Jake Kobrin

Jake Kobrin
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Registered more than 2 years ago · Last visit more than 2 years ago

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148 reviews/ratings
WEAKLING - Dead as Dreams Black Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum Black Metal | review permalink
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon Black Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Kénôse Black Metal
OPETH - Still Life Progressive Metal
OPETH - Blackwater Park Progressive Metal
ALCEST - Souvenirs d'un autre monde Metal Related
ALICE IN CHAINS - Dirt Alternative Metal
MAUDLIN OF THE WELL - Bath Avant-garde Metal
KAYO DOT - Choirs Of The Eye Avant-garde Metal
MAUDLIN OF THE WELL - Leaving Your Body Map Avant-garde Metal
ARCTURUS - The Sham Mirrors Avant-garde Metal
ARCTURUS - Aspera Hiems Symfonia Symphonic Black Metal
BURZUM - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss Atmospheric Black Metal
NEGURĂ BUNGET - OM Atmospheric Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Isa Black Metal
BURZUM - Filosofem Atmospheric Black Metal
CYNIC - Focus Technical Death Metal
DEATH - Human Technical Death Metal
AGALLOCH - Ashes Against the Grain Folk Metal
AGALLOCH - Pale Folklore Folk Metal
AGALLOCH - The Mantle Folk Metal
ISIS - Panopticon Atmospheric Sludge Metal
ISIS - Oceanic Atmospheric Sludge Metal
RUSSIAN CIRCLES - Enter Metal Related
MESHUGGAH - Nothing Progressive Metal
MESHUGGAH - obZen Progressive Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Sabotage Heavy Metal
LED ZEPPELIN - Led Zeppelin IV Hard Rock
BLACK SABBATH - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Master Of Reality Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Paranoid Heavy Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Deep Purple In Rock Hard Rock
EMPEROR - In the Nightside Eclipse Symphonic Black Metal
ALCEST - Le Secret Atmospheric Black Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Deathspell Omega/S.V.E.S.T. Black Metal
DARKSPACE - Dark Space II Atmospheric Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Below the Lights Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Monumension Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Vertebrae Progressive Metal
ENSLAVED - Ruun Black Metal
EMPEROR - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk Symphonic Black Metal
GORGUTS - Obscura Technical Death Metal | review permalink
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Ziltoid The Omniscient Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Terria Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Ocean Machine: Biomech Progressive Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice Black Metal
OPETH - My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Metal
NE OBLIVISCARIS - The Aurora Veil Progressive Metal | review permalink
FAITH NO MORE - Angel Dust Alternative Metal
ARCTURUS - La Masquerade Infernale Avant-garde Metal
ALCEST - Écailles de lune Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Atmospheric Black Metal
DEATH - The Sound of Perseverance Technical Death Metal
KATATONIA - Viva Emptiness Alternative Metal
STRAPPING YOUNG LAD - City Industrial Metal
INTRONAUT - Prehistoricisms Atmospheric Sludge Metal
ISIS - Wavering Radiant Atmospheric Sludge Metal
METALLICA - ...And Justice for All Thrash Metal
SLAYER - Seasons in the Abyss Thrash Metal
METALLICA - Ride the Lightning Thrash Metal
RAINBOW - Rising Heavy Metal
ALCEST - Les Discrets / Alcest Metal Related
BATHORY - Blood Fire Death Black Metal
BLUT AUS NORD - The Work Which Transforms God Atmospheric Black Metal
BLUT AUS NORD - Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With the Stars Atmospheric Black Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Mass Grave Aesthetics Black Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Crushing the Holy Trinity (Father) Black Metal
DARKSPACE - Dark Space I Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Autumn Aurora Atmospheric Black Metal
SOUNDGARDEN - Badmotorfinger Heavy Alternative Rock
ARCTURUS - Sideshow Symphonies Progressive Metal
DEATH - Symbolic Technical Death Metal
DEATH - Individual Thought Patterns Technical Death Metal
NILE - Annihilation of the Wicked Technical Death Metal
ANATHEMA - Alternative 4 Metal Related
ORPHANED LAND - Mabool: The Story of the Three Sons of Seven Folk Metal
RIVERSIDE - Second Life Syndrome Metal Related
EDGE OF SANITY - Crimson Melodic Death Metal
PSYCHOTIC WALTZ - Into The Everflow Progressive Metal
MINSK - The Ritual Fires of Abandonment Atmospheric Sludge Metal
CULT OF LUNA - Somewhere Along The Highway Atmospheric Sludge Metal
METALLICA - Master of Puppets Thrash Metal
SLAYER - Reign in Blood Thrash Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Heaven And Hell Heavy Metal
A FOREST OF STARS - The Corpse of Rebirth Black Metal
ABIGOR - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom) Black Metal
ALTAR OF PLAGUES - White Tomb Atmospheric Black Metal
BLUT AUS NORD - Odinist: The Destruction of Reason by Illumination Atmospheric Black Metal
BLUT AUS NORD - Ultima Thulée Atmospheric Black Metal
BORKNAGAR - Borknagar Black Metal
CAÏNA - Temporary Antennae Black Metal
CAÏNA - Caïna Black Metal
COBALT - Gin Black Metal
CLANDESTINE BLAZE - Church of Atrocity Black Metal
DARKSPACE - Dark Space III Atmospheric Black Metal
DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE - Nightwork Melodic Black Metal
DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE - Death's Design Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - For all tid Melodic Black Metal
DRUDKH - Forgotten Legends Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Лебединий шлях (The Swan Road) Atmospheric Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Eld Black Metal
EMPEROR - IX Equilibrium Symphonic Black Metal
EMPEROR - Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise Symphonic Black Metal
DISSECTION - The Somberlain Melodic Black Metal
BORIS - Amplifier Worship Drone Metal
SUNN O))) - White1 Drone Metal
EARTH - Earth 2: Special Low Frequency Version Drone Metal
TOOL - Lateralus Progressive Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Machine Head Hard Rock
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Manifestations 2002 Black Metal
OPETH - Ghost Reveries Progressive Metal
IHSAHN - After Progressive Metal
PAIN OF SALVATION - The Perfect Element, Part 1 Progressive Metal
CONTROL DENIED - The Fragile Art of Existence Progressive Metal
PELICAN - The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon The Thaw Atmospheric Sludge Metal
RUSH - Moving Pictures Hard Rock
ABSU - Absu Black Metal
BLOOD OF KINGU - De Occulta Philosophia Black Metal
BORKNAGAR - The Olden Domain Viking Metal
BURZUM - Det Som Engang Var Atmospheric Black Metal
BURZUM - Belus Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Microcosmos Atmospheric Black Metal
MEGADETH - Rust in Peace Thrash Metal
AYREON - 01011001 Progressive Metal
OPETH - Watershed Progressive Metal
DARKTHRONE - Transilvanian Hunger Black Metal
PELICAN - City Of Echoes Atmospheric Sludge Metal
AC/DC - Back In Black Hard Rock
AC/DC - Highway To Hell Hard Rock
RUSH - Permanent Waves Hard Rock
BURZUM - Burzum Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant Symphonic Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Mardraum: Beyond the Within Black Metal
GUNS N' ROSES - Appetite For Destruction Hard Rock
AMON AMARTH - Fate of Norns Melodic Death Metal
THE OCEAN - Precambrian Atmospheric Sludge Metal
1349 - Liberation Black Metal
VAN HALEN - Van Halen Hard Rock
RAMMSTEIN - Mutter Industrial Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Stormblåst Symphonic Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Spiritual Black Dimensions Symphonic Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia Symphonic Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Death Cult Armageddon Symphonic Black Metal
CHILDREN OF BODOM - Follow the Reaper Melodic Death Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - In Sorte Diaboli Symphonic Black Metal
MARILYN MANSON - Mechanical Animals Metal Related

Metal Genre Nb. Rated Avg. rating
1 Black Metal 29 4.16
2 Atmospheric Black Metal 20 4.33
3 Progressive Metal 19 4.29
4 Symphonic Black Metal 11 2.77
5 Atmospheric Sludge Metal 9 4.06
6 Hard Rock 9 3.50
7 Technical Death Metal 7 4.50
8 Thrash Metal 6 4.17
9 Heavy Metal 6 4.75
10 Metal Related 6 3.83
11 Avant-garde Metal 5 4.90
12 Folk Metal 4 4.75
13 Alternative Metal 3 4.67
14 Drone Metal 3 4.00
15 Melodic Black Metal 3 4.00
16 Melodic Death Metal 3 2.50
17 Industrial Metal 2 3.25
18 Viking Metal 1 3.50
19 Heavy Alternative Rock 1 4.00
20 NWoBHM 1 4.00

Latest Albums Reviews


Album · 1998 · Technical Death Metal
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This is one of those albums that, amongst thousands of albums, stands out as one of the most significant releases in music. In the vein of metal, the albums that contributed to the genetic make up of the genre are Black Sabbath, Kill 'Em All, Black Metal, Scream Bloody Gore, etc, etc, etc... This album can certainly be added to the same royal family. This album broke all of the rules, and re-wrote the book on what is possible in metal, and music in general. The roots of this band are purely based within death metal. In a vague sense, the gore-drenched riffs of old are still present in the heart of this album, but what was once chugging and maliciousness has been replaced with a beast that is obscure and terrifying. Honestly, this isn't "pretty" music, but it holds my interest more than most within the metal genre.


Demo · 2007 · Progressive Metal
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This band is amazing. I mean really. This is a SELF MADE FIRST RELEASE DEMO! I've heard demos for Opeth and Arcturus and several other bands that I love and they all are extremely bad. That is not the case with this album. This album has so much complexity, depth, and emotion that if you didn't already know that it's a demo you wouldn't in a million years guess that it is. If you put into the information into proportion with all of the other demos ever released then this band will get about 20 times better than they already are. This band will be godly! All three songs on this demo are fantastic. The first song, Tapestry of the Starless Abstract begins with a slightly generic but still complex Black Metal drum beat, dissonant guitars, and screamed vocals. As the song progressive it breaks into a part that is pure bass, acoustic guitar, and violin sweetness. It's so beautiful. There are a lot of clean vocals as well as screamed vocals on this track. My favorite parts of this band is when they use black metal screams over the use of clean vocals. It makes both vocal lines more powerful. Often in this demo, the violin takes over duties for leads rather than the guitars. The next track is mostly the same bass and violin beauty but toward the end develops into some more metal riffs. Tim Charles' vocals and violin dominate on this track. The third song is similar to the first but not as heavy. It it's still a fantastic song but it's my least favorite of the three. On all tracks Mortuary's drums are very fast and technical but he doesn't do any thing flashy. If my predictions are correct, in ten years this band can become the best Tech/Extreme metal band of all time!

DEATHSPELL OMEGA Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum

Album · 2007 · Black Metal
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Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum (Latin for Divine law - Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire) is the second album amongst the conceptual trilogy by French black metallers Deathspell Omega. Though the albums within the trinity are linked by concept, they are all musically unique. The trilogy proclaims the relationships of God, Satan, and man. Fas' concept is focused around man. The album was released by the French underground black metal label Norma Evangelium Diaboli in Europe on July 16th, and in the US by Ajna Offensive (and distributed by Southern Lord) on the 17th. It was originally released both as a CD Digipak and on vinyl LP. The vinyl version also contains a poster of the cover and a 12 inch booklet. Despite it's large size, the booklet is identical to the Digipak version. One who enters the domain of this 45 minute LP will certainly be left drawn and exhausted by the end. This album is harsh, brutal, and inexplicably magical. Through the use of technical insanity and subtle atmospheric details, Deathspell Omega created an experience unlike one in existence before. Although the basis of this album is Black Metal, do not confuse it with raw black metal via Darkthrone or Mayhem and do not be misguided by the bands primitive early recordings either. They have long since progressed above the cheesy generic black metal of their early career. Since then they have utilized a much cleaner produced aesthetic and instead of pumping gnarly dissonance, they have acquired a method of utmost technicality. Through this blazing disarray of impossible-to-play drum lines and nimble guitars are groovy post-esque segments that allow the listener a bit of time to rest. A physical rest perhaps, though these segments certainly do not lighten the atmosphere. Imagine an Isis cover band that had died and is playing in an eternal prison within hell. And I'm not alluding that these parts were ripped off of Isis, they are certainly unique. The amount of details hidden within this album is incredible. I have listened to the album maybe 40 or 50 times now and upon each spin I unearth new layers that I was previously unaware of. For example, it was only the last time I listened to the album that I realized how prominent the use of piano is. Even in the heavy chaotic moments there is that far off layer of creepily out of tune piano that just adds to the atmosphere. Further more there are terrified screams, choral arrangements, and samples of classical music (played on cello I believe) within the mix. In my opinion it is the ability to dig and analyze and be surprised by music even after dozens of repeated listens that certifies an album as purely progressive. In conclusion, this is probably the most accomplished piece of Black Metal to be yet released. It is my second favorite album of all time and it is one that I believe I will enjoy for years to come. I highly recommend it for fans of tech/extreme or avant-garde prog (though perhaps post-metalers will enjoy it as well). If you do not listen to this album you are doing a disservice to the entire history of metal... - Jake Kobrin

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  • Posted more than 2 years ago in A Ton of Shirts for Sale/Trade!
    I'm getting rid of a lot of shirts that I don't want anymore. I'll sell any of them for $8 (plus shipping) or I'd gladly trade them for any of the ones I want in a (mens) size L or XL. I have: Alice in Chains - 2XLBlack Sabbath - Dio era 2XLBlack Sabbath - classic line up 3XLDaylight Dies - 2XL with logo on backDeathspell Omega - split shirt 2XLIsis - 2XL very very soft shirt but with rip towards the bottomMastodon - bear shirt 2XLMastodon - birds shirt 2XLMeshuggah - blue Nothing shirt 3XL - says Nothing on the backOpeth - green shirt 2XLThe Sword - 2XLTool - 10,000 Days shirt 2XLTool - grey shirt - doesn't say but I think 2XL has subtle pattern on the sideTool - skull fetus it doesn't say the sound but I think it's 2XLWatain - European tour shirt by Timo Ketola with tour dates on back. Size L but feels more like an XL   Tool FrontTool BackBlack Sabbath / Dio FrontBlack Sabbath / Dio BackDeathspell Omega FrontDeathspell Omega BackTool FrontTool Back I want: ULVERRADIOHEADMagmaKing CrimsonSigur RosVan Der Graaf GeneratorYes (but not the tyedyed ones) KatatoniaPorcupine Tree (other than The Incident)Black SabbathSlowdiveAgallochTenhiIsisAlcestPortisheadPretty much any old prog or psych bandsOr just look at my Last FM charts and make an offer based on that: http://www.last.fm/user/Ozzloaf/charts?rangetype=year&subtype=artists Send me a picture and/or description of the shirt if you make an offer.  Message me if you're interested. Thanks!
  • Posted more than 2 years ago in Tony Choy leaves Atheist
    That statement was extremely disrespectful. They shouldn't forget that he wrote and recorded all of the bass parts for Elements which are amazing... They sound pissed and jealous that he's leaving, obviously, but their reaction is still very immature. I wish both Atheist and Tony the best. Tony is a great bassist but far from the best in metal, IMO. I'm curious to see who will replace him.
  • Posted more than 2 years ago in 10 reasons why metal is garbage
    This person is rather uneducated and you could make the same (with some modifications) arguments about basically any other genre on earth. What you have here is extreme generalization, which is a rather close minded approach to looking at things. But, when all things are said and done, I really don't care. I'll continue to be a "metal bitch" with my "gay long hair" and enjoy my "emotionless and senseless" music.


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