Time Signature
Genre: beercore (crossover thrash, really)
Operating at breakneck speed and injecting a double overdose of humor into their style, Wehrmacht made music which was chaotic, silly and very aggressive.
Most of the tunes on "Biermacht" are relatively short - I mean, there are thirteen tracks on the album, and the total time is still only around 28 minutes. Well, you do the maths. The short song lengths are quite suitable, as they encapsulate the intensity of the high velocity playing (there are actually a couple of blastbeats on this album, too, which were not too widespread in thrash metal-oriented music at the time, so, in that sense, Wehrmacht were ahead of their time), and, frankly, more than a couple of minutes of Wehrmacht beer-crazed silliness would probably be too much - I do like their seemingly unmotivated slapstick use of slap-bass every now and then.
The album is great fun and, in addition to the funny crossover tunes, there are also a couple of humorous fillers, like 'Everb, E...., Micro E', 'Drink Jack', and 'Outro' but, apart from 'You Broke My Heart (So I Broke Your Face' and the titles track, there are no really memorable tracks on the album, and "Biermacht" probably serves best as the soundtrack to a bingefest gone mad.