Metal 2003
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Hole in the Earth
Alternative Metal 2006
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Alternative Metal 2007
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Alternative Metal 2010
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
You've Seen the Butcher
Alternative Metal 2010
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Rocket Skates
Alternative Metal 2010

DEFTONES movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)

.. Album Cover
3.50 | 1 ratings
Live in Hawaii: Music in High Places
Alternative Metal 2003



Album · 2000 · Alternative Metal
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White Pony is revered as one of the greatest Alternative Metal albums of all time, and as a big fan of certain strains of the genre, I gave this album a very fair chance. The potential for masterpiece is there, but overall I was left wondering what makes this so great in the eyes of the world.

By rights, the highs are magnificent. It’s got a couple great songs that kept me coming back again and again. But I soon found that most of the album just consisted of anticipation for those few tracks, while the majority didn’t do anything special for me. Why was this?

For me personally, it’s because White Pony just doesn’t go far enough in any of the things it sets out to do. It’s an eclectic album with a good balance of influences, primarily Alt Rock and Alt Metal, but also spreading across Nu Metal, Shoegaze, Post-Hardcore, Dream Pop, and even some artier moments of Downtempo and Glitch. Problem is, it doesn’t exactly excel at any of those things. The heavier, Nu Metal tracks are not heavy enough nor aggressive enough, the darker songs aren’t dark enough, the clean songs aren’t catchy enough, the emotional songs aren’t passionate or evocative enough… you get the idea. If I wanted heavy Nu Metal, I’d rather throw on Slipknot. If I wanted cleaner, more passionate Alt metal, give me modern Katatonia or In flames. If I wanted atmospheric stuff… give me actual Shoegaze or Post-Metal.

The highlights of this album are found in those couple great tracks where everything comes together perfectly. As shameful as it is, I’m unfortunately talking about the same tracks that everybody else likes, the lead singles “Digital Bath” and “Change (In the House of Flies).”

Wow, is “Digital Bath” something special. That was the only song that immediately gripped me the first time I heard it. When Chino goes higher and passionate with his vocals and the gazey chords come in, man, it’s perfect. That moment in the middle of the song where you can actually hear something that sounds like electrical water… godly atmosphere. It’s catchy, it’s passionate, it’s moody, it’s atmospheric, and it’s got a hell of an interesting lyrical concept. AND it manages to capture all of that perfectly with the quirky song title.

“Change” was much more of a grower. Didn’t stand out immediately, but got a lot stronger each time I came back to the album, full of great symbolic lyricism and a dark, ominous mood that works really well with the simpler guitarwork. I will also give a shout out to “Knife Prty” which is just shy of a fantastic song thanks to a bit too much meandering and a slightly lamer concept idea, but the energy and mood of the song is great.

All of these aforementioned songs share something in common; they are cleaner, technically simpler, denser and more atmospheric. They focus on mood, and more evocative vocals. Deftones can do this sort of style pretty damn well. But when they try to do something else, they don’t succeed, and here’s why; the riffs suck. They are incredibly boring, mostly dissonant, not catchy, not creative, not evocative. Ditto for the rhythm section; it’s simple, boring, not energetic enough. Chino’s harsh vocals aren’t very convincing either. For this reason, the band falls flat when they try to go heavier or more energetic. None of the heavier Nu Metal songs left any impression on me. The only other song I can really remember is “Teenager” and that’s because it’s so damn different, being a full on Glitch/Downtempo track. And they do that one decently well too! They just were really not meant for Nu Metal.

DEFTONES Around the Fur

Album · 1997 · Nu Metal
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Around the Fur is hailed as the first truly great Nu Metal album and considered one of (if not) the best in the genre. It was also Deftones’ breakthrough success, and a telling sign of the Metal trend in the late 90’s.

To me, it’s a really plain Nu/Alternative Metal album. Honestly, the production is probably the best part of this, the guitars having a fantastic tone and a perfect amount of reverb and effect on them to create a strong wave of slightly dissonant chords. The music though, is really average. There aren’t many riffs, progressions or leads that stand out, as the best part of the guitars are when they’re used more atmospheric like in “Be Quiet and Drive.” The rhythm section is quite standard, never doing anything too fast or complex. The vocals are at least unique, and I can see an appeal to them, but they don’t do a whole lot for me personally; the lyrics are similarly boring and border on cryptic. For a genre that excels at self-expression, there’s just not a lot of that here, and it hurts the whole thing. Nu Metal should either be full of catchy charisma or painfully emotional vulnerability, and this release doesn’t pack either one.

It’s the same quality as their debut for me. Average Nu Metal. Not bad, but nothing special.


Album · 2020 · Alternative Metal
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Deftones is a band that grew on me ever since i was young and it will continue to do so since they’ve aged not only well but as a completely unique band. I must make a clear statement in that this album will probably go down in history as a masterpiece which will most definitely be the case since it is getting well overall recognition for being a solid Deftones album as well as a high amount of Deftones fans digging into it once and then again. What really got me into Deftones besides their uniqueness was that ethereal almost spiritual bond they have with music and its connection with us humans. Just as we are energy so are we affected by the ambient in general and in this case with vibrations from chinos vocals to Stephen carpenters guitar riffs to the rest of the band members that resonate in an almost incredible and envied way. As their ways enter us we find songs like the kick starter genesis to be a heavy yet melodically juxtaposition of how we can "reject both sides of what I'm being told" as a person. The imperative nature that gets us to question if what we are doing is fine or if we should react to a higher understanding of the truth is what makes this song explode in euphoria. Oh and don’t even get me started on the bridge... The next song ceremony has a groovier and catchy vibe to it which was meant to be to contrast that stark opening song with a more mellow and chill song that will get the viewer ready for what’s to come Urantia definitely stood out to me in that it has such a powerful guitar riff and chinos crisp voice just adds that extra layer that cements into a solid song designed by the gods in a very melodic yet surreal sort of way. Oh my Error is most definitely not one at all. It’s so good that it should be remembered as the missing link (not making reference to the link is dead) that takes the album one further or to another level and that is because of the song as a whole having all these elements that make it outstanding. The intro and verse have a catchiness and head banging groove to them that completely makes us reach the sky once it connects with the chorus. That chorus man it was good. But not good enough as the bridge is the cherry in the cake. it has some strong waves of passionate yet spellbinding aura to it that makes us enjoy every last second of it as if we were spell struck and bound to finishing with everything that makes the song good as it truly is. What a trip... The spell of mathematics is definitely a song that could be considered one of the best that ohms has to offer. So much that I would consider that it could be their third single by the time that single drops. It has haunting verses with a totally irresistible voice emanating from chino right at the chorus. As for pompeji well i can say that it is either liked by fans or disliked by people how don’t really get the song. you do feel a sudden drop into the vast sea where you find yourself hearing seagulls and waves as the chorus breaks into a nearly religious manifestation which later break into a very unusual yet captivating and haunting outro as synthwave effects cast a spell upon everything that is noise and vibration. as the last minute is mostly just 80's sort of Sci-Fi synthesized music like something out of blade runner or stranger things the listener usually goes into a state of trance. But only usually since it can be a really strong change of style for some. i personally really enjoyed that last minute and a half since it was actually something good in a wonderstruck sense. This song gives way or makes its way through to this link is dead which is a complete head banger in all its good and wild sense. This song isn’t heavy but it just manages to touch that side in a more dancy and upbeat sort of way. It captivates and keeps the listener in a very fun and edge of the seat state. Radiant city is probably my more questionable song in that I can’t find the reason why it’s as notorious as it is. Many people enjoy it yet they all have something to say about the chorus which is not that Deftones sounding I that it’s ok not that great. Still it does captivate people in general so it is a decent song and fills the void that is needed with its very fun guitar riffs (quite good actually) and its very bouncy beat Headless is a beautiful song and engages us into a darker more old Deftones state mostly associated with change from white pony. As for most songs I this record the darkness seems to be very much present yet it resounds in a romantic fashion in headless for it is quite intense and engulfing. The last song on the record is the self-titled ohms which completely fits into place after the trip that was headless in a way that the transition between one and another foment a possible gap that could’ve occurred right before ohms intro yet that’s not the case since it enters at the precise moment with the precise sound and captivates us listener at least 3 times more than when it first came out as a single. It’s something to be of noteworthy and recognition whenever we look at the good, solid job that terry date did when producing this record. The outro of this song it just great and sets the mood for a farewell to an unforgetful album since it’s so easy to just go back and relisten to it in all its glory for it has something that every artist can only dare dream of…a never-ending feel of coming back and re-listening to it and making it grow by each listen more and more as it grows on you and literally ages well even after its 100th listen (not exaggerating at all). For every Deftones fan this a must listen and as for the new fans just entering the Deftones experience I highly recommend this album and I place it a solid 10/10. Personally I had zero problems with this album and I t really grew on me the more I listened to it. It’s a classic and a keeper…for sure.

DEFTONES Adrenaline

Album · 1995 · Nu Metal
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So here we have the genesis of one of the most loved bands to have survived the “nu-metal” wave. While I never really thought of Deftones as a “nu-metal” band, I do think without them, the scene wouldn't have been influenced as much and probably would have lost a lot of spark.

This album reminds me of System Of A Down's debut album. In many ways they have similar tones (with the latter being better produced slightly better) and are perfect examples of brilliant debuts. Not the bands best albums, but they are pretty damn good statements of a sound.

Musically the album is very much Deftones sound. Yes, it is very much in its infant stage but this is very much the blossoming of the bands sound. The best way to describe it is a mixture of early post hard core mixed with experimental rock and at the odd times rap influences. Lyrically Chino is very cryptic in this album, with the lyrics needing a lot of explaining.

One criticism I would have with this album would be the production. Now I'm not expecting outstanding production from a debut album in the early 90s, and I have to admit some of the production is pretty good at times, but it is a slight gripe. Vocally Chino is pretty great on this album, but I have to admit that at times he can go slightly off pitch. His odd use of whispering narratives at times can be a bit repetitive, but it usually tonally goes with the music of the track.

Opening track “Bored” is pretty much an anthem of teenage rebellion...the rebellion of boredom. With a pretty killer intro the song really shines when the chorus comes in and Chino sings his heart out.

“Minus Blindfold” shows influences from and edges towards rap metal. Lyrically Chino paints an interesting almost childish image and it really adds to the chaotic tone of the song.

“7 Words” is one of the most interesting tracks on the album. Starting off with a rather fun almost funky intro, the song explodes and implodes throughout with some interesting instrumental work throughout.

One of Chino's most impressive vocal moments on the album would have to be “Birthmark.” With a brilliant build up in the verse, the chorus is brought to newer heights with a very impressive high note sung by Chino, which sends shivers down my back everytime I hear it.

The albums final track “Fireal” is one of the most experimental tracks on the album. Mixing noise rock with some art rock moments, the chorus is a mad jabber of mad and distorted metal. Pretty epic at moments too.

Overall, this album is a pretty great debut. Deftones have always been a different yet energetic band, and this debut pretty much has them landing with their feet on the ground and running in the right direction. Packed full of tunes and having some pretty killer riffs, the band showed major potential on this album, and I think it may be a tiny little bit


Genres: Alternative Metal, Post Hardcore, Experimental Rock, Nu Metal, Noise Rock, Rap Metal

Country of origin: USA

Year of release: 1995


Album · 2003 · Alternative Metal
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After the major success of “White Pony”, these guys really needed to make something different. And they did. To...mixed audiences.

I do feel sorry for these guys. Trying to follow up “White Pony” really would have been a rather hard thing to do. But, these guys never like to repeat themselves, so they did something different.

One of the oddest things about the history of the album is that this album is that people have such a mixed opinion on this album, which I can kind of see why. This album really wouldn't be for everyone, due to it being such a varied mix. Personally...I liked it.

Musically the band experiment even more than on “White Pony” and start to really create a sound that would really pay off for the band in a few years. The guitar sound has now become even heavier and keyboards have now been brought in for more atmospheric moments. And Chino's vocals are just as epic as ever.

The opener “Hexagram” is a song that I've had mixed opinions had in the past. The second single released from the album, the song gained a good bit of play on MTV and Kerrang, so it was on now and then. Having loved the first single from the album, I was very interested to hear this one. This is a song that gives me mixed opinions at times. The verses I absolutely love, but the chorus I have a mixed feeling about. Although, it does sound way better on headphones. But the real highlight of this song has to be Chino's vocals. There are screams he does in this track that I don't even think are human.

The album's first single “Minerva” is probably the reason I've kept such an interest in the band these past few years. I remember when this song first came out, it got a massive amount of radio play and video play on MTV...and it deserved it. This song is incredibly beautiful yet so haunting at the same time. This is definitely a shining moment in the band's career.

A return to form, “When Girls Telephone Boys” is a personal favourite of mine. Up there with some of the band's heaviest material, Chino's vocals in this song are absolutely insane. This is one crazy mofo of a song.

The album's longest composition “Battle-Axe” is a classic example of Deftones. A lot of open space and some great melodic vocals from Chino.

One of the album's most odd moments comes in the track “Lucky You.”A collaboration with DJ Crook (who collaborates with Chino's side project Team Sleep). This song is pretty much a trip hop song, so expect something very different. Another odd moment on the album comes from the track “Anniversary Of An Uninteresting Event” which is one of the softest songs these guys have ever made. With some nice use of piano and toy piano, the song has a really beautiful arrangement.

In conclusion, this album ain't half bad. This isn't their best album, but in all fairness, Deftones have never made a bad album. This is also a rather different album for these guys, so it is worth a listen. I should warn you, there are some absolute classics on this album (not really a warning, pitiful humour really).


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