Stoner Metal / Doom Metal • United Kingdom
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Electric Wizard are a stoner doom metal band from Dorset, England.

The oblivion and ecstasy of crushing doom and high grade marijuana, a sonic aural trip far, far away from this world, where only cyclopean walls of crackling vintage valve amplifiers set to the full overdrive and primal ritualistic beats can wash away all the filth and drudgery of everyday life. Their music can be described as Stoner Doom Metal. Their sound is a crushing behemoth of funeral march psychedelia. Violent, bleak and ritualistic.

Born in Dorset, England in 1993, in a quiet country town, initially they were the product of frustration, unemployment and excessive drug abuse. But through hallucinogenic experimentation and occult sciences they realized their true potential. A celebration of outre low brow art like Weird Tales, 70's horror and B-movies, head shop art, drug comix, italian pornohorror comics, Crepax, Lovecraft, Howard etc. etc...coupled with a morbid fascination
Thanks to Stooge, UMUR, MorniumGoatahl for the updates



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ELECTRIC WIZARD albums / top albums

ELECTRIC WIZARD Electric Wizard album cover 3.68 | 18 ratings
Electric Wizard
Doom Metal 1995
ELECTRIC WIZARD Come My Fanatics... album cover 3.56 | 23 ratings
Come My Fanatics...
Stoner Metal 1997
ELECTRIC WIZARD Dopethrone album cover 3.89 | 42 ratings
Stoner Metal 2000
ELECTRIC WIZARD Let Us Prey album cover 3.79 | 13 ratings
Let Us Prey
Stoner Metal 2002
ELECTRIC WIZARD We Live album cover 4.00 | 12 ratings
We Live
Stoner Metal 2004
ELECTRIC WIZARD Witchcult Today album cover 3.95 | 18 ratings
Witchcult Today
Stoner Metal 2007
ELECTRIC WIZARD Black Masses album cover 3.38 | 15 ratings
Black Masses
Stoner Metal 2010
ELECTRIC WIZARD Time to Die album cover 4.12 | 11 ratings
Time to Die
Stoner Metal 2014
ELECTRIC WIZARD Wizard Bloody Wizard album cover 4.26 | 8 ratings
Wizard Bloody Wizard
Stoner Metal 2017


ELECTRIC WIZARD Electric Wizard / Our Haunted Kingdom album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Electric Wizard / Our Haunted Kingdom
Stoner Metal 1996
ELECTRIC WIZARD Chrono.naut album cover 3.07 | 3 ratings
Stoner Metal 1997
ELECTRIC WIZARD Electric Wizard / Orange Goblin album cover 3.50 | 1 ratings
Electric Wizard / Orange Goblin
Stoner Metal 1997
ELECTRIC WIZARD Supercoven album cover 3.87 | 6 ratings
Stoner Metal 1998
ELECTRIC WIZARD The Processean (Procession) album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
The Processean (Procession)
Stoner Metal 2008
ELECTRIC WIZARD Electric Wizard / Reverend Bizarre album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
Electric Wizard / Reverend Bizarre
Stoner Metal 2008
ELECTRIC WIZARD Legalise Drugs and Murder album cover 2.00 | 1 ratings
Legalise Drugs and Murder
Stoner Metal 2012


ELECTRIC WIZARD Radio 1 Session 1/05 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Radio 1 Session 1/05
Stoner Metal 2006
ELECTRIC WIZARD Live Maryland Deathfest 2012 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Live Maryland Deathfest 2012
Stoner Metal 2018

ELECTRIC WIZARD demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

ELECTRIC WIZARD Satyr IX (2012 Demo Version) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Satyr IX (2012 Demo Version)
Stoner Metal 2012

ELECTRIC WIZARD re-issues & compilations

ELECTRIC WIZARD Pre-Electric Wizard 1989-1994 album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Pre-Electric Wizard 1989-1994
Stoner Metal 2006


.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Legalise Drugs & Murder
Stoner Metal 2012
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Satyr IX (2012 Demo Version)
Stoner Metal 2012
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
I Am Nothing
Stoner Metal 2014
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Stoner Metal 2014
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
See You in Hell
Stoner Metal 2017

ELECTRIC WIZARD movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)



Album · 2000 · Stoner Metal
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Dopethrone is an odd one for me. I’ve never been a fan of Stoner “Doom” (most of which is not really doomy at all, but just slow and heavy Stoner Metal) and I hate the fact that a bunch of the most revered “Doom” albums and bands fall into this category of not really being Doom, but either Stoner + Trad Doom or Stoner + Drone stuck with the misnomer.

The thing that makes Doom what it is isn’t simply being slow or heavy. It’s a focus on mood and atmosphere, ranging between dark and misanthropic to depressive, melancholic, and lonely. Always the goal is to evoke some sort of emotional response on the listener, to manipulate their mood using the darker, more painful human emotions.

Stoner “Doom” rarely does this. It’s not focused on mood and certainly not emotionally evocative. In contrast, it’s some of the least emotional music out there, being groovy, chill and drugged out. To some extent it relies on the already altered state of the listener (via drugs etc), whereas true Doom seeks to actively alter the listener’s emotions with music, lyrics and so on. Most of the lyrics in Stoner “Doom” are silly, surreal, and of course, psychedelic and hedonistic. Despite the sluggishness and lethargy, actual Doom is an ACTIVE genre whereas Stoner is a PASSIVE genre.

Electric Wizard are one of the top bands in that game. Their first two albums are exactly what I detest in the genre, with sophomore effort “Come My Fanatics…” being one of the worst Metal albums I’ve ever heard. But as far as this one goes, let’s just say I was pleasantly surprised. While this certainly won’t be making any top “Doom” list of mine, the band took a sound I tend to dislike and made something quite enjoyable by my standards. While the riffs and drumming are nothing to write home about, they’re certainly a step up from the braindead droning of the previous record. The use of feedback and sustained, repetitive notes reaches an apex here, where the texture of the music is palpable and pleasant. The noise and fuzz adds a warm flavor, a spice used sparingly rather than overwhelming the whole dish as on other records in the style such as “Jerusalem.” Perhaps that’s why this album is considered the best; it takes an extremely inaccessible sound and makes it a bit smoother and conventional to appeal to the general palate.

I will certainly give this album credit in doing that much. Despite being many years into the style, “Dopethrone” remains the crown jewel of the Stoner “Doom” style and managed to make something new and unique without really changing any of the core components or techniques. All that being said, it’s still completely emotionally vacant, devoid of mood or passion, and I don’t want it anywhere near my Doom Metal.

ELECTRIC WIZARD Wizard Bloody Wizard

Album · 2017 · Stoner Metal
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"Wizard Bloody Wizard" is the ninth full-length studio album by UK doom/stoner metal act Electric Wizard. The album was released through Spinefarm Records in November 2017. It´s the successor to "Time to Die" from 2014 and features one lineup change since the predecessor as drummer Mark Greening has been replaced by Simon Poole.

Stylistically the material on "Wizard Bloody Wizard" is horror/occult themed stoner/doom metal with the occasional psychedelic touch. It´s brick heavy music, featuring heavy groove laden power chord riffs, organic bass playing and drumming, and lead vocalist/guitarist Jus Oborn shouting vocals in front. If you´re familiar with the last couple of albums by Electric Wizard, you won´t be surprised by the style of music presented here. There´s maybe a slight hard rock edge to some of the tracks and an even more organic/analog sounding production than on the preceding albums, but it´s details, and Electric Wizard still worship at the alter of 70s Black Sabbath, like they´ve done on a lot of their output. The title of the album is of course also a pun on the legendary Birmingham band´s fifth studio album "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" (1973).

The songwriting is decent, but it´s not the most interesting nor the most challenging release by Electric Wizard. They´ve always repeated their riffs a lot during tracks to create a hypnotic effect, and it has often worked well for them, but there is always the risk that repetition creates a feeling of indifference or even boredom in the listener, and that´s unfortunately occasionally the case here. It´s not a major issue, but a more concise songwriting approach and a little more focus on catchiness wouldn´t have hurt. Of course the dark occult atmosphere, the high level musicianship, and the great parts of the songs save the day, and "Wizard Bloody Wizard" is overall another high quality stoner/doom metal release by Electric Wizard. A 3.5 star (70%) rating is deserved.

ELECTRIC WIZARD Come My Fanatics...

Album · 1997 · Stoner Metal
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Boring, repetitive, boring, heavy, boring, fuzzy, boring, noisy, and boring. Insulting how this is considered a great release in Doom Metal when it is not Doom Metal at all. Droning, Stoner “riffs” caked in enough fuzz that you’re tricked into thinking this is some kind of atmospheric soundscape. Played slow with insane lethargy, not for the sake of emphasizing mood or feeling, but because the band members were probably too burnt to be bothered to play anything else.

I do usually like to see the value in something even if it isn’t for me, but the mass praise this thing gets means I don’t need to cut it any breaks. It doesn’t do anything except layer on guitar fuzz, and I don’t understand what the appeal to that is supposed to be. Rather, I can see how inebriated people are fooled into liking this, but for the album to be so widely beloved and acclaimed? What is going on? How is this appealing to so many people? Albums like this truly make me feel like I’ve lost touch with the world.


Album · 2010 · Stoner Metal
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"Black Masses" is the 7th full-length studio album by UK stoner/doom metal act Electric Wizard. The album was released through Rise Above Records in November 2010. There´s been one lineup change since "Witchcult Today (2007)" as bassist Rob Al-Issa has been replaced by Tas (Real name Tasos Danazoglou).

Stylistically it´s more or less a continuation of the stoner/doom metal style of the predecessor. It´s filthy, distorted, dark, psychadelic, and occasionally quite aggressive. Electric Wizard have always been masters of striking a good balance between crushingly heavy occult themed darkness and psychadelic stoned out jamming. Sometimes it has worked wonders and sometimes it´s been a little less successful. "Black Masses" features both excellent moments and less interesting ones. Typically the more structured parts of the tracks on the album work really well. Aggressive, distorted, and desperate sounding vocals by lead vocalist/guitarist Jus Oborn, crushingly heavy riff and rhythms, all packed in an organic and raw sounding production, which suits the music perfectly. Most tracks have a tendency to drag on for too long though, often closing with what seems like endless repetition of the same riffs/rhythms layered with feedback noises and psychadelic effects. It works well for a minute or two, but then those sections overstay their welcome. The inclusion of the dark droning 8:49 minutes long instrumental "Crypt of Drugula", which closes the album, is also a bit hard on the ears of the listener who just wants something recognisable to hang on to.

When that is said I always praise uncompromising artists, and Electric Wizard definitely belong in that catagory. They obviously play exactly what they want to, when they want to, and although they have a basic musical formula, which has worked well for them for years, they don´t necessarily try and replicate their greatest successes. Upon conclusion "Black Masses" is another quality stoner/doom metal release by Electric Wizard and although it may not be their most innovative album nor their most high quality work a 3.5 star (70%) rating is still well deserved.


Album · 2007 · Stoner Metal
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"Witchcult Today" is the 6th full-length studio album by UK stoner/doom metal act Electric Wizard. The album was released through Rise Above Records in November 2007. The lineup who recorded "We Live (2004)" is intact. Jus Oborn (guitars, vocals), Liz Buckingham (guitars), Rob Al-Issa (bass), and Shaun Rutter (drums).

Stylistically there are few surprises if you´re already familiar with Electric Wizard, as "Witchcult Today" pretty much continues the dark occult and psychadelic tinged doom/stoner metal style of the last couple of releases. "Witchcult Today" features a murky and raw sounding production, which sets it slightly apart from the releases which bookend it, but musically it´s in a similar vein. Electric Wizard have always made it a mission to sound as raw and organic as possible, but with this sound production that approach reaches new heights.

The material on the 8 track, 58:52 minutes long album are well written and quite memorable given a few spins. The music is heavy, groove laden, and the atmosphere is dark with a touch of restrained aggression. The lyrics are occult themed, which song titles like "Satanic Rites of Drugula" and "Black Magic Rituals & Perversions" are a testament to. The almost ritualistic repetition of riffs and rhythms, can at times drag on for too long, but Electric Wizard are generally pretty good at restraining themselves and keeping their psychadelic jam sessions to an acceptable length.

The musicianship is as always strong. Electric Wizard are a tight playing unit, and Oborn´s desperate shouting vocals suit the music perfectly. Upon conclusion "Witchcult Today" is yet another high quality release by Electric Wizard. The sound production may be an issue to some listeners, but if a murky organic production ever suited anyone, it´s Electric Wizard. A 3.5 - 4 star (75%) rating is deserved.


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