Prog Geo

George Miskedakis
Forum Senior Member ·
Registered more than 2 years ago · Last visit 11 months ago

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All Reviews/Ratings

16 reviews/ratings
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Ziltoid The Omniscient Progressive Metal | review permalink
IHSAHN - After Progressive Metal | review permalink
OPETH - Still Life Progressive Metal | review permalink
KATATONIA - Night Is the New Day Alternative Metal | review permalink
AYREON - 01011001 Progressive Metal | review permalink
ORIGIN - Antithesis Technical Death Metal | review permalink
OPETH - Watershed Progressive Metal | review permalink
INVERACITY - Extermination of Millions Brutal Death Metal | review permalink
EDGE OF SANITY - Crimson Melodic Death Metal | review permalink
OCTOBER TIDE - Rain Without End Death-Doom Metal | review permalink
DYSTOPIA - Dystopia Sludge Metal | review permalink
IMMORTAL - Sons of Northern Darkness Black Metal | review permalink
IZAH - Finite Horizon / Crevice Atmospheric Sludge Metal | review permalink
SENSUAL NOISE - Chasing Swans Atmospheric Sludge Metal | review permalink
AGALLOCH - Marrow of the Spirit Atmospheric Black Metal | review permalink
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM - Diadem of 12 Stars Atmospheric Black Metal | review permalink

Metal Genre Nb. Rated Avg. rating
1 Progressive Metal 5 4.80
2 Atmospheric Black Metal 2 3.50
3 Atmospheric Sludge Metal 2 4.00
4 Black Metal 1 4.00
5 Brutal Death Metal 1 4.00
6 Death-Doom Metal 1 4.00
7 Melodic Death Metal 1 4.00
8 Sludge Metal 1 4.00
9 Technical Death Metal 1 4.00
10 Alternative Metal 1 5.00

Latest Albums Reviews

AGALLOCH Marrow of the Spirit

Album · 2010 · Atmospheric Black Metal
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A good returning!I was waiting for a new album from Agalloch because it's my 2nd favorite band.When I learned that they will release new album I was very happy.Of course,I had the belief that it will be very good.Well,finally I am satisfied with the album but not so much.The production is good but low.But I appreciate that they wanted to have a real and physical sound in their production and not the “perfect”modern metal production with the triggers as they say.For sure this album is more different than the previous.It's more varied(there are elements of doom metal,black metal,post rock,krautrock and folk).It has a strange aura and atmosphere.It's more haunting.The melancholic introduction of the album with the composition of Jackie Perez Gratz of Grayceon is splendid.Fantastic cello playing!

This cover is one of the bleakest covers that I have ever seen.Fantastic winter landscape!

The key songs of the album are The watcher's monolith(pessimism and nostalgia),Black lake Nidstang(7:22-8:42 superb dirge) and Ghosts of the midwinter fires(00:01-02:51 a more positive introduction but the end of the song is desperate).

An album that a music appreciator will listen to it.

My grade:7,8/10


Album · 2010 · Atmospheric Sludge Metal
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Another great obscure european post metal album and band!This time I say it for the belgian post metal band Sensual noise.I had a good feeling before I listened to this album.And I was right!They have written good compositions.An album with good riffs,rhythms,ambiences and vocals.Mostly I like the screams.I don't like so much the clean vocals here because are very typical and they're not so clean.Generally this album is a little bit typical of the genre again.There's a little focus on drum rhythms and I like that.I mean that the production has focused on the drum sound(but it's a superb production in general).

I like the beach with the cloudy weather on the artwork.The melancholic and the filled with misery compositions describe it well.

The key songs of the album are Step into motion(00:01-00:55(great moment)),Red pelican black cat(nice title and 00:01-00:58(fantastic moment too)and Battle of the ants(the drum introduction is good and then when the nostalgic riff's turn comes(this riff can make you cry).

A must-album for the post metallers!These belgians prove that european post metal lives.

My grade:8/10

IZAH Finite Horizon / Crevice

EP · 2008 · Atmospheric Sludge Metal
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A fantastic ep and an obscure gem of post metal!If you say to me "Is there a good underground european post metal band?",I will answer you Izah.When I listened to this band I was satisfied.It's a pity that this band has only released one ep.There are great ideas in this ep.Except post metal songwriting,this ep has hardcore elements too.It contains two compositions.Finite horizon is more miserable and Crevice is more hostile.The truth is that Entius's vocals are a little bit typical(Mainly his clean vocals.Because he does death metal vocals too).Also the music is a little bit typical.But as I said before this ep is a great effort.

The album cover is splendid.It describes very well the ep's title.

I don't have favorite songs.Because both songs are great!Maybe I like more Crevice for its aggressive introduction.

If you are a die-hard post metal fan,you must listen to this ep.This dutch band won't disappoint you.I wait for a full-length album.Three years have passed from its release(it released in 2008).It's a shame!

My grade:8/10

IMMORTAL Sons of Northern Darkness

Album · 2002 · Black Metal
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I have spent many hours listening to this album.It was I think the first Immortal album that I bought and listened to.I love it!I consider it a classic!A very frozen album.It has the northern pride(like all the albums of Immortal).It's fast,angry,atmospheric in some moments and iced.Abbath has done the best vocals here in my opinion.Iscariah plays well.Horgh proves for another time that is a great drummer.This album has some fantastic riffs that they will stuck in your head.

My favorite tracks are:One by one(dynamic beginning with blastbeats),Sons of northern darkness(a great black/thrash track),Demonium(maybe my favorite track from the album,mindblowing and really dark and when Abbath says "The demonium"is just splendid)and In my kingdom cold(power and pride)

A must-have for the black metallers.A must-listen for metallers.A black metal diamond!

My grade:8/10


Album · 2008 · Sludge Metal
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A sludge metal gem!When I listened to the debut album of Dystopia for first time I said "This is an album that I must find and buy it".I'm very happy that I managed to learn this band.I enjoyed this album.I wait to release their second album.This album has the rage of punk,very heavy guitars and noise(a little bit,that's why is a sludge album).But also has some blastbeats and death metal vocals.It's an anti-american album.Other lyrical themes are misanthropy and drugs.Dino Sommese's screams are amazing(reminds me a little bit the screams of Stephen O' Malley(but less extreme))!It's a typical sludge metal album but I believe that this one is unique.

My favorite tracks are:Now and forever(great beginning),Control-alt-delete,Illusion of love(Carcinogen)(my most favorite,a fantastic sludge-death metal track)and Number one hypocrite(rage)

I recommend it to all metallers.A must-listen album!

My grade:7,8/10

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more than 2 years ago
Opeth is the greatest band on Earth!!!


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