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Favorite Metal Artists

All Reviews/Ratings

1724 reviews/ratings
BLIND GUARDIAN - Somewhere Far Beyond Power Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - Imaginations From the Other Side Power Metal
AVATARIUM - Avatarium Doom Metal
OPETH - Still Life Progressive Metal
OPETH - Ghost Reveries Progressive Metal
BREED 77 - In My Blood (En Mi Sangre) Alternative Metal
CELTIC FROST - Monotheist Doom Metal
KATATONIA - Brave Murder Day Death-Doom Metal
SOUNDGARDEN - Badmotorfinger Heavy Alternative Rock
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Ziltoid The Omniscient Progressive Metal
UNEXPECT - Fables of the Sleepless Empire Avant-garde Metal
AGALLOCH - Marrow of the Spirit Atmospheric Black Metal
BORKNAGAR - Quintessence Melodic Black Metal
FEN - Epoch Atmospheric Black Metal
HAIL SPIRIT NOIR - Mayhem In Blue Black Metal
HAVUKRUUNU - Kelle surut soi Pagan Black Metal
MARE COGNITUM - Phobos Monolith Atmospheric Black Metal
SPECTRAL LORE - III Atmospheric Black Metal
VEKTOR - Black Future Technical Thrash Metal
VEKTOR - Outer Isolation Technical Thrash Metal
VEKTOR - Terminal Redux Technical Thrash Metal
HELL - Curse & Chapter Heavy Metal
AYREON - Into the Electric Castle Progressive Metal
IMMOLATION - Close to a World Below Death Metal
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM - Two Hunters Atmospheric Black Metal
ANUBIS GATE - The Detached Progressive Metal
ICED EARTH - Burnt Offerings US Power Metal
ACCEPT - Restless and Wild Heavy Metal
OVERKILL - The Years Of Decay Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - Horrorscope Thrash Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Deep Purple In Rock Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - Machine Head Hard Rock
RAGE - Black in Mind Power Metal
SUFFOCATION - Pierced From Within Brutal Death Metal
AHAB - The Call of the Wretched Sea Funeral Doom Metal
CANDLEMASS - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus Traditional Doom Metal
CANDLEMASS - Nightfall Traditional Doom Metal
CANDLEMASS - Tales of Creation Traditional Doom Metal
ELECTRIC WIZARD - Dopethrone Stoner Metal
ELECTRIC WIZARD - Come My Fanatics... Stoner Metal
GRAND MAGUS - Iron Will Heavy Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - Turn Loose the Swans Death-Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - The Angel and the Dark River Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - The Dreadful Hours Death-Doom Metal
REVEREND BIZARRE - In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend Doom Metal
REVEREND BIZARRE - III: So Long Suckers Doom Metal
SAINT VITUS - Born Too Late Traditional Doom Metal
SAINT VITUS - Die Healing Traditional Doom Metal
SOLITUDE AETURNUS - Through the Darkest Hour Traditional Doom Metal
LOVEBITES - Awakening from Abyss Power Metal | review permalink
EPICA - The Holographic Principle Symphonic Metal
IRON MAIDEN - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son Heavy Metal
IRON MAIDEN - The Number Of The Beast NWoBHM
IRON MAIDEN - Brave New World Heavy Metal
IRON MAIDEN - The Book Of Souls Heavy Metal
IRON MAIDEN - Rock In Rio Heavy Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Never, Neverland Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Alice in Hell Thrash Metal
TEITANBLOOD - Death War Metal
ANTHRAX - Among The Living Thrash Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Black Sabbath Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Paranoid Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Master Of Reality Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Heaven And Hell Heavy Metal
CATHEDRAL - The Ethereal Mirror Stoner Metal
CATHEDRAL - The Carnival Bizarre Stoner Metal
DIO - Holy Diver Heavy Metal
FATES WARNING - Awaken The Guardian US Power Metal
GAMMA RAY - Land of the Free Power Metal
GAMMA RAY - Somewhere Out in Space Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Knights of the Cross Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Excalibur Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - Keeper of the Seven Keys Part I Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - Keeper of the Seven Keys Part II Power Metal
SLEEP - The Sciences Stoner Metal
SLEEP - Dopesmoker Stoner Metal
SLEEP - Sleep's Holy Mountain Stoner Metal
ESOCTRILIHUM - Inhüma Death Metal
IMMORTAL - Sons of Northern Darkness Black Metal
IMMORTAL - At the Heart of Winter Black Metal
YOB - The Illusion of Motion Stoner Metal
AUGURY - Concealed Technical Death Metal
METAL CHURCH - Metal Church US Power Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Sad Wings Of Destiny Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Stained Class Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Painkiller Power Metal
BLOOD INCANTATION - Hidden History of the Human Race Death Metal
CULT OF LUNA - Somewhere Along The Highway Atmospheric Sludge Metal
IHSAHN - After Progressive Metal
HAIL SPIRIT NOIR - Eden in Reverse Progressive Metal
METALLICA - Ride the Lightning Thrash Metal
METALLICA - Master of Puppets Thrash Metal
METALLICA - Metallica Heavy Metal
NEAL MORSE - One Metal Related
NEAL MORSE - Sola Scriptura Metal Related
SPOCK'S BEARD - The Light Non-Metal
SPOCK'S BEARD - The Kindness of Strangers Metal Related
SPOCK'S BEARD - V Metal Related
SPOCK'S BEARD - Snow Metal Related
TRANSATLANTIC - Bridge Across Forever Metal Related
TRANSATLANTIC - The Whirlwind Metal Related
AVANTASIA - The Metal Opera Power Metal
ORANSSI PAZUZU - Värähtelijä Black Metal
ORANSSI PAZUZU - Mestarin kynsi Black Metal
ULCERATE - Stare into Death and Be Still Technical Death Metal
ULCERATE - The Destroyers of All Technical Death Metal
HAVUKRUUNU - Uinuos syömein sota Pagan Black Metal
THE OCEAN - Precambrian Atmospheric Sludge Metal
FALCONER - Falconer Power Metal
FALCONER - Chapters From a Vale Forlorn Power Metal
FALCONER - Among Beggars and Thieves Power Metal
TESTAMENT - The Legacy Thrash Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - Nightfall in Middle-Earth Power Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - At The Edge Of Time Power Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - Tales From the Twilight World Power Metal | review permalink
OPETH - Morningrise Progressive Metal
OPETH - Blackwater Park Progressive Metal
OPETH - Watershed Progressive Metal
ALICE IN CHAINS - Facelift Alternative Metal
ALICE IN CHAINS - Dirt Alternative Metal
ALICE IN CHAINS - Black Gives Way To Blue Alternative Metal
ALTER BRIDGE - Blackbird Hard Rock
ALTER BRIDGE - AB III Alternative Metal
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - The Great Misdirect Progressive Metal
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - The Parallax II: Future Sequence Progressive Metal
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - Coma Ecliptic Progressive Metal
CELTIC FROST - To Mega Therion Thrash Metal
IN FLAMES - Lunar Strain Melodic Death Metal
KATATONIA - Dance of December Souls Death-Doom Metal
MACHINE HEAD - The Blackening Groove Metal
PORCUPINE TREE - Fear Of A Blank Planet Metal Related
PORCUPINE TREE - Deadwing Metal Related
SOUNDGARDEN - Superunknown Heavy Alternative Rock
SEPULTURA - Beneath the Remains Thrash Metal
SEPULTURA - Arise Thrash Metal
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES - Lights... Camera... Revolution! Crossover Thrash
SYSTEM OF A DOWN - Toxicity Alternative Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Deconstruction Progressive Metal
A FOREST OF STARS - A Shadowplay for Yesterdays Avant-garde Metal
DØDHEIMSGARD - 666 International Black Metal
SIGH - Imaginary Sonicscape Avant-garde Metal
SIGH - Gallows Gallery Avant-garde Metal
ULVER - Bergtatt: Et Eeventyr I 5 Capitler Atmospheric Black Metal
UNEXPECT - In a Flesh Aquarium Avant-garde Metal
ABSU - The Sun of Tiphareth Black Metal
ABSU - Tara Black Metal
AGALLOCH - The Mantle Folk Metal
ARCHGOAT - The Light-Devouring Darkness War Metal
ARCKANUM - Fran Marder Black Metal
ARCTURUS - The Sham Mirrors Avant-garde Metal
ASTARTE - Quod Superius Sicut Inferius Melodic Black Metal
BATHORY - Blood Fire Death Black Metal
BATHORY - Hammerheart Viking Metal
BATHORY - Twilight of the Gods Viking Metal
BORKNAGAR - The Olden Domain Viking Metal
CNOC AN TURSA - The Forty Five Pagan Black Metal
COLDWORLD - Melancholie² Atmospheric Black Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Paracletus Black Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice Black Metal
DRUDKH - Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Atmospheric Black Metal
EMPEROR - In the Nightside Eclipse Symphonic Black Metal
EMPEROR - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk Symphonic Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Eld Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Below the Lights Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Isa Black Metal
ENSLAVED - RIITIIR Progressive Metal
ENSLAVED - In Times Progressive Metal
ENTROPIA - Ufonaut Black Metal
FEN - Carrion Skies Atmospheric Black Metal
FEN - Winter Atmospheric Black Metal
HAIL SPIRIT NOIR - Pneuma Black Metal
KVIST - For kunsten maa vi evig vike Melodic Black Metal
MELECHESH - Enki Melodic Black Metal
MGŁA - Exercises in Futility Black Metal
UNLEASH THE ARCHERS - Time Stands Still Power Metal
MASTODON - Leviathan Sludge Metal
MASTODON - Crack The Skye Sludge Metal
NACHTLIEDER - The Female of the Species Black Metal
NACHTVORST - Silence Doom Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Goat Horns Symphonic Black Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Голос Сталі Folk Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Істина Folk Metal
OBSIDIAN GATE - The Nightspectral Voyage Symphonic Black Metal
PANOPTICON - Kentucky Atmospheric Black Metal
PANOPTICON - Roads to the North Atmospheric Black Metal
PANOPTICON - Autumn Eternal Atmospheric Black Metal
PANOPTICON - Revisions of the Past Atmospheric Black Metal
PAYSAGE D'HIVER - Paysage d'Hiver Atmospheric Black Metal
PRIMORDIAL - Imrama Pagan Black Metal
THE RUINS OF BEVERAST - Rain Upon the Impure Atmospheric Black Metal
THE RUINS OF BEVERAST - Exuvia Death-Doom Metal
SAILLE - Irreversible Decay Melodic Black Metal
SAMAEL - Blood Ritual Black Metal
SAOR - Aura Atmospheric Black Metal
SAOR - Guardians Atmospheric Black Metal
SATYRICON - Dark Medieval Times Black Metal
SEAR BLISS - Glory and Perdition Melodic Black Metal
MARE COGNITUM - Luminiferous Aether Atmospheric Black Metal
MARE COGNITUM - Sol Atmospheric Black Metal
SPECTRAL LORE - Sol Atmospheric Black Metal
SUMMONING - Stronghold Atmospheric Black Metal
SUMMONING - Old Mornings Dawn Atmospheric Black Metal
MADROST - The Essence of Time Matches No Flesh Technical Thrash Metal
PARADISE LOST - Gothic Death-Doom Metal
PARADISE LOST - Draconian Times Gothic Metal
PARADISE LOST - The Plague Within Doom Metal
HELL - Human Remains Heavy Metal
CONVERGE - Jane Doe Mathcore
CONVERGE - You Fail Me Mathcore
CONVERGE - The Dusk In Us Metalcore
SPECTRAL VOICE - Eroded Corridors of Unbeing Death-Doom Metal
PAGAN ALTAR - Volume 1 Traditional Doom Metal
PAGAN ALTAR - Mythical & Magical Heavy Metal
PAGAN ALTAR - The Lords of Hypocrisy Traditional Doom Metal
AYREON - The Human Equation Progressive Metal
SEPTICFLESH - Communion Death Metal
SEPTICFLESH - The Great Mass Death Metal
SEPTICFLESH - Sumerian Daemons Death Metal
IMMOLATION - Unholy Cult Death Metal
IMMOLATION - Here in After Death Metal
IMMOLATION - Dawn of Possession Death Metal
GALNERYUS - Beyond the End of Despair… Power Metal
GALNERYUS - Resurrection Power Metal
VENENUM - Trance of Death Death Metal
ARTIFICIAL BRAIN - Infrared Horizon Technical Death Metal
ARTIFICIAL BRAIN - Labyrinth Constellation Technical Death Metal
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM - Diadem of 12 Stars Atmospheric Black Metal
ANUBIS GATE - Horizons Progressive Metal
ANUBIS GATE - Andromeda Unchained Progressive Metal
ANUBIS GATE - A Perfect Forever Progressive Metal
DARKOLOGY - Altered Reflections Progressive Metal
SEVENTH WONDER - Mercy Falls Progressive Metal
ARGUS - Boldly Stride The Doomed Traditional Doom Metal
NE OBLIVISCARIS - Portal Of I Progressive Metal
NE OBLIVISCARIS - Citadel Progressive Metal
THE DOOMSDAY KINGDOM - The Doomsday Kingdom Traditional Doom Metal
ICED EARTH - Night of the Stormrider US Power Metal
ORDEN OGAN - To the End Power Metal
KREATOR - Coma of Souls Thrash Metal
KREATOR - Pleasure to Kill Thrash Metal
KREATOR - Extreme Aggression Thrash Metal
KREATOR - Terrible Certainty Thrash Metal
ELVENKING - Heathenreel Folk Metal
ELVENKING - Wyrd Folk Metal
ACCEPT - Balls to the Wall Heavy Metal
ACCEPT - Metal Heart Heavy Metal
ACCEPT - Blood of the Nations Heavy Metal
ACCEPT - Breaker Heavy Metal
CORMORANT - Dwellings Progressive Metal
OVERKILL - Feel The Fire Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - Taking Over Thrash Metal
PILLORIAN - Obsidian Arc Black Metal
AKERCOCKE - Words That Go Unspoken, Deeds That Go Undone Death Metal
PYRAMAZE - Immortal Power Metal
ROYAL THUNDER - Crooked Doors Hard Rock
XANDRIA - Neverworld's End Power Metal
XANDRIA - Sacrificium Power Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Fireball Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - Burn Hard Rock
RAGE - Perfect Man Power Metal
RAGE - Trapped! Power Metal
RAGE - The Missing Link Power Metal
RAGE - End of All Days Power Metal
RAGE - Soundchaser Power Metal
ORIGIN - Entity Technical Death Metal
ORIGIN - Antithesis Technical Death Metal
SEVEN KINGDOMS - The Fire Is Mine Power Metal
SUFFOCATION - Effigy of the Forgotten Brutal Death Metal
TAAKE - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid Black Metal
TAAKE - Hordalands doedskvad Black Metal
OBITUARY - Cause of Death Death Metal
OBITUARY - The End Complete Death Metal
THE FACELESS - Autotheism Technical Death Metal
RAM - Lightbringer Heavy Metal
RAM - Svbversvm Heavy Metal
PARADISE LOST - Medusa Death-Doom Metal | review permalink
WODENSTHRONE - Loss Atmospheric Black Metal
WODENSTHRONE - Curse Atmospheric Black Metal
AHAB - The Divinity of Oceans Funeral Doom Metal
BLOOD CEREMONY - Living With the Ancients Traditional Doom Metal
BLOOD CEREMONY - The Eldritch Dark Heavy Psych
BLOOD CEREMONY - Lord Of Misrule Heavy Psych
CANDLEMASS - Ancient Dreams Traditional Doom Metal
CANDLEMASS - Candlemass Traditional Doom Metal
DOWN - NOLA Stoner Metal
EA - Ea Taesse Funeral Doom Metal
ELECTRIC WIZARD - Witchcult Today Stoner Metal
ELECTRIC WIZARD - Electric Wizard Doom Metal
EMPYRIUM - Songs of Moors & Misty Fields Folk Metal
EMPYRIUM - Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays Non-Metal
EMPYRIUM - Weiland Non-Metal
ESOTERIC - Metamorphogenesis Funeral Doom Metal
ESOTERIC - The Maniacal Vale Funeral Doom Metal
ESOTERIC - Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum Funeral Doom Metal
ESOTERIC - The Pernicious Enigma Funeral Doom Metal
EVOKEN - Quietus Funeral Doom Metal
EVOKEN - Antithesis Of Light Funeral Doom Metal
EVOKEN - A Caress Of The Void Funeral Doom Metal
EVOKEN - Embrace The Emptiness Funeral Doom Metal
EVOKEN - Atra Mors Funeral Doom Metal
EYE OF SOLITUDE - Canto III Death-Doom Metal
THE GATES OF SLUMBER - Conqueror Traditional Doom Metal
LYCUS - Tempest Funeral Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - Like Gods of the Sun Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - The Light at the End of the World Death-Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - Songs of Darkness, Words of Light Death-Doom Metal
NOMAD SON - First Light Traditional Doom Metal
NOVEMBERS DOOM - The Pale Haunt Departure Death-Doom Metal
OCTOBER TIDE - Rain Without End Death-Doom Metal
REVEREND BIZARRE - II: Crush the Insects Doom Metal
SAINT VITUS - Saint Vitus Traditional Doom Metal
SAINT VITUS - Hallow's Victim Traditional Doom Metal
SAINT VITUS - V Traditional Doom Metal
SOLITUDE AETURNUS - Into the Depths of Sorrow Traditional Doom Metal
SOLITUDE AETURNUS - Beyond the Crimson Horizon Traditional Doom Metal
SOLITUDE AETURNUS - Alone Traditional Doom Metal
SPACESLUG - Time Travel Dilemma Stoner Metal
ORANGE GOBLIN - Frequencies From Planet Ten Stoner Metal
ORANGE GOBLIN - Time Travelling Blues Stoner Metal
ORANGE GOBLIN - The Big Black Stoner Metal
EPICA - The Divine Conspiracy Symphonic Metal
EPICA - Design Your Universe Symphonic Metal
EPICA - The Quantum Enigma Symphonic Metal
SWALLOW THE SUN - The Morning Never Came Death-Doom Metal
SWALLOW THE SUN - New Moon Death-Doom Metal
IRON MAIDEN - Somewhere In Time Heavy Metal
IRON MAIDEN - Dance Of Death Heavy Metal
IRON MAIDEN - A Matter Of Life And Death Heavy Metal
IRON MAIDEN - Death On The Road Heavy Metal
BLASPHEMY - Gods of War War Metal
ANTHRAX - Spreading The Disease Thrash Metal
ANTHRAX - Persistence Of Time Thrash Metal
STAR ONE - Victims of the Modern Age Progressive Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Vol 4 Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Mob Rules Heavy Metal
CATHEDRAL - Forest of Equilibrium Doom Metal
CATHEDRAL - The Garden of Unearthly Delights Stoner Metal
DIO - The Last in Line Heavy Metal
DREAM THEATER - Images and Words Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - In Search of Truth Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - The Spectre Within US Power Metal
FATES WARNING - No Exit Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - Parallels Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - A Pleasant Shade Of Gray Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - Theories Of Flight Progressive Metal
GAMMA RAY - Power Plant Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Tunes of War Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Return of the Reaper Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - Walls of Jericho Speed Metal
HELLOWEEN - Gambling With the Devil Power Metal
SLEEP - Jerusalem Stoner Metal
ESOCTRILIHUM - Mystic Echo From A Funeral Dimension Atmospheric Black Metal
ESOCTRILIHUM - Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas To Awaken The Blind Sovereigns Of Nothingness) Death Metal
EVOKEN - Hypnagogia Funeral Doom Metal
LOVEBITES - Clockwork Immortality Power Metal
DEAFHEAVEN - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love Atmospheric Black Metal
SLUGDGE - Esoteric Malacology Death Metal
MOURNFUL CONGREGATION - The Incubus of Karma Funeral Doom Metal
PANOPTICON - The Scars of Man on the Once Nameless Wilderness, Part 1 Atmospheric Black Metal
IMMORTAL - Damned in Black Black Metal
IMMORTAL - Pure Holocaust Black Metal
YOB - Clearing the Path to Ascend Doom Metal
YOB - Our Raw Heart Doom Metal
YOB - The Unreal Never Lived Doom Metal
YOB - Catharsis Stoner Metal
BEYOND CREATION - The Aura Technical Death Metal
BEYOND CREATION - Earthborn Evolution Technical Death Metal
BEYOND CREATION - Algorythm Technical Death Metal
UN - Sentiment Funeral Doom Metal
OBSCURA - Omnivium Technical Death Metal
OBSCURA - Cosmogenesis Technical Death Metal
SACRAL RAGE - Beyond Celestial Echoes Technical Thrash Metal
AUGURY - Fragmentary Evidence Technical Death Metal
AUGURY - Illusive Golden Age Technical Death Metal
METAL CHURCH - The Dark US Power Metal
METAL CHURCH - Blessing in Disguise US Power Metal
METAL CHURCH - The Human Factor Heavy Metal
METAL CHURCH - Damned If You Do Heavy Metal
UADA - Devoid of Light Melodic Black Metal
UADA - Cult of a Dying Sun Melodic Black Metal
DOPETHRONE - Transcanadian Anger Stoner Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Killing Machine Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Screaming For Vengeance Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Angel Of Retribution Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Firepower Heavy Metal
SPACESLUG - Eye the Tide Stoner Metal
ACATHEXIS - Acathexis Atmospheric Black Metal
VORBID - Mind Technical Thrash Metal
CORROSION OF CONFORMITY - Deliverance Stoner Metal
CORROSION OF CONFORMITY - Wiseblood Stoner Metal
OPETH - In Cauda Venenum Progressive Metal
CULT OF LUNA - Mariner (with Julie Christmas) Atmospheric Sludge Metal
CULT OF LUNA - A Dawn To Fear Atmospheric Sludge Metal
CULT OF LUNA - Vertikal Atmospheric Sludge Metal
IHSAHN - Eremita Progressive Metal
IHSAHN - Das Seelenbrechen Avant-garde Metal
IHSAHN - Àmr Progressive Metal
KING GIZZARD AND THE LIZARD WIZARD - Infest the Rats' Nest Thrash Metal
TRIPTYKON - Melana Chasmata Doom Metal
TRIPTYKON - Eparistera Daimones Doom Metal
ESOTERIC - A Pyrrhic Existence Funeral Doom Metal
MORBUS CHRON - Sweven Progressive Metal
PARADISE LOST - Obsidian Gothic Metal
NACHTLIEDER - Lynx Black Metal
METALLICA - Kill 'em All Thrash Metal
METALLICA - ...And Justice for All Thrash Metal
NEAL MORSE - ? Metal Related
SPOCK'S BEARD - Beware of Darkness Non-Metal
SPOCK'S BEARD - The Oblivion Particle Metal Related
THE NEAL MORSE BAND - The Grand Experiment Metal Related
THE NEAL MORSE BAND - The Similitude of a Dream Metal Related
THE NEAL MORSE BAND - The Great Adventure Metal Related
SYSTEM OF A DOWN - Mezmerize Alternative Metal
LOVEBITES - Electric Pentagram Power Metal
AVANTASIA - The Metal Opera Pt. II Power Metal
ORANSSI PAZUZU - Valonielu Black Metal
ULCERATE - Shrines of Paralysis Technical Death Metal
ULCERATE - Vermis Technical Death Metal
HAVUKRUUNU - Havulinnaan Pagan Black Metal
ESOCTRILIHUM - The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods Death Metal
ESOCTRILIHUM - Eternity of Shaog Black Metal
SPECTRAL LORE - Wanderers: Astrology Of The Nine Atmospheric Black Metal
MARE COGNITUM - Wanderers: Astrology Of The Nine Atmospheric Black Metal
THE OCEAN - Pelagial Atmospheric Sludge Metal
THE OCEAN - Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic Atmospheric Sludge Metal
THE OCEAN - Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic Atmospheric Sludge Metal
THE OCEAN - Anthropocentric Atmospheric Sludge Metal
IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT - Alphaville Avant-garde Metal
HEXECUTOR - Beyond Any Human Conception of Knowledge… Thrash Metal
MSW - Obliviosus Doom Metal
WAKE - Devouring Ruin Black Metal
DROWN - Subaqueous Funeral Doom Metal
COEXISTENCE - Collateral Dimension Technical Death Metal
CRYPTIC SHIFT - Visitations from Enceladus Technical Thrash Metal
REZN - Chaotic Divine Doom Metal
FALCONER - Black Moon Rising Power Metal
TESTAMENT - Practice What You Preach Thrash Metal
TESTAMENT - The Formation Of Damnation Thrash Metal
TESTAMENT - Dark Roots Of Earth Thrash Metal
ATRAMENTUS - Stygian Funeral Doom Metal
JUPITERIAN - Protosapien Death-Doom Metal
NEAL MORSE - Sola Gratia Metal Related
SWEVEN - The Eternal Resonance Progressive Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - Battalions of Fear Speed Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - Follow the Blind Speed Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - A Night at the Opera Power Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - Beyond the Red Mirror Power Metal
AVATARIUM - The Girl with the Raven Mask Doom Metal
AVATARIUM - Hurricanes and Halos Heavy Psych
OPETH - Orchid Progressive Metal
OPETH - My Arms, Your Hearse Progressive Metal
OPETH - Deliverance Progressive Metal
OPETH - Pale Communion Non-Metal
OPETH - Sorceress Metal Related
ALICE IN CHAINS - Alice In Chains Alternative Metal
ALICE IN CHAINS - The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here Alternative Metal
10 YEARS - The Autumn Effect Heavy Alternative Rock
ALTER BRIDGE - One Day Remains Hard Rock
ALTER BRIDGE - Fortress Alternative Metal
ALTER BRIDGE - The Last Hero Hard Rock
AVENGED SEVENFOLD - City of Evil Heavy Metal
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - Colors Progressive Metal
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues Progressive Metal
BREED 77 - Cultura Alternative Metal
CELTIC FROST - Into the Pandemonium Avant-garde Metal
EVANESCENCE - Fallen Alternative Metal
GODSMACK - Awake Alternative Metal
GODSMACK - Faceless Alternative Metal
IN FLAMES - Whoracle Melodic Death Metal
IN FLAMES - The Jester Race Melodic Death Metal
IN FLAMES - Colony Melodic Death Metal
IN FLAMES - Clayman Melodic Death Metal
KATATONIA - The Great Cold Distance Alternative Metal
KATATONIA - Night Is the New Day Alternative Metal
KATATONIA - The Fall Of Hearts Alternative Metal
LACUNA COIL - In a Reverie Gothic Metal
LACUNA COIL - Unleashed Memories Gothic Metal
MACHINE HEAD - Burn My Eyes Groove Metal
MACHINE HEAD - Unto the Locust Groove Metal
MACHINE HEAD - Bloodstone & Diamonds Groove Metal
PORCUPINE TREE - In Absentia Metal Related
PORCUPINE TREE - The Incident Metal Related
SOUNDGARDEN - Louder Than Love Heavy Alternative Rock
SOULFLY - Dark Ages Groove Metal
SEPULTURA - Dante XXI Groove Metal
SEPULTURA - A-Lex Groove Metal
SEPULTURA - The Mediator Between Head and Hands Must Be the Heart Thrash Metal
SEPULTURA - Machine Messiah Groove Metal
STONE SOUR - Come What(ever) May Alternative Metal
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES - Join the Army Crossover Thrash
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES - World Gone Mad Crossover Thrash
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES - 13 Crossover Thrash
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES - How Will I Laugh Tomorrow When I Can't Even Smile Today Thrash Metal
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES - Suicidal Tendencies Hardcore Punk
SYSTEM OF A DOWN - System of a Down Alternative Metal
TOOL - Ænima Alternative Metal
TOOL - Lateralus Progressive Metal
TOOL - 10,000 Days Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Terria Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Synchestra Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Accelerated Evolution Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Ocean Machine: Biomech Progressive Metal
TREMONTI - All I Was Alternative Metal
TREMONTI - Cauterize Alternative Metal
TREMONTI - Dust Alternative Metal
A FOREST OF STARS - Opportunistic Thieves of Spring Atmospheric Black Metal
A FOREST OF STARS - Beware the Sword You Cannot See Atmospheric Black Metal
AKPHAEZYA - Anthology II : Links from the Dead Trinity Avant-garde Metal
DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA - The Butcher's Ballroom Avant-garde Metal
DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA - Sing Along Songs for the Damned & Delirious Avant-garde Metal
DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA - Pandora's Piñata Avant-garde Metal
EX EYE - Ex Eye Avant-garde Metal
SIGH - Hail Horror Hail Avant-garde Metal
SIGH - Scenario IV: Dread Dreams Avant-garde Metal
SIGH - Hangman's Hymn: Musikalische Exequien Symphonic Black Metal
SIGH - Scenes from Hell Avant-garde Metal
SIGH - In Somniphobia Avant-garde Metal
SIGH - Graveward Avant-garde Metal
THY CATAFALQUE - Rengeteg Avant-garde Metal
1349 - Massive Cauldron of Chaos Black Metal
A.M.S.G. - Hostis Universi Generis Black Metal
ABIGAIL WILLIAMS - Becoming Atmospheric Black Metal
ABIGOR - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom) Black Metal
ABSU - Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L. Black Metal
ABSU - The Third Storm of Cythrául Black Metal
ABSU - Absu Black Metal
ABSU - Abzu Black Metal
AENAON - Extance Black Metal
AENAON - Hypnosophy Black Metal
AGALLOCH - Pale Folklore Folk Metal
AGALLOCH - Ashes Against the Grain Folk Metal
ALCEST - Souvenirs d'un autre monde Metal Related
ALCEST - Écailles de lune Atmospheric Black Metal
ALRAKIS - Alpha Eri Atmospheric Black Metal
ANCIENT WISDOM - For Snow Covered the Northland Atmospheric Black Metal
ANCIENT WISDOM - The Calling Atmospheric Black Metal
ANCIENT WISDOM - ...and the Physical Shape of Light Bled Symphonic Black Metal
ANCIENT WISDOM - Cometh Doom, Cometh Death Symphonic Black Metal
ARCHGOAT - The Apocalyptic Triumphator War Metal
ARCTURUS - Sideshow Symphonies Progressive Metal
ARCTURUS - La Masquerade Infernale Avant-garde Metal
ASHBRINGER - Yūgen Atmospheric Black Metal
ASTARTE - Demonized Black Metal
AUREOLE - Resonance: Crimson Void Atmospheric Black Metal
AUGRIMMER - Moth and the Moon Atmospheric Black Metal
AZAGHAL - Nemesis Black Metal
BALFOR - Black Serpent Rising Melodic Black Metal
BATHORY - The Return...... Black Metal
BATHORY - Under the Sign of the Black Mark Black Metal
BATHORY - Blood on Ice Viking Metal
BATHORY - Nordland I Viking Metal
BATHORY - Nordland II Viking Metal
BEHEMOTH - Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic) Black Metal
BEHEMOTH - Grom Black Metal
BEHEMOTH - The Satanist Death Metal
BETHLEHEM - Dark Metal Death-Doom Metal
BETHLEHEM - Bethlehem Depressive Black Metal
BLACK ANVIL - As Was Melodic Black Metal
BLACK ANVIL - Hail Death Melodic Black Metal
BORKNAGAR - Empiricism Progressive Metal
BORKNAGAR - Urd Progressive Metal
BOSSE-DE-NAGE - Bosse-de-Nage (III) Atmospheric Black Metal
CALADAN BROOD - Echoes of Battle Atmospheric Black Metal
CARACH ANGREN - Lammendam Symphonic Black Metal
CARACH ANGREN - Death Came Through a Phantom Ship Symphonic Black Metal
CARACH ANGREN - Where The Corpses Sink Forever Symphonic Black Metal
CHTHONIC - Seediq Bale Symphonic Black Metal
CNOC AN TURSA - The Giants of Auld Folk Metal
COBALT - Gin Black Metal
COLDWORLD - Autumn Atmospheric Black Metal
CRAVEN IDOL - The Shackles of Mammon Black Metal
DARKSPACE - Dark Space I Atmospheric Black Metal
DARKSPACE - Dark Space II Atmospheric Black Metal
DARKSPACE - Dark Space III Atmospheric Black Metal
DARKSPACE - Dark Space III I Atmospheric Black Metal
DARKTHRONE - Soulside Journey Death Metal
DARKTHRONE - A Blaze In The Northern Sky Black Metal
DARKTHRONE - Transilvanian Hunger Black Metal
DEAFHEAVEN - New Bermuda Atmospheric Black Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - The Synarchy of Molten Bones Black Metal
DEATHSPELL OMEGA - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Stormblåst Symphonic Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant Symphonic Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Stormblåst MMV Symphonic Black Metal
DISSECTION - The Somberlain Melodic Black Metal
DISSECTION - Storm of the Light's Bane Melodic Black Metal
DODECAHEDRON - Kwintessens Black Metal
DRUDKH - Лебединий шлях (The Swan Road) Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Відчуженість (Estrangement) Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Microcosmos Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Пригорща зірок (Handful of Stars) Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Вічний оберт колеса (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) Atmospheric Black Metal
EMPEROR - IX Equilibrium Symphonic Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Vikingligr Veldi Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Monumension Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Ruun Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Vertebrae Progressive Metal
ENSLAVED - Axioma Ethica Odini Progressive Metal
ENTROPIA - Vesper Atmospheric Sludge Metal
FALLS OF RAUROS - The Light That Dwells in Rotten Wood Atmospheric Black Metal
FELLWARDEN - Fellwarden Atmospheric Black Metal
FEN - The Malediction Fields Atmospheric Black Metal
FEN - Dustwalker Atmospheric Black Metal
FOREST SILENCE - Philosophy of Winter Atmospheric Black Metal
GORGOROTH - Under the Sign of Hell Black Metal
GORGOROTH - Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt Black Metal
GORGOROTH - Antichrist Black Metal
THE GREAT OLD ONES - EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy Atmospheric Black Metal
THE GREAT OLD ONES - Tekeli-li Atmospheric Black Metal
HAIL SPIRIT NOIR - Oi Magoi Black Metal
KALMANKANTAJA - Tyhjyys Depressive Black Metal
KALMANKANTAJA - Demonwoods Atmospheric Black Metal
KALMANKANTAJA - Waldeinsamkeit Depressive Black Metal
KRALLICE - Diotima Black Metal
LASTER - Ons vrije fatum Atmospheric Black Metal
LIHHAMON - Doctrine War Metal
LIMBONIC ART - Moon in the Scorpio Symphonic Black Metal
LORN - Subconscious Metamorphosis Black Metal
LORN - Arrayed Claws Black Metal
MARDUK - Rom 5:12 Black Metal
MARDUK - Those of the Unlight Black Metal
MARDUK - Dark Endless Death Metal
MAYHEM - Ordo Ad Chao Black Metal
MESARTHIM - Isolate Atmospheric Black Metal
MESARTHIM - Pillars Atmospheric Black Metal
MESARTHIM - Type III Atmospheric Black Metal
MELECHESH - Djinn Black Metal
MELECHESH - Sphynx Melodic Black Metal
MELECHESH - Emissaries Melodic Black Metal
MELECHESH - The Epigenesis Melodic Black Metal
MGŁA - With Hearts Toward None Black Metal
MORBOSIDAD - Profana la cruz del nazareno War Metal
MURMUÜRE - Murmuüre Atmospheric Black Metal
MASTODON - Remission Sludge Metal
MASTODON - Blood Mountain Sludge Metal
MASTODON - The Hunter Progressive Metal
MASTODON - Once More 'Round the Sun Progressive Metal
NACHTLIEDER - Nachtlieder Black Metal
NACHTVORST - Verlies Depressive Black Metal
NACHTMYSTIUM - Instinct: Decay Black Metal
NACHTMYSTIUM - Addicts: Black Meddle Part II Black Metal
NAGELFAR - Hünengrab im Herbst Pagan Black Metal
NARGAROTH - Herbstleyd Atmospheric Black Metal
NARGAROTH - Black Metal ist Krieg: A Dedication Monument Black Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Lunar Poetry Symphonic Black Metal
PURE WRATH - Ascetic Eventide Atmospheric Black Metal
REVENGE - Scum.Collapse.Eradication War Metal
SABBAT - The Dwelling Black Metal
SAILLE - Ritu Melodic Black Metal
SAILLE - Gnosis Melodic Black Metal
SAMAEL - Passage Symphonic Black Metal
SAOR - Roots Atmospheric Black Metal
SATYRICON - The Shadowthrone Black Metal
SATYRICON - Nemesis Divina Black Metal
SEAR BLISS - Grand Destiny Melodic Black Metal
MARE COGNITUM - The Sea Which Has Become Known Atmospheric Black Metal
MARE COGNITUM - An Extraconscious Lucidity Atmospheric Black Metal
MARE COGNITUM - Resonance: Crimson Void Atmospheric Black Metal
SPECTRAL LORE - Sentinel Atmospheric Black Metal
SPECTRAL LORE - Gnosis Atmospheric Black Metal
STORMLORD - Mare Nostrum Symphonic Black Metal
STORMLORD - The Gorgon Cult Symphonic Black Metal
SUMMONING - Lugburz Black Metal
SUMMONING - Minas Morgul Atmospheric Black Metal
SUMMONING - Dol Guldur Atmospheric Black Metal
SUMMONING - Oath Bound Atmospheric Black Metal
SUMMONING - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame Atmospheric Black Metal
MADROST - Into the Aquatic Sector Thrash Metal
PARADISE LOST - Lost Paradise Death-Doom Metal
PARADISE LOST - Shades of God Doom Metal
PARADISE LOST - Icon Gothic Metal
PARADISE LOST - In Requiem Gothic Metal
PARADISE LOST - Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us Gothic Metal
PARADISE LOST - Tragic Idol Gothic Metal
ENSLAVED - E Progressive Metal
CONVERGE - Petitioning The Empty Sky Metalcore
CONVERGE - Axe to Fall Metalcore
CONVERGE - All We Love We Leave Behind Metalcore
PAGAN ALTAR - The Room of Shadows Traditional Doom Metal
POWER TRIP - Manifest Decimation Crossover Thrash
POWER TRIP - Nightmare Logic Thrash Metal
CALIGULA'S HORSE - In Contact Progressive Metal
AYREON - 01011001 Progressive Metal
AYREON - The Source Progressive Metal
DER WEG EINER FREIHEIT - Finisterre Black Metal
SEPTICFLESH - Titan Death Metal
SEPTICFLESH - Ophidian Wheel Death Metal
SEPTICFLESH - Esoptron Death-Doom Metal
SEPTICFLESH - Mystic Places of Dawn Death Metal
IMMOLATION - Failures for Gods Death Metal
IMMOLATION - Majesty and Decay Death Metal
IMMOLATION - Atonement Death Metal
IMMOLATION - Shadows in the Light Death Metal
GALNERYUS - Ultimate Sacrifice Power Metal
GALNERYUS - Phoenix Rising Power Metal
GALNERYUS - Angel Of Salvation Power Metal
GALNERYUS - Under The Force Of Courage Power Metal
GALNERYUS - Reincarnation Power Metal
GALNERYUS - Advance to the Fall Power Metal
ARCHSPIRE - Relentless Mutation Technical Death Metal
RUBY THE HATCHET - Planetary Space Child Heavy Psych
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM - Black Cascade Atmospheric Black Metal
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM - Celestial Lineage Atmospheric Black Metal
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM - Thrice Woven Atmospheric Black Metal
ANUBIS GATE - Covered in Black Progressive Metal
ANUBIS GATE - Anubis Gate Progressive Metal
DEVIL ELECTRIC - Devil Electric Traditional Doom Metal
PROGENIE TERRESTRE PURA - U.M.A. Atmospheric Black Metal
PROGENIE TERRESTRE PURA - oltreLuna Atmospheric Black Metal
WODE - Servants of the Countercosmos Black Metal
TEMPLE OF VOID - Lords of Death Death Metal
ARGUS - From Fields of Fire Heavy Metal
ARGUS - Argus Traditional Doom Metal
NE OBLIVISCARIS - Urn Progressive Metal
ICED EARTH - The Dark Saga US Power Metal
ICED EARTH - Something Wicked This Way Comes US Power Metal
ICED EARTH - Horror Show US Power Metal
ICED EARTH - The Glorious Burden US Power Metal
ICED EARTH - Dystopia US Power Metal
ICED EARTH - Incorruptible US Power Metal
BATHSHEBA - Servus Doom Metal
ORDEN OGAN - Vale Folk Metal
ORDEN OGAN - Easton Hope Power Metal
ORDEN OGAN - Ravenhead Power Metal
ORDEN OGAN - Gunmen Power Metal
UNGFELL - Tôtbringære Black Metal
KREATOR - Violent Revolution Thrash Metal
KREATOR - Enemy of God Thrash Metal
ELVENKING - The Pagan Manifesto Folk Metal
YELLOW EYES - Immersion Trench Reverie Atmospheric Black Metal
WINTERSUN - Wintersun Power Metal
HARLOTT - Extinction Thrash Metal
DESOLATE SHRINE - Deliverance From The Godless Void Death Metal
ACCEPT - Blind Rage Heavy Metal
ACCEPT - Stalingrad Heavy Metal
ACCEPT - Russian Roulette Heavy Metal
WHITE WARD - Futility Report Atmospheric Black Metal
SPIRIT ADRIFT - Curse of Conception Traditional Doom Metal
CORMORANT - Metazoa Melodic Death Metal
CORMORANT - Earth Diver Black Metal
OVERKILL - Under The Influence Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - Ironbound Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - The Electric Age Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - White Devil Armory Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - The Grinding Wheel Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - W.F.O. Thrash Metal
HORISONT - Odyssey Hard Rock
HORISONT - Time Warriors Hard Rock
HORISONT - Second Assault Heavy Psych
HORISONT - About Time Hard Rock
ULSECT - Ulsect Technical Death Metal
TRIVIUM - The Sin And The Sentence Melodic Metalcore
TRIVIUM - In Waves Melodic Metalcore
TRIVIUM - Shogun Melodic Metalcore
TRIVIUM - Ascendancy Melodic Metalcore
ALESTORM - Captain Morgan's Revenge Folk Metal
AKERCOCKE - Antichrist Death Metal
AKERCOCKE - Choronzon Death Metal
MINDMAZE - Back from the Edge Power Metal
MINDMAZE - Resolve Progressive Metal
WARBRINGER - Waking Into Nightmares Thrash Metal
WARBRINGER - Worlds Torn Asunder Thrash Metal
BLAZON STONE - War of the Roses Power Metal
BLAZON STONE - Down in the Dark Power Metal
BLAZON STONE - No Sign of Glory Power Metal
BLACK STAR RIDERS - All Hell Breaks Loose Hard Rock
EVIL INVADERS - Feed Me Violence Speed Metal
HIDEOUS DIVINITY - Obeisance Rising Technical Death Metal
HIDEOUS DIVINITY - Cobra Verde Technical Death Metal
HIDEOUS DIVINITY - Adveniens Technical Death Metal
PYRAMAZE - Legend of the Bone Carver Power Metal
PYRAMAZE - Disciples Of The Sun Power Metal
XANDRIA - Theater of Dimensions Symphonic Metal
XANDRIA - Kill the Sun Symphonic Metal
XANDRIA - India Symphonic Metal
AUÐN - Farvegir fyrndar Atmospheric Black Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Perfect Strangers Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - Deep Purple Proto-Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Stormbringer Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - Purpendicular Hard Rock
RAGE - Secrets in a Weird World Power Metal
RAGE - Lingua Mortis Symphonic Metal
RAGE - Unity Power Metal
RAGE - Speak of the Dead Power Metal
RAGE - Strings to a Web Power Metal
RAGE - The Devil Strikes Again Power Metal
RAGE - Seasons of the Black Power Metal
ORIGIN - Informis Infinitas Inhumanitas Technical Death Metal
ORIGIN - Unparalleled Universe Technical Death Metal
ORIGIN - Echoes of Decimation Technical Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - The Bleeding Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Tomb of the Mutilated Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - A Skeletal Domain Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Kill Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Bloodthirst Death Metal
PORTRAIT - Portrait Heavy Metal
PORTRAIT - Crimen Laesae Majestatis Divinae Heavy Metal
SEVEN KINGDOMS - Brothers of the Night Power Metal
SEVEN KINGDOMS - Seven Kingdoms Power Metal
SEVEN KINGDOMS - Decennium Power Metal
SUFFOCATION - Breeding the Spawn Brutal Death Metal
SUFFOCATION - Souls to Deny Brutal Death Metal
SUFFOCATION - Pinnacle of Bedlam Brutal Death Metal
BELOW - Across the Dark River Doom Metal
DROID - Terrestrial Mutations Thrash Metal
TAAKE - Over Bjoergvin graater Himmerik Black Metal
TAAKE - Noregs Vaapen Black Metal
TAAKE - Taake Black Metal
TAAKE - Kong Vinter Black Metal
ARDUINI/BALICH - Dawn of Ages Doom Metal
OBITUARY - Slowly We Rot Death Metal
OBITUARY - World Demise Death Metal
OBITUARY - Frozen in Time Death Metal
OBITUARY - Obituary Death Metal
TROUBLED HORSE - Step Inside Hard Rock
TROUBLED HORSE - Revolution On Repeat Hard Rock
VELDES - The Bitterness Prophecy Atmospheric Black Metal
THE FACELESS - Planetary Duality Technical Death Metal
DAWN RAY'D - The Unlawful Assembly Black Metal
ARCH ENEMY - War Eternal Melodic Death Metal
ARCH ENEMY - Rise of the Tyrant Melodic Death Metal
ARCH ENEMY - Burning Bridges Melodic Death Metal
ARCH ENEMY - Stigmata Melodic Death Metal
VÖLUR - Ancestors Doom Metal
RAM - Forced Entry Heavy Metal
RAM - Death Heavy Metal
RAM - Rod Heavy Metal
ENTHEOS - Dark Future Technical Death Metal
ACID WITCH - Witchtanic Hellucination Death-Doom Metal
ACID WITCH - Stoned Stoner Metal
AHAB - The Boats of the Glen Carrig Death-Doom Metal
ALUNAH - White Hoarhound Stoner Metal
ANATHEMA - Alternative 4 Metal Related
BLOOD CEREMONY - Blood Ceremony Heavy Psych
CANDLEMASS - King of the Grey Islands Traditional Doom Metal
CANDLEMASS - Death Magic Doom Traditional Doom Metal
DOWN - Down II: A Bustle in Your Hedgerow... Stoner Metal
DOWN - Down III: Over the Under Stoner Metal
EA - Ea II Funeral Doom Metal
EA - Au Ellai Funeral Doom Metal
EA - Ea Funeral Doom Metal
ELECTRIC WIZARD - We Live Stoner Metal
ELECTRIC WIZARD - Let Us Prey Stoner Metal
ELECTRIC WIZARD - Black Masses Stoner Metal
EMPYRIUM - A Wintersunset... Folk Metal
ESOTERIC - Paragon of Dissonance Funeral Doom Metal
ESOTERIC - Epistemological Despondency Funeral Doom Metal
EVOKEN - Shades Of Night Descending Death-Doom Metal
EYE OF SOLITUDE - Sui Caedere Death-Doom Metal
EYE OF SOLITUDE - Cenotaph Funeral Doom Metal
THE GATES OF SLUMBER - The Awakening Traditional Doom Metal
THE GATES OF SLUMBER - Hymns of Blood and Thunder Traditional Doom Metal
THE GATES OF SLUMBER - The Wretch Traditional Doom Metal
THE GATES OF SLUMBER - Suffer No Guilt Traditional Doom Metal
GRAND MAGUS - Wolf's Return Heavy Metal
GRAND MAGUS - Monument Doom Metal
GRAND MAGUS - Hammer of the North Heavy Metal
GRAND MAGUS - Grand Magus Stoner Metal
GRAND MAGUS - The Hunt Heavy Metal
JEX THOTH - Jex Thoth Doom Metal
KING GOAT - Conduit Traditional Doom Metal
LYCUS - Chasms Funeral Doom Metal
MADDER MORTEM - All Flesh Is Grass Progressive Metal
MADDER MORTEM - Desiderata Progressive Metal
MADDER MORTEM - Deadlands Progressive Metal
MADDER MORTEM - Eight Ways Progressive Metal
MONOLORD - Vaenir Doom Metal
MONOLORD - Rust Doom Metal
MOUNTAIN WITCH - Cold River Traditional Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - As the Flower Withers Death-Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - A Line of Deathless Kings Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - Feel the Misery Doom Metal
ACID WITCH - Evil Sound Screamers Death-Doom Metal
NOMAD SON - The Eternal Return Traditional Doom Metal
NOMAD SON - The Darkening Traditional Doom Metal
NOVEMBERS DOOM - The Novella Reservoir Death-Doom Metal
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Aphotic Death-Doom Metal
OCTOBER TIDE - Grey Dawn Death-Doom Metal
PALLBEARER - Sorrow and Extinction Traditional Doom Metal
PALLBEARER - Foundations of Burden Traditional Doom Metal
PILGRIM - II: Void Worship Traditional Doom Metal
PURPLE HILL WITCH - Purple Hill Witch Traditional Doom Metal
SAINT VITUS - Mournful Cries Traditional Doom Metal
SAINT VITUS - Lillie: F-65 Traditional Doom Metal
SOLITUDE AETURNUS - Downfall Traditional Doom Metal
SOLITUDE AETURNUS - Adagio Traditional Doom Metal
ORANGE GOBLIN - Coup de Grace Stoner Metal
ORANGE GOBLIN - Thieving From the House of God Stoner Metal
ORANGE GOBLIN - A Eulogy for the Damned Stoner Metal
ORANGE GOBLIN - Back from the Abyss Stoner Metal
EPICA - Requiem for the Indifferent Symphonic Metal
THE 11TH HOUR - Burden of Grief Death-Doom Metal
SWALLOW THE SUN - Ghosts of Loss Death-Doom Metal
SWALLOW THE SUN - Hope Death-Doom Metal
SWALLOW THE SUN - Songs from the North I, II & III Death-Doom Metal
IRON MAIDEN - Fear Of The Dark Heavy Metal
IRON MAIDEN - The Final Frontier Heavy Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Carnival Diablos Thrash Metal
HAMFERÐ - Tamsins Likam Funeral Doom Metal
REVENGE - Infiltration.Downfall.Death War Metal
BLASPHEMY - Fallen Angel of Doom.... War Metal
ANTHRAX - Fistful Of Metal Speed Metal
ANTHRAX - State Of Euphoria Thrash Metal
ANTHRAX - Sound Of White Noise Groove Metal
ANTHRAX - Worship Music Thrash Metal
STAR ONE - Space Metal Progressive Metal
ARJEN ANTHONY LUCASSEN - Lost in the New Real Metal Related
HEAVEN & HELL - The Devil You Know Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Sabotage Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Headless Cross Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Dehumanizer Heavy Metal
CATHEDRAL - Caravan Beyond Redemption Stoner Metal
CATHEDRAL - Endtyme Stoner Metal
CATHEDRAL - The VIIth Coming Stoner Metal
DIO - Master of the Moon Heavy Metal
DREAM THEATER - Awake Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - Metropolis, Part 2: Scenes From a Memory Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - Train of Thought Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - Black Clouds & Silver Linings Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - A Dramatic Turn of Events Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - A Change of Seasons Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - Solitude Dominance Tragedy Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - Recreation Day Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - The Inner Circle Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - Perfect Symmetry Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - Inside Out Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - Disconnected Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - Darkness In A Different Light Progressive Metal
GAMMA RAY - Heading for Tomorrow Power Metal
GAMMA RAY - No World Order Power Metal
GAMMA RAY - Majestic Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - The Reaper Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Heart of Darkness Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Rheingold Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - The Clans Will Rise Again Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Clash of the Gods Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - The Time of the Oath Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - Better Than Raw Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - The Dark Ride Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - 7 Sinners Power Metal
MOTHERSHIP - High Strangeness Stoner Rock
CLUTCH - The Elephant Riders Stoner Rock
SLEEP - Volume One Doom Metal
PANOPTICON - The Scars of Man on the Once Nameless Wilderness, Part 2 Non-Metal
IMMORTAL - Northern Chaos Gods Black Metal
IMMORTAL - Battles in the North Black Metal
IMMORTAL - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism Black Metal
YOB - Atma Doom Metal
OBSCURA - Diluvium Technical Death Metal
OBSCURA - Akróasis Technical Death Metal
HOODED MENACE - Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed Death-Doom Metal
SOLSTICE - White Horse Hill Doom Metal
METAL CHURCH - Hanging in the Balance Heavy Metal
METAL CHURCH - This Present Wasteland Heavy Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - The Living Dead Power Metal
MARIJANNAH - Till Marijannah Stoner Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Sin After Sin Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - British Steel Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Defenders Of The Faith Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Redeemer Of Souls Heavy Metal
FORMING THE VOID - Rift Stoner Metal
CORROSION OF CONFORMITY - No Cross No Crown Stoner Metal
BLOOD INCANTATION - Starspawn Death Metal
IHSAHN - The Adversary Progressive Metal
IHSAHN - angL Progressive Metal
IHSAHN - Arktis. Progressive Metal
CANDLEMASS - The Door To Doom Doom Metal
SEPULTURA - Quadra Thrash Metal
METALLICA - Death Magnetic Thrash Metal
METALLICA - Hardwired... to Self-Destruct Heavy Metal
NEAL MORSE - Testimony Non-Metal
NEAL MORSE - Testimony 2 Non-Metal
NEAL MORSE - Momentum Metal Related
SPOCK'S BEARD - Day for Night Metal Related
SPOCK'S BEARD - Spock's Beard Metal Related
SPOCK'S BEARD - X Metal Related
SPOCK'S BEARD - Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep Non-Metal
DREAM THEATER - Distance Over Time Progressive Metal
ALICE IN CHAINS - Rainier Fog Alternative Metal
SYSTEM OF A DOWN - Steal This Album! Alternative Metal
SYSTEM OF A DOWN - Hypnotize Alternative Metal
SLIPKNOT (IA) - Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) Nu Metal
SLIPKNOT (IA) - We Are Not Your Kind Alternative Metal
AVANTASIA - The Scarecrow Power Metal
AVANTASIA - The Wicked Symphony Heavy Metal
AVANTASIA - The Mystery of Time Heavy Metal
AVANTASIA - Ghostlights Heavy Metal
AVANTASIA - Moonglow Heavy Metal
ORANSSI PAZUZU - Kosmonument Black Metal
ORANSSI PAZUZU - Muukalainen puhuu Black Metal
THE OCEAN - Heliocentric Atmospheric Sludge Metal
ODRAZA - Rzeczom Black Metal
YMIR - Ymir Pagan Black Metal
INQUISITION - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm Black Metal
INQUISITION - Black Mass For A Mass Grave Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Utgard Progressive Metal
KING WITCH - Body of Light Doom Metal
FALCONER - Northwind Power Metal
FALCONER - Armod Folk Metal
FALCONER - From a Dying Ember Power Metal
TESTAMENT - The New Order Thrash Metal
TESTAMENT - Souls of Black Thrash Metal
TESTAMENT - Brotherhood of the Snake Thrash Metal
TESTAMENT - Titans Of Creation Thrash Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - A Twist in the Myth Power Metal
OPETH - Damnation Non-Metal
OPETH - Heritage Metal Related
ALICE IN CHAINS - Jar Of Flies Non-Metal
36 CRAZYFISTS - A Snow Capped Romance Metalcore
AVENGED SEVENFOLD - Waking the Fallen Melodic Metalcore
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - Between the Buried and Me Metalcore
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - The Silent Circus Metalcore
JERRY CANTRELL - Boggy Depot Heavy Alternative Rock
CKY - Carver City Alternative Metal
DISTURBED - Believe Alternative Metal
DISTURBED - Ten Thousand Fists Alternative Metal
GIRAFFE TONGUE ORCHESTRA - Broken Lines Alternative Metal
KATATONIA - Discouraged Ones Gothic Metal
KATATONIA - Tonight's Decision Metal Related
KATATONIA - Last Fair Deal Gone Down Metal Related
KATATONIA - Viva Emptiness Alternative Metal
KATATONIA - Dead End Kings Alternative Metal
MACHINE HEAD - Through the Ashes of Empires Groove Metal
STAIND - Break the Cycle Alternative Metal
SOUNDGARDEN - Down On The Upside Heavy Alternative Rock
SOUNDGARDEN - King Animal Heavy Alternative Rock
SOULFLY - Conquer Groove Metal
SOULFLY - Enslaved Groove Metal
SEPULTURA - Schizophrenia Thrash Metal
SEPULTURA - Chaos A.D. Groove Metal
SEPULTURA - Kairos Groove Metal
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES - The Art of Rebellion Alternative Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Epicloud Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Z2 Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Transcendence Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Ki Metal Related
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Addicted Alternative Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Infinity Progressive Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Physicist Progressive Metal
AKPHAEZYA - Anthology IV : The Tragedy of Nerak Avant-garde Metal
SHINING - Blackjazz Avant-garde Metal
SIGH - Scorn Defeat Black Metal
SIGH - Infidel Art Black Metal
ULVER - Kveldssanger Non-Metal
UNEXPECT - We, Invaders Avant-garde Metal
1349 - Demonoir Black Metal
1349 - Beyond the Apocalypse Black Metal
1349 - Hellfire Black Metal
ABIGAIL WILLIAMS - The Accuser Atmospheric Black Metal
ABORYM - Kali Yuga Bizarre Black Metal
AENAON - Cendres Et Sang Black Metal
AGALLOCH - The Serpent & the Sphere Atmospheric Black Metal
AKHLYS - The Dreaming I Atmospheric Black Metal
ALCEST - Les Voyages de L'âme Atmospheric Black Metal
ALCEST - Kodama Atmospheric Black Metal
ANAAL NATHRAKH - Vanitas Black Metal
ARAFEL - For Battles Once Fought Folk Metal
ARCANE GRAIL - आर्याष्टाङ्गो मार्गो: Ninefold Path to the Innocence Symphonic Black Metal
ARCHGOAT - Whore of Bethlehem War Metal
ARCHIVIST - Archivist Atmospheric Black Metal
ARCTURUS - Aspera Hiems Symfonia Symphonic Black Metal
ARCTURUS - Arcturian Avant-garde Metal
ASTARTE - Doomed Dark Years Black Metal
ASTARTE - Sirens Melodic Black Metal
ASTRAL PATH - An Oath to the Void Atmospheric Black Metal
AUÐN - Auðn Atmospheric Black Metal
AUREOLE - Aurora Borealis Atmospheric Black Metal
BEHEMOTH - Pandemonic Incantations Black Metal
BEHEMOTH - Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond) Death Metal
BEHEMOTH - Demigod Death Metal
BEHEMOTH - The Apostasy Death Metal
BEHEMOTH - Evangelion Death Metal
BETHLEHEM - Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia Gothic Metal
BETHLEHEM - Sardonischer Untergang Im Zeichen Irreligiöser Darbietung Depressive Black Metal
BETHLEHEM - Dictius Te Necare Depressive Black Metal
THE BISHOP OF HEXEN - Archives of an Enchanted Philosophy Symphonic Black Metal
BLACK CILICE - Banished from Time Atmospheric Black Metal
BLACK LOTUS - Harvest of Seasons Symphonic Black Metal
BORKNAGAR - Borknagar Black Metal
BORKNAGAR - Universal Progressive Metal
BOSSE-DE-NAGE - Bosse-de-Nage (II) Atmospheric Black Metal
BOSSE-DE-NAGE - All Fours Atmospheric Black Metal
BURZUM - Det Som Engang Var Atmospheric Black Metal
BURZUM - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss Atmospheric Black Metal
BURZUM - Filosofem Atmospheric Black Metal
CARACH ANGREN - This Is No Fairytale Symphonic Black Metal
CARPATHIAN FOREST - Defending the Throne of Evil Black Metal
CARPATHIAN FOREST - Morbid Fascination of Death Black Metal
CHTHONIC - Mirror of Retribution Symphonic Black Metal
COBALT - Slow Forever Black Metal
DARKTHRONE - Under A Funeral Moon Black Metal
DEAFHEAVEN - Sunbather Atmospheric Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - For all tid Melodic Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Spiritual Black Dimensions Symphonic Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia Symphonic Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Abrahadabra Symphonic Black Metal
DISSECTION - Reinkaos Melodic Death Metal
DRUDKH - Forgotten Legends Atmospheric Black Metal
DRUDKH - Autumn Aurora Atmospheric Black Metal
EMPEROR - Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise Symphonic Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Frost Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Blodhemn Black Metal
ENSLAVED - Mardraum: Beyond the Within Black Metal
EREB ALTOR - Blot · Ilt · Taut Viking Metal
FELL RUIN - To the Concrete Drifts Black Metal
FOREST OF FOG - Nebelhymnen Melodic Black Metal
FORTERESSE - Crépuscule d'Octobre Atmospheric Black Metal
GLOOMY GRIM - The Grand Hammering Symphonic Black Metal
GORGOROTH - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam Black Metal
GRIS - Il Était une Forêt... Depressive Black Metal
HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY - III: Trauma Atmospheric Black Metal
HORDAK - Padre Pagan Black Metal
HYPERION - Seraphical Euphony Melodic Black Metal
ILLNATH - Third Act In The Theatre Of Madness Melodic Black Metal
ISKALD - Nedom og Nord Melodic Black Metal
KEEP OF KALESSIN - Reptilian Melodic Black Metal
LASTER - De verste verte is hier Atmospheric Black Metal
LIGHTNING SWORDS OF DEATH - Baphometic Chaosium Black Metal
MARDUK - Panzer Division Marduk Black Metal
MAYHEM - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Black Metal
MESARTHIM - The Great Filter Atmospheric Black Metal
MESARTHIM - Presence Atmospheric Black Metal
MESARTHIM - The Great Filter / Type III Atmospheric Black Metal
MELECHESH - As Jerusalem Burns... Al'Intisar Black Metal
MORBOSIDAD - Muerte de Cristo en Golgota War Metal
MORRIGAN - Celts Black Metal
MORRIGAN - Headcult Pagan Black Metal
UNLEASH THE ARCHERS - Behold The Devastation Melodic Death Metal
UNLEASH THE ARCHERS - Demons of the AstroWaste Power Metal
UNLEASH THE ARCHERS - Defy the Skies Power Metal
MASTODON - Emperor of Sand Progressive Metal
NACHTVORST - Stills Depressive Black Metal
NACHTMYSTIUM - Demise Black Metal
NACHTMYSTIUM - Assassins: Black Meddle, Part 1 Black Metal
NACHTMYSTIUM - Silencing Machine Black Metal
NACHTMYSTIUM - The World We Left Behind Black Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Twilightfall Melodic Black Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire Pagan Black Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Нехристь Pagan Black Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Мировоззрение Pagan Black Metal
NOKTURNAL MORTUM - Weltanschauung Pagan Black Metal
OLD MAN'S CHILD - The Pagan Prosperity Melodic Black Metal
OLD MAN'S CHILD - In Defiance of Existence Melodic Black Metal
OPERA IX - The Call of the Wood Black Metal
OV HOLLOWNESS - The World Ends Atmospheric Black Metal
PANOPTICON - Social Disservices Atmospheric Black Metal
PANOPTICON - Collapse Black Metal
PANOPTICON - ...On The Subject Of Mortality Atmospheric Black Metal
SAILLE - Eldritch Melodic Black Metal
SAMAEL - Worship Him Black Metal
SATYRICON - Volcano Black Metal
SILENCER - Death - Pierce Me Depressive Black Metal
SLAGMAUR - Von Rov Shelter Black Metal
SPECTRAL LORE - II Atmospheric Black Metal
SPECTRAL LORE - Voyager Non-Metal
SPECTRAL LORE - Fossils Non-Metal
STRIBORG - Autumnal Melancholy Atmospheric Black Metal
STRIBORG - A Procession of Lost Souls Atmospheric Black Metal
STRIBORG - Trepidation Black Metal
PARADISE LOST - Paradise Lost Gothic Metal
MYRKUR - Mareridt Atmospheric Black Metal | review permalink
CONVERGE - When Forever Comes Crashing Metalcore
CONVERGE - No Heroes Mathcore
CHELSEA WOLFE - Hiss Spun Doom Metal
TCHORNOBOG - Tchornobog Death Metal
AYREON - The Final Experiment Progressive Metal
AYREON - Universal Migrator, Part 2: Flight of the Migrator Progressive Metal
AYREON - The Theory of Everything Metal Related
SEPTICFLESH - Codex Omega Death Metal
SEPTICFLESH - A Fallen Temple Death Metal
IMMOLATION - Harnessing Ruin Death Metal
IMMOLATION - Kingdom Of Conspiracy Death Metal
GALNERYUS - The IronHearted Flag, Vol. 1: Regeneration Side Power Metal
GALNERYUS - Vetelgyus Power Metal
GALNERYUS - One For All - All For One Power Metal
GALNERYUS - The Flag of Punishment Power Metal
ANUBIS GATE - Purification Progressive Metal
WODE - Wode Black Metal
ARGUS - Beyond the Martyrs Heavy Metal
ICED EARTH - Iced Earth US Power Metal
ICED EARTH - Framing Armageddon: Something Wicked, Part 1 US Power Metal
ICED EARTH - Plagues of Babylon US Power Metal
KREATOR - Endless Pain Thrash Metal
KREATOR - Hordes of Chaos Thrash Metal
KREATOR - Phantom Antichrist Thrash Metal
KREATOR - Gods of Violence Thrash Metal
ELVENKING - The Winter Wake Folk Metal
ELVENKING - Two Tragedy Poets (...and a Caravan of Weird Figures) Non-Metal
ELVENKING - Era Folk Metal
ELVENKING - Secrets of the Magick Grimoire Folk Metal
WINTERSUN - The Forest Seasons Melodic Death Metal
HARLOTT - Proliferation Thrash Metal
ACCEPT - The Rise of Chaos Heavy Metal
ACCEPT - I'm a Rebel Heavy Metal
ACCEPT - Objection Overruled Heavy Metal
CORMORANT - Diaspora Progressive Metal
OVERKILL - Immortalis Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - Killbox 13 Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - Bloodletting Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - Necroshine Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - From the Underground and Below Thrash Metal
TRIVIUM - Vengeance Falls Melodic Metalcore
WIEGEDOOD - De doden hebben het goed Atmospheric Black Metal
WIEGEDOOD - De doden hebben het goed II Atmospheric Black Metal
ALESTORM - Sunset on the Golden Age Folk Metal
ALESTORM - Back Through Time Folk Metal
AKERCOCKE - The Goat of Mendes Death Metal
AKERCOCKE - Renaissance In Extremis Death Metal
MINDMAZE - Mask of Lies Heavy Metal
WARBRINGER - War Without End Thrash Metal
WARBRINGER - IV: Empires Collapse Thrash Metal
WARBRINGER - Woe to the Vanquished Thrash Metal
WINDSWEPT - The Great Cold Steppe Atmospheric Black Metal
WORMWOOD - Ghostlands: Wounds from a Bleeding Earth Melodic Black Metal
BLAZON STONE - Return to Port Royal Power Metal
BLACK STAR RIDERS - The Killer Instinct Hard Rock
BLACK STAR RIDERS - Heavy Fire Hard Rock
PYRAMAZE - Contingent Progressive Metal
ROYAL THUNDER - Wick Hard Rock
XANDRIA - Ravenheart Symphonic Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Come Taste The Band Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - Shades Of Deep Purple Proto-Metal
DEEP PURPLE - The Book Of Taliesyn Proto-Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Who Do We Think We Are Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - Now What?! Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - InFinite Hard Rock
RAGE - Reign of Fear Speed Metal
RAGE - Execution Guaranteed Speed Metal
RAGE - Reflections of a Shadow Power Metal
RAGE - 10 Years in Rage Power Metal
RAGE - XIII Symphonic Metal
RAGE - Welcome to the Other Side Power Metal
RAGE - Carved in Stone Power Metal
RAGE - 21 Power Metal
ORIGIN - Omnipresent Technical Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Red Before Black Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Torture Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - The Wretched Spawn Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Eaten Back to Life Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Butchered at Birth Death Metal
PORTRAIT - Crossroads Heavy Metal
PORTRAIT - Burn the World Heavy Metal
SUCCUMB - Succumb Death Metal
SUFFOCATION - ...Of The Dark Light Brutal Death Metal
SUFFOCATION - Suffocation Brutal Death Metal
SUFFOCATION - Blood Oath Brutal Death Metal
BELOW - Upon a Pale Horse Doom Metal
TAAKE - Stridens hus Black Metal
OBITUARY - Inked in Blood Death Metal
ENTHEOS - The Infinite Nothing Technical Death Metal
THE FACELESS - Akeldama Technical Death Metal
ARCH ENEMY - Wages of Sin Melodic Death Metal
ARCH ENEMY - Black Earth Melodic Death Metal
THE FACELESS - In Becoming a Ghost Technical Death Metal
AHAB - The Giant Death-Doom Metal
ALTAR OF BETELGEUZE - Among the Ruins Stoner Metal
ALUNAH - Awakening the Forest Stoner Metal
ANATHEMA - The Silent Enigma Death-Doom Metal
ANATHEMA - Eternity Doom Metal
BRUME - Rooster Doom Metal
CANDLEMASS - Psalms for the Dead Doom Metal
DEAD WITCHES - Ouija Doom Metal
DOWN - Down IV - Part I Stoner Metal
DOWN - Down IV - Part II Stoner Metal
DOWN - Down IV Part 1 & 2 Stoner Metal
EA - A Etilla Funeral Doom Metal
ELECTRIC WIZARD - Time to Die Stoner Metal
EMPYRIUM - The Turn of the Tides Metal Related
FROWNING - Funeral Impressions Funeral Doom Metal
FROWNING - Extinct Funeral Doom Metal
GRAND MAGUS - Triumph and Power Heavy Metal
GRAND MAGUS - Sword Songs Heavy Metal
ILLIMITABLE DOLOR - Illimitable Dolor Funeral Doom Metal
JEX THOTH - Blood Moon Rise Heavy Psych
ROSE KEMP - Golden Shroud Doom Metal
MADDER MORTEM - Red in Tooth and Claw Progressive Metal
MADDER MORTEM - Mercury Doom Metal
MONOLORD - Empress Rising Doom Metal
MOUNT SALEM - Endless Doom Metal
MOUNTAIN WITCH - Burning Village Traditional Doom Metal
MOUNTAIN WITCH - Mountain Witch Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - 34.788%... Complete Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - For Lies I Sire Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - A Map of All our Failures Doom Metal
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Amid Its Hallowed Mirth Death-Doom Metal
NOVEMBERS DOOM - The Knowing Death-Doom Metal
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Into Night's Requiem Infernal Death-Doom Metal
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Bled White Death-Doom Metal
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Hamartia Doom Metal
OCEANWAKE - Sunless Death-Doom Metal
OCTOBER TIDE - A Thin Shell Death-Doom Metal
OCTOBER TIDE - Tunnel Of No Light Death-Doom Metal
OCTOBER TIDE - Winged Waltz Death-Doom Metal
PALLBEARER - Heartless Doom Metal
PILGRIM - Misery Wizard Traditional Doom Metal
PURPLE HILL WITCH - Celestial Cemetery Traditional Doom Metal
SAINT VITUS - C.O.D. Traditional Doom Metal
SEMLAH - Semlah Traditional Doom Metal
SPACE WITCH - Arcanum Doom Metal
SPACESLUG - Lemanis Stoner Metal
SPACESLUG - Mountains & Reminiscence Stoner Metal
ORANGE GOBLIN - Healing Through Fire Stoner Metal
EPICA - Consign to Oblivion Symphonic Metal
THE 11TH HOUR - Lacrima Mortis Death-Doom Metal
SWALLOW THE SUN - Emerald Forest and the Blackbird Doom Metal
IRON MAIDEN - No Prayer For The Dying Heavy Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Feast Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Annihilator Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Schizo Deluxe Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Waking the Fury Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - King of the Kill Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Set the World on Fire Heavy Metal
ASAGRAUM - Potestas Magicum Diaboli Black Metal
ANTHRAX - Stomp 442 Groove Metal
ANTHRAX - Volume 8: The Threat Is Real Groove Metal
ANTHRAX - For All Kings Thrash Metal
GUILT MACHINE - On This Perfect Day Progressive Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Technical Ecstasy Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Never Say Die! Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Born Again Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - The Eternal Idol Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Tyr Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Cross Purposes Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - 13 Heavy Metal
CATHEDRAL - Supernatural Birth Machine Stoner Metal
CATHEDRAL - The Guessing Game Stoner Metal
CATHEDRAL - The Last Spire Doom Metal
DREAM THEATER - When Dream and Day Unite Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - Octavarium Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - Systematic Chaos Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - Dream Theater Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - The Dark Discovery Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - Torn Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - Hymns for the Broken Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - The Storm Within Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - FWX Progressive Metal
GAMMA RAY - Sigh No More Power Metal
GAMMA RAY - Insanity and Genius Power Metal
GAMMA RAY - Land of the Free II Power Metal
GAMMA RAY - To the Metal! Power Metal
GAMMA RAY - Empire of the Undead Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Heavy Metal Breakdown Heavy Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - The Grave Digger Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Ballads of a Hangman Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Healed By Metal Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - Pink Bubbles Go Ape Heavy Metal
HELLOWEEN - Master of the Rings Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - Keeper of the Seven Keys: The Legacy Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - Straight Out of Hell Power Metal
CLUTCH - Clutch Stoner Rock
CLUTCH - Pitchfork & Lost Needles Stoner Rock
CLUTCH - Pitchfork Stoner Metal
CLUTCH - Passive Restraints Stoner Metal
CLUTCH - Impetus EP Hard Rock
IMMORTAL - All Shall Fall Black Metal
SACRAL RAGE - Illusions In Infinite Void Speed Metal
METAL CHURCH - The Weight of the World Heavy Metal
METAL CHURCH - A Light in the Dark Heavy Metal
METAL CHURCH - Generation Nothing Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Rocka Rolla Hard Rock
JUDAS PRIEST - Ram It Down Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Nostradamus Heavy Metal
METALLICA - Garage Inc. Heavy Metal
NEAL MORSE - Lifeline Non-Metal
SPOCK'S BEARD - Octane Non-Metal
SPOCK'S BEARD - Noise Floor Non-Metal
TRANSATLANTIC - Kaleidoscope Metal Related
SLIPKNOT (IA) - Iowa Nu Metal
SLIPKNOT (IA) - All Hope Is Gone Alternative Metal
AVANTASIA - Angel Of Babylon Heavy Metal
FALCONER - The Sceptre of Deception Power Metal
FALCONER - Grime vs. Grandeur Power Metal
TESTAMENT - The Ritual Thrash Metal
TESTAMENT - Low Thrash Metal
TESTAMENT - Demonic Thrash Metal
TESTAMENT - The Gathering Thrash Metal
A PALE HORSE NAMED DEATH - Lay My Soul To Waste Alternative Metal
BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE - The Poison Melodic Metalcore
DISTURBED - The Sickness Nu Metal
DEFTONES - White Pony Alternative Metal
DEFTONES - Gore Alternative Metal
EVANESCENCE - Evanescence Alternative Metal
FAITH NO MORE - Angel Dust Alternative Metal
IN FLAMES - Reroute to Remain: Fourteen Songs of Conscious Insanity Melodic Death Metal
IN FLAMES - Come Clarity Melodic Death Metal
IN FLAMES - Sounds of a Playground Fading Alternative Metal
IN FLAMES - Siren Charms Alternative Metal
KATATONIA - Dethroned & Uncrowned Non-Metal
KORN - Korn Nu Metal
KORN - Life Is Peachy Nu Metal
KORN - Issues Nu Metal
KORN - Take a Look in the Mirror Nu Metal
KORN - The Serenity of Suffering Nu Metal
LACUNA COIL - Comalies Gothic Metal
LACUNA COIL - Delirium Alternative Metal
LINKIN PARK - Hybrid Theory Nu Metal
LINKIN PARK - Meteora Nu Metal
MACHINE HEAD - The More Things Change... Groove Metal
SOUNDGARDEN - Ultramega OK Heavy Alternative Rock
SEPULTURA - Morbid Visions Death Metal
SEPULTURA - Roorback Groove Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Ghost Non-Metal
A FOREST OF STARS - The Corpse of Rebirth Black Metal
ASHENSPIRE - Speak Not of the Laudanum Quandary Avant-garde Metal
SHINING - One One One Industrial Metal
UNEXPECT - Utopia Avant-garde Metal
...AND OCEANS - The Symmetry of I, the Circle of O Symphonic Black Metal
1349 - Liberation Black Metal
ABBATH - Abbath Black Metal
ABIGAIL WILLIAMS - In The Shadow Of A Thousand Suns Symphonic Black Metal
ALKERDEEL - Lede Black Metal
ANNA PEST - Forlorn Black Metal
ASTARTE - Rise From Within Black Metal
AUREOLE - Alunar Atmospheric Black Metal
BAL-SAGOTH - The Chthonic Chronicles Symphonic Black Metal
BATHORY - Bathory Black Metal
BEHEMOTH - Satanica Death Metal
BEHEMOTH - Thelema.6 Death Metal
BLACK LOTUS - Light Subsides Black Metal
BORKNAGAR - The Archaic Course Black Metal
BORKNAGAR - Epic Progressive Metal
BORKNAGAR - Origin Non-Metal
BOSSE-DE-NAGE - Bosse-de-Nage Black Metal
CARACH ANGREN - Dance and Laugh Amongst the Rotten Symphonic Black Metal
CHROME WAVES - Chrome Waves Atmospheric Black Metal
DE ARMA - Lost, Alien & Forlorn Atmospheric Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - Death Cult Armageddon Symphonic Black Metal
DIMMU BORGIR - In Sorte Diaboli Symphonic Black Metal
DRAGONLORD - Black Wings of Destiny Symphonic Black Metal
ECFERUS - Pangaea Black Metal
EMPEROR - Emperor Black Metal
FALLOCH - Where Distant Spirits Remain Atmospheric Black Metal
FUATH - I Atmospheric Black Metal
GALLHAMMER - Gloomy Lights Black Metal
GOD SEED - I Begin Black Metal
HELFAHRT - Wiedergang Black Metal
ISENGARD - Høstmørke Black Metal
ISENGARD - Vinterskugge Black Metal
KEEP OF KALESSIN - Kolossus Melodic Black Metal
LIFELOVER - Pulver Depressive Black Metal
MESARTHIM - .- -... ... . -. -.-. . Atmospheric Black Metal
MESARTHIM - Spire Atmospheric Black Metal
MORRIGAN - Diananns Whisper Viking Metal
MYRKUR - M Atmospheric Black Metal | review permalink
NACHTMYSTIUM - Reign of the Malicious Black Metal
NIDINGR - The High Heat Licks Against Heaven Black Metal
NORDJEVEL - Nordjevel Black Metal
OATHBREAKER - Rheia Atmospheric Black Metal
OV HELL - The Underworld Regime Black Metal
PAGAN REIGN - Уделы Былой Веры Pagan Black Metal
PAGAN REIGN - Твердь Folk Metal
PANOPTICON - Panopticon Black Metal
SATYRICON - Now, Diabolical Black Metal
SATYRICON - The Age of Nero Black Metal
SATYRICON - Satyricon Black Metal
SHOW ME A DINOSAUR - Show Me a Dinosaur Atmospheric Black Metal
SORROW PLAGUES - Sorrow Plagues Atmospheric Black Metal
SPECTRAL LORE - I Atmospheric Black Metal
STRIBORG - Solitude Depressive Black Metal
PARADISE LOST - One Second Gothic Metal
PARADISE LOST - Symbol of Life Gothic Metal
SATYRICON - Deep Calleth upon Deep Black Metal
KALMANKANTAJA - Routamaa Atmospheric Black Metal
MASTODON - Cold Dark Place Progressive Metal
ELDER - Reflections of a Floating World Heavy Psych
BLAZE OF PERDITION - Near Death Revelations Black Metal
BLAZE OF PERDITION - Conscious Darkness Black Metal
AYREON - Actual Fantasy Progressive Metal
AYREON - Universal Migrator, Part 1: The Dream Sequencer Metal Related
SEPTICFLESH - Revolution DNA Gothic Metal
GALNERYUS - The Ironhearted Flag, Vol. 2: Reformation Side Power Metal
MALOKARPATAN - Nordkarpatenland Black Metal
ICED EARTH - The Crucible of Man: Something Wicked, Part 2 US Power Metal
KREATOR - Cause for Conflict Thrash Metal
KREATOR - Renewal Thrash Metal
ELVENKING - Red Silent Tides Power Metal
WINTERSUN - Time I Symphonic Metal
ACCEPT - Accept Heavy Metal
OVERKILL - The Killing Kind Thrash Metal
OVERKILL - I Hear Black Groove Metal
DUMAL - The Lesser God Black Metal
TRIVIUM - Silence In The Snow Heavy Metal
ALESTORM - No Grave But The Sea Folk Metal
ALESTORM - Black Sails At Midnight Folk Metal
AKERCOCKE - Rape of the Bastard Nazarene Death Metal
EVIL INVADERS - Evil Invaders Speed Metal
PYRAMAZE - Melancholy Beast Power Metal
XANDRIA - Salomé: The Seventh Veil Symphonic Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Rapture Of The Deep Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - Bananas Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - The House Of Blue Light Hard Rock
ALTARAGE - Endinghent Black Metal
RAGE - Ghosts Symphonic Metal
ORIGIN - Origin Technical Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Gallery of Suicide Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Evisceration Plague Death Metal
CANNIBAL CORPSE - Gore Obsessed Death Metal
KING WOMAN - Created in the Image of Suffering Doom Metal
ARCH ENEMY - Will to Power Melodic Death Metal
ARCH ENEMY - Doomsday Machine Melodic Death Metal
ARCH ENEMY - Anthems of Rebellion Melodic Death Metal
ALASTOR - Black Magic Doom Metal
ALUNAH - Solennial Stoner Metal
ANATHEMA - Serenades Death-Doom Metal
CANDLEMASS - Chapter VI Traditional Doom Metal
CANDLEMASS - Dactylis Glomerata Traditional Doom Metal
CANDLEMASS - From the 13th Sun Traditional Doom Metal
ELECTRIC WIZARD - Wizard Bloody Wizard Stoner Metal
NOVEMBERS DOOM - Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers Death-Doom Metal
OCEANWAKE - Kingdom Death-Doom Metal
OCEANWAKE - Earthen Death-Doom Metal
EPICA - The Phantom Agony Symphonic Metal
IRON MAIDEN - The X Factor Heavy Metal
IRON MAIDEN - Virtual XI Heavy Metal
ANNIHILATOR - All for You Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Criteria for a Black Widow Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Refresh the Demon Thrash Metal
ANTHRAX - We've Come For You All Groove Metal
THE GENTLE STORM - The Diary Symphonic Metal
DREAM THEATER - Falling Into Infinity Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - Monday Morning Apocalypse Progressive Metal
EVERGREY - Glorious Collision Progressive Metal
FATES WARNING - Night On Bröcken Heavy Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Witch Hunter Heavy Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - The Last Supper Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Liberty or Death Power Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - Exhumation - The Early Years Heavy Metal
HELLOWEEN - Rabbit Don't Come Easy Power Metal
HELLOWEEN - My God-Given Right Power Metal
IMMORTAL - Blizzard Beasts Black Metal
OBSCURA - Retribution Technical Death Metal
METAL CHURCH - Masterpeace Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Point Of Entry Heavy Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Turbo Heavy Metal
BLIND GUARDIAN - Twilight Orchestra: Legacy of the Dark Lands Non-Metal
NEAL MORSE - Jesus Christ the Exorcist Metal Related
KORN - The Nothing Nu Metal
SLIPKNOT (IA) - Slipknot Nu Metal
SLIPKNOT (IA) - .5: The Gray Chapter Alternative Metal
SEVENDUST - Alpha Nu Metal
BREED 77 - BREED 77 Alternative Metal
CELTIC FROST - Vanity/Nemesis Thrash Metal
IN FLAMES - Soundtrack to Your Escape Melodic Death Metal
IN FLAMES - A Sense of Purpose Alternative Metal
IN FLAMES - Battles Alternative Metal
KORN - Follow the Leader Nu Metal
KORN - See You on the Other Side Nu Metal
KORN - [untitled] Nu Metal
KORN - The Paradigm Shift Nu Metal
LACUNA COIL - Karmacode Alternative Metal
RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE - Rage Against the Machine Rap Metal
SEPULTURA - Nation Groove Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - Devlab Non-Metal
DEVIN TOWNSEND - The Hummer Non-Metal
JUTE GYTE - Perdurance Avant-garde Metal
ABIGAIL WILLIAMS - In The Absence Of Light Melodic Black Metal
ABORYM - Dirty Black Metal
ALTARAGE - Nihl Black Metal
AU CHAMP DES MORTS - Dans la joie Atmospheric Black Metal
BETHLEHEM - A Sacrificial Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear Black Metal
BORKNAGAR - Winter Thrice Progressive Metal
CARRIER FLUX - Objection Black Metal
ECFERUS - Prehistory Black Metal
FURIA - Księżyc milczy luty Atmospheric Black Metal
SATYRICON - Rebel Extravaganza Black Metal
ACCEPT - Death Row Heavy Metal
OVERKILL - ReliXIV Thrash Metal
OBITUARY - Xecutioner's Return Death Metal
ARCH ENEMY - Khaos Legions Melodic Death Metal
ESKAPISM - Tales of Elder Forest Atmospheric Black Metal
MOUNTAIN WITCH - Scythe & Dead Horse Doom Metal
ANNIHILATOR - For the Demented Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Suicide Society Thrash Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Remains Thrash Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Seventh Star Heavy Metal
BLACK SABBATH - Forbidden Heavy Metal
GRAVE DIGGER - War Games Heavy Metal
BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - The Anatomy Of Alternative Metal
BODY COUNT - Body Count Crossover Thrash
CELTIC FROST - Cold Lake Heavy Metal
EVANESCENCE - The Open Door Alternative Metal
FIGHTSTAR - Grand Unification Metal Related
FAITH NO MORE - The Real Thing Funk Metal
KORN - Untouchables Nu Metal
KORN - Korn III: Remember Who You Are Nu Metal
LACUNA COIL - Shallow Life Alternative Metal
LACUNA COIL - Broken Crown Halo Alternative Metal
LINKIN PARK - Minutes to Midnight Non-Metal
SEPULTURA - Roots Alternative Metal
SEPULTURA - Against Groove Metal
1349 - Revelations of the Black Flame Black Metal
ABGOTT - Artefact of Madness Black Metal
ALCEST - Shelter Non-Metal
ANDE - Het Gebeente Atmospheric Black Metal
ASTRONOID - Air Atmospheric Black Metal
AURIGA - VII - Dimensions of Asymmetry Atmospheric Black Metal
BATHORY - Requiem Thrash Metal
BATHORY - Destroyer of Worlds Thrash Metal
BETHLEHEM - Mein Weg Gothic Metal
BOTANIST - I: The Suicide Tree / II: A Rose From The Dead Black Metal
BURZUM - Burzum Black Metal
DRUDKH - Пісні скорботи і самітності (Songs of Grief and Solitude) Non-Metal
FORGOTTEN WOODS - Race of Cain Black Metal
MAYHEM - Grand Declaration of War Black Metal
RAVEN WOODS - Enfeebling the Throne Death Metal
STRIBORG - Spiritual Deprivation Non-Metal
SYLVAINE - Wistful Atmospheric Black Metal
PARADISE LOST - Believe in Nothing Gothic Metal
CONVERGE - Halo In A Haystack Hardcore Punk
ICED EARTH - Tribute To The Gods Heavy Metal
ORDEN OGAN - Testimonium A.D. Folk Metal
KREATOR - Endorama Gothic Metal
KREATOR - Outcast Thrash Metal
ELVENKING - The Scythe Power Metal
ACCEPT - Predator Heavy Metal
ACCEPT - Eat the Heat Heavy Metal
OVERKILL - Coverkill Thrash Metal
TRIVIUM - The Crusade Thrash Metal
TRIVIUM - Ember To Inferno Melodic Metalcore
DEEP PURPLE - Abandon Hard Rock
DEEP PURPLE - The Battle Rages On... Hard Rock
OBITUARY - Back From the Dead Death Metal
OBITUARY - Darkest Day Death Metal
ARCH ENEMY - The Root of All Evil Melodic Death Metal
DOOM'S DAY - The Whore Doom Metal
MY DYING BRIDE - Evinta Non-Metal
EPICA - The Score Non-Metal
ANNIHILATOR - Metal Thrash Metal
ANTHRAX - The Greater of Two Evils Thrash Metal
AMBEON - Fate of a Dreamer Progressive Metal
DREAM THEATER - The Astonishing Progressive Metal
HELLOWEEN - Unarmed - Best of 25th Anniversary Non-Metal
JUDAS PRIEST - Jugulator Groove Metal
METALLICA - Load Heavy Metal
METALLICA - ReLoad Heavy Metal
SPOCK'S BEARD - Feel Euphoria Non-Metal
LACUNA COIL - Dark Adrenaline Alternative Metal
ABIGAIL WILLIAMS - Legend Metalcore
GHOST BATH - Moonlover Depressive Black Metal
DEEP PURPLE - Slaves And Masters Hard Rock
CROSSFADE - Crossfade Metal Related
DEFTONES - Adrenaline Nu Metal
DEFTONES - Around the Fur Nu Metal
KITTIE - Spit Nu Metal
MACHINE HEAD - The Burning Red Nu Metal
OTEP - The Ascension Nu Metal
PAPA ROACH - Getting Away With Murder Alternative Metal
SOULFLY - Soulfly Nu Metal
SOULFLY - Primitive Nu Metal
JUTE GYTE - Oviri Avant-garde Metal
ULVER - Nattens Madrigal: Aatte Hymne Til Ulven I Manden Black Metal
ABYSSIC HATE - Suicidal Emotions Depressive Black Metal
AEOLITH - Remnants of a Future Past Atmospheric Black Metal
ANNA PEST - Transmission Industrial Metal
THE AXIS OF PERDITION - Tenements (Of The Anointed Flesh) Black Metal
BATHORY - Octagon Thrash Metal
BETHLEHEM - Schatten aus der Alexander Welt Metal Related
MORRIGAN - Welcome to Samhain Pagan Black Metal
40 WATT SUN - The Inside Room Doom Metal
HELLOWEEN - Chameleon Hard Rock
JUDAS PRIEST - Demolition Heavy Metal
METALLICA - St. Anger Alternative Metal
BABYMETAL - Babymetal Alternative Metal
CELTIC FROST - Prototype Nu Metal
CLAWFINGER - Life Will Kill You Rap Metal
COAL CHAMBER - Coal Chamber Nu Metal
COAL CHAMBER - Chamber Music Nu Metal
DROWNING POOL - Desensitized Nu Metal
H-BLOCKX - Time to Move Rap Metal
KORN - The Path Of Totality Nu Metal
LIMP BIZKIT - Three Dollar Bill, Yall$ Nu Metal
LIMP BIZKIT - Significant Other Nu Metal
LIMP BIZKIT - Gold Cobra Nu Metal
LIMP BIZKIT - Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water Nu Metal
LIMP BIZKIT - Results May Vary Nu Metal
LOSTPROPHETS - Start Something Metal Related
LOSTPROPHETS - TheFakeSoundOfProgress Nu Metal
MACHINE HEAD - Supercharger Nu Metal
P.O.D. - Testify Alternative Metal
PAPA ROACH - Lovehatetragedy Nu Metal
PAPA ROACH - Infest Nu Metal
SNOT - Get Some Nu Metal
THEORY OF A DEADMAN - Theory of a Deadman Heavy Alternative Rock
ZEAL AND ARDOR - Devil Is Fine Avant-garde Metal
SATANIC ARMY - Praise Him Black Metal
ABORYM - Shifting.Negative Industrial Metal
GHOST BATH - Starmourner Depressive Black Metal
LITURGY - Aesthethica Black Metal
PARADISE LOST - Host Non-Metal
BELL WITCH - Mirror Reaper Funeral Doom Metal | review permalink
METALLICA - Lulu (with Lou Reed) Heavy Metal
POPPY - Concrete Alternative Metal
POPPY - I Disagree Alternative Metal
POPPY - Bloodmoney Industrial Metal
POPPY - Fill the Crown Alternative Metal
LOSTPROPHETS - Liberation Transmission Non-Metal
LOSTPROPHETS - The Betrayed Non-Metal
LOSTPROPHETS - Weapons Non-Metal
POPPY - I Disagree Alternative Metal | review permalink

Metal Genre Nb. Rated Avg. rating
1 Black Metal 181 3.63
2 Atmospheric Black Metal 145 3.81
3 Progressive Metal 119 3.99
4 Power Metal 118 4.05
5 Heavy Metal 118 3.81
6 Thrash Metal 94 3.73
7 Death Metal 69 3.80
8 Alternative Metal 64 3.13
9 Doom Metal 59 3.89
10 Stoner Metal 54 4.11
11 Traditional Doom Metal 51 4.16
12 Death-Doom Metal 48 4.00
13 Nu Metal 42 1.68
14 Metal Related 39 3.86
15 Non-Metal 38 2.93
16 Hard Rock 38 3.67
17 Symphonic Black Metal 38 3.72
18 Technical Death Metal 36 4.18
19 Melodic Black Metal 33 3.88
20 Funeral Doom Metal 32 4.14
21 Avant-garde Metal 30 3.75
22 Folk Metal 24 3.79
23 Groove Metal 23 3.46
24 Melodic Death Metal 23 3.48
25 Gothic Metal 18 3.42
26 Symphonic Metal 17 3.76
27 US Power Metal 17 4.15
28 Depressive Black Metal 15 3.03
29 Pagan Black Metal 15 3.77
30 Atmospheric Sludge Metal 11 4.50
31 War Metal 11 4.09
32 Metalcore 10 3.60
33 Heavy Alternative Rock 9 3.50
34 Speed Metal 9 3.78
35 Viking Metal 8 4.00
36 Melodic Metalcore 8 3.50
37 Heavy Psych 8 3.94
38 Brutal Death Metal 8 4.00
39 Technical Thrash Metal 7 4.71
40 Crossover Thrash 6 3.75
41 NWoBHM 5 4.60
42 Sludge Metal 5 4.30
43 Stoner Rock 5 3.60
44 Industrial Metal 4 1.25
45 Mathcore 3 4.17
46 Proto-Metal 3 3.67
47 Rap Metal 3 1.17
48 Hardcore Punk 2 3.00
49 Funk Metal 1 2.00

Latest Albums Reviews

POPPY I Disagree

Album · 2020 · Alternative Metal
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I wasn't going to review Poppy's I Disagree, which is her first full metal album after playing with metal elements somewhat in her past work, which was otherwise electronic or ambient based, depending on the album. I had my reasons for not doing it and they were good ones. For one thing it's pretty clear that this is a 'not for me' kind of album as alternative/nu metal generally isn't in my wheelhouse. At least not any more. I just find it an area of metal that apart from the few special bands with staying power has over time lost whatever appeal it may have once had for me; what may have worked when I was a teen or even a young man just doesn't wash now I'm older. I feel like it's almost designed for a younger audience looking for something to rebel to. Of course I know that's not true of every alternative metal act, but it is an overall impression I've acquired. Maybe I've just become a grumpy old man before my time.

I Disagree is an album I would have overlooked had another reviewer not made me curious through what I call the curse of the negative review. The warning was there, but I would not be told and I listened to it. What followed was a horrific experience on the ears, after which the logical thing to do would be to not take my relationship with Poppy's music any further. And it really could have ended there, but here we are, I'm reviewing it all the same. So what changed?

I suppose it's a combination of getting caught up in how much attention the album was getting through that first review, which is the most active I've seen MMA in a while, and my own apparent willingness to be a glutton for punishment for not immediately putting this album out of my mind, instead starting to jot down some notes of what I could say about it until I suddenly reached the point that I'd spent too much time on this album not to review it. Of course one could counter argue that I've also spent far more time on it than this album will ever deserve.

I will make one thing clear in this review for full disclosure reasons: I listened to I Disagree in full once. Just once, with the rest of my experience of it just skipping through checking details and switching it off again. Many will likely argue that this is far from enough times to form a fair opinion of it for a serious review. To be honest I agree, but in this case once really was enough. I also never claimed that this would be a serious review. Instead thinking of it as some random grump throwing in his penny's worth because nobody asked.

And there are really two ways that I could go about this now. I could try to be diplomatic and find some small reasons to give Poppy a bit of credit where I can, or I can just let loose with how I really feel about it. Well actually I'm going to do a bit of both, but one of these things is going to heavily outweigh the other I'm afraid and we're going to go through where I can give Poppy credit first, the few positive things I can acknowledge about I Disagree: it's an ambitious album, the young lady does possess a good voice and her music has a kind of quirkiness to it that could have actually made something entertaining if not of actual substance. And that's as far as I'll go with that!

And now for the truth: I Disagree is an absolute train wreck of an album that comes across like Poppy and her collaborators (who apart from writing credits seem to be a real tight-lipped secret over who actually plays on the album) jumped into the deep end of the pool that is metal music straight away after they barely learned to paddle in the kiddy pool, resulting in an album that while ambitious feels like too many eggs in one basket, one that they then didn't know how or didn't have the ability to handle effectively. Alternative metal was founded on adding atypical ideas to metal, which this does in spades, but it goes overboard, ending up with metal elements that just aren't very interesting and the rest just a complete mess of conflicting ideas that ultimately creates a directionless album that seems like it's stuck between two worlds: where Poppy came from and the metal world she's trying to now break into.

Or is she? You see I did a bit of research on Poppy while piecing this review together. And I found out something that I've heard before from artists who obviously are playing metal: Poppy doesn't actually consider her music to be metal. And that really rubs me up the wrong way. This is an excuse we've heard before in the metal world when an artist is likely savvy enough to realise that what they do won't sit well with the 'true' crowd, as if disassociating what they're doing from metal will make everyone turn around and say 'oh, that's all right then, we take everything bad that we ever said about you back'. Korn did it, but at least Jonathan Davis had a reason to back up the statement for his band: he considered them to actually be based in funk (but sorry Jon, you actually were metal despite your words). Know what Poppy considers her music to be? Post-genre. How fucking pretentious can you get? If by that Poppy means that she just doesn't give a fuck, then I suppose I have to do a 180 and call this album a resounding success, because that's exactly what I Disagree sounds like: throwing literally anything in heedless of what ideas gel together even slightly well. Some of it does, but that doesn't necessarily mean those parts are actually very good.

And unfortunately for her it's very difficult to see where she's coming from with disassociating her album from metal, because unless your metal upbringing was based on the Encyclopaedia Metallum diet of no alternative, -core, industrial and the like, it's pretty obvious that above all else metal is what Poppy has released on I Disagree and she also seems to be trying way too hard to look badass on the album cover. She looks like a fucking caricature.

There are a few tracks here where metal elements are either taking a back seat or not featured at all, but most songs on this blessedly short album are metal songs. Metal diluted with whatever the fuck Poppy's retained from her prior work. Take the opener Concrete for example; it's basically about her getting murdered and her corpse buried in concrete to become a street to hide the evidence of the crime. Some of the album's heaviest music is in this track, but then she goes and mixes it with all with power pop. It would be darkly quirky were the music itself not so jarringly disjointed. At one point she sounds like she's instead singing some anime theme tune. All sunshine and roses when the subject matter of her lyrics is really quite messed up!

And that's really what bugs me throughout this album. Everything included seems to be at odds with everything else. Some might call it experimental, progressive or avant-garde, but I call it simply messy. I'm left feeling that it would actually be easier to take I Disagree seriously if it were obviously that Poppy was just another one of those cute metal acts like Babymetal or Ladybaby, meaning an intended novelty that exists for a bit of fun and not be taken too seriously, as paradoxical as that sounds. But Poppy doesn't belong in the same category as those acts because apparently she's a serious artist.

That's a 'good for her' kind of thing I guess, but I for one remain to be convinced that she has any idea what's she's doing or what kind of music she actually wants to make. If its metal, then she really needs to get her head out of her arse and realise that us headbangers are pretty demanding folk whether our favourite genre is alternative metal, death metal or symphonic post-thrash based mathcore with undertones of gothic rock and celtic folk music and that while we actually are very open to other elements being mixed with metal (several entire genres have been built on that basis), we do still like the actual metal elements to be good. And here they're certainly not. The best I can describe them as is bland. If it's the other stuff, then maybe she should actually focus on that other stuff a bit more, not necessarily never touching metal or heavy elements again but certainly only using them to flavour the music she made her name on. From my personal experience of what fans of pop and electronic like, they also may be happier for it in the long run. Of course that's just speculation, since for the most part people (who are they I wonder?) seem to keep heaping praise on Poppy, but maybe that's just the culture of her background in commercial music: the following is not necessarily based on what the artist sounds like, but their looks or persona. If that's so then she may as well enjoy it, because once her five minutes of fame are up she'll be regulated to the bargain bins for the rest of time.

LOVEBITES Awakening from Abyss

Album · 2017 · Power Metal
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Japan has spawned a little hotbed of female fronted and all female metal bands in recent years. While the novelty and ridiculous among them may be the ones whose names have become household, such as the cringe-worthy Babymetal, most of them are pretty serious acts. Power metal is the usual genre that these acts embrace and with their debut album Awakening From Abyss, released in 2017, the latest act to join the ranks of this scene, Lovebites, have everything they need to storm to the head of the pack.

The main reason for this is simple: musicianship. While no disrespect is intended towards any other band from Japan's female dominant scene, it's obvious that Lovebites are a cut above the norm when it comes to technical level. This is what really helps to elevate their occasionally symphonic sound, which is otherwise very typical for a melodic power metal band, to the next level. Also the riffs have real bite to them, something the typical melodic power metal album often lacks, which makes the music heavier than you might expect an album described as typical melodic power metal to sound like. There are even speed metal and thrash metal leanings in them. And the energy that the musicians play with is infectious.

If there's a weak link to the band achieving some well deserved recognition it would be that the vocalist sings in a quite accented voice that makes it difficult to follow the English language lyrics most of the time. It makes me wonder if she wouldn't be more comfortable singing in her native Japanese. Her voice was a barrier to enjoyment at first, but I have to admit that it has grown on me. I require a lyrics sheet to understand every word though, even after multiple listens to the album.

Should such a typical melodic power metal from 2017 sound this good? Probably not, since it's a style done to death. But that just goes a long way to say that Lovebites, some issues aside, are the real deal. Awakening From Abyss is undoubtedly one of the best power metal releases of the 2010's. Well done ladies.


Album · 2017 · Death-Doom Metal
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The UK's Paradise Lost are a band I've always liked despite not being that into the genre that they are most associated with: gothic metal. In a genre that seems flooded with so called beauty and the beast bands, they stand out thanks to Nick Holmes' commanding clean vocals, which depending on the album can have some classic James Hetfield vibes to them. But Paradise Lost started their career as an extreme metal band and were a pioneer of the death-doom metal style and it's this style of their early albums that I've personally always been most fond of, with Gothic being my favourite. The sudden reintroduction of death growling vocals on The Plague Within, didn't change that although that album has risen to become one of my favourites from the band. The band's latest album Medusa though, changes everything about my relationship with the band and has already become my favourite album of theirs.

That's because Medusa is Paradise Lost's first death-doom metal album since the early nineties and thanks to the wonders of modern recording and production equipment and techniques, is the most powerful they've ever sounded when playing this style. Sure, there's a brief resurgence of their gothic metal style (with added growling like on The Plague Within) for a couple of tracks, The Longest Winter and the title track while Blood & Chaos is a bit too upbeat to be considered a doom song, but otherwise they've slowed their tempo right down and Nick Holmes is growling even more than on the previous album and certainly in a more death metal manner than is used on the Shades of God album. I don't thinking they've ever been heavier.

Fearless Sky is the perfect opener for this album. Despite it's slow and crushing sound, there's also a triumphant feel to it, especially in the chorus growls from Holmes. Some clean vocals are used, but it's not until those middle tracks that they ever become dominant on the album and by the time of No Passage For the Dead they've back in the centre stage again. I like Nick as a clean singer and am glad he didn't throw those vocals out completely, but despite years of not using growls in the band he can still deliver them and arguably is even better than ever. His appointment to the death metal band Bloodbath may have something to do with that.

The standard version of Medusa is eight tracks long but it's worth picking up the special edition if you can which will also net you two extra tracks: Shrine and Symbolic Virtue. Which both, especially the latter, feel more like The Plague Within or even earlier material compared to the death-doom of the main album, they're definitely worth having. Symbolic Virtue is a good reminder of why Paradise Lost are one of if not the best gothic metal band despite this return to their roots.

MYRKUR Mareridt

Album · 2017 · Atmospheric Black Metal
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A while ago I reviewed the debut album of Myrkur, M. This was during the build up period for this, her second full-length release, Mareridt. Just to you don't have to double back and read what I said about her in regard to that album allow me to summarize: I'm very much in the middle ground when it comes to this artist, whose work has both received strong praise and been deemed controversial, depending on who you ask. For me, to quote, M was simply an 'OK' album.

I also voiced the opinion that rather than the black metal that she is usually (erroneously in my opinion) associated with that some kind of folk metal wouldn't be a more fitting genre for her to pursue. That view has kind of come to pass on Mareridt. It is more folk than M. But the folk parts are typically used outside of the metal elements, so it instead feels like a half folk album and a half metal album, rather than an actual fusion of the two. The metal songs do have riffs that resemble black metal and like with M this is not the only style Myrkur draws from (doom also being noteworthy) and with her clean vocals now used maybe 98% (maybe even 99%) of the time, I actually find this even harder to think of as a black metal record, even by trendy blackgaze standards. This is one genre association that I believe I am doomed to never understand. Just because an artist/label says that's what they play that doesn't mean it's true!

But with that issue aside, I do have to say that I feel a lot more positive about Mareridt as an album than I have ever done about M. The song-writing has felt stronger right from the first listen. There's an issue of identity though. Mareridt is too metal for folk fans to completely enjoy and also too non-metal to be of complete worth to the average metalhead. It ultimately comes over as the kind of album that was written without the artist sure of exactly what they wanted to make, so it's left sitting dead centre on the line between two worlds. And that's the key problem with it: it's exactly the same problem that I found M to have. To quote my earlier review of M, 'the album gives me the impression that Myrkur isn't really sure where she wants to be musically.' There's obvious growth as a musician to be found on Mareridt, but not enough decision making. This one I'll declare as a step in the right direction though.

BELL WITCH Mirror Reaper

Album · 2017 · Funeral Doom Metal
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Back in October this year metal fans from all around boarded the hype train for the third full-length album by funeral doom metal act Bell Witch. Entitled Mirror Reaper, I'd personally been aware of the band but never checked them out. Unless you're the type that lives under a rock though it would have been hard to miss that most who were talking about this album seem to think it is a pretty big deal.

My question to them is a simple one. Why?

First a bit of history. Bell Witch is a duo that doesn't use guitars and is instead driven by bass and drums. That's not unheard of but is still atypical in today's metal and heavy rock climate. So that's a point in their favour to make them more interesting than the average funeral doom metal band. They also suffered a tragedy since their last album Four Phantoms was released in 2015 – one of their original founders, who had already left the band at that point, Adrian Guerra, suddenly passed away. I'm not one to speak ill of the dead, but it's no secret in the music industry that death does wonders for one's career and for better or worse Guerra's passing may have played a role in the amount of attention this album has gotten to date, which appears to be considerable more than the aforementioned Four Phantoms.

But enough about that. The music. And back to my question: why?

Why when Mirror Reaper is, in a word, boring. Composed of just one song that lasts for, wait for it, a whole 83:43 minutes, Bell Witch made a record that couldn't even fit on a regular CD album without being forced to snip the track into two parts and two discs. To some, especially listeners of the digital, uncut version, this may not seem like it's a big deal, it's actually the most obvious example of the problem with the entire album/track. The band's unwillingness to cut it down rather than drag it out until it's long outstayed its welcome. Picture this: a few minutes less on a composition of this length isn't going to make any meaningful difference, so why butcher it for those who (I assume) enjoy it and want a physical copy, by making it that few minutes too long to fit on a single disc? Surely that's a more agreeable sacrifice that enforcing a pause during a song, something I personally despise doing regardless of length. Or perhaps that is Bell Witch's way of admitting that they know they dragged this out for far too long any way and may as well offer an ideal place for listeners to go away and have a tea break.

And 'dragged out' is really the only way to describe Mirror Reaper. The long song length itself it's the issue but it's what they do with it. Funeral doom metal is not a lively genre by default but this is ridiculous. The song is long and it doesn't sound as if they really do much during its running time. There's slow and then there's slow and not actually getting anywhere. This is the latter. Fuck, if they were much slower they'd be playing in reverse. For a lot of the time the music on the album is not even metal, but rather slowcore (an indie rock sub-genre), which is basically just droning clean tone bass guitars, organ and bland clean singing. The actual metal parts are not much better. The band shows off a nice heavy sound and the growling vocals are more convincingly performed, but it's still got the same problem of dragging the band's ideas out too much until they become uninteresting and then some, before they eventually deign to change the song up again. This is the pattern that is basically on repeat for the whole duration.

It's funeral doom metal and to complain that a band releases a dirge seems to be missing the point, but this one seems to be an example of taking things way too far. I'm not sure that cutting Mirror Reaper down even by half its current length would have saved it, but the point is I reckon that Bell Witch could easily have covered every actual musical idea in this song in a ten to fifteen minute track and here's a radical thought: written some more songs to make up the rest of the album! We may have had a release worthy of the hype then.

If its meant to be about atmosphere then I for one admit that I do not get it, because Mirror Reaper as an album and song bores me out of my tree long before it's even a quarter of the way through. I've made myself sit through it a few times to try and get it, but I'm failing to see what this is having such a widespread appeal in the metal world. It's not exciting or even technically interesting. It's certainly not innovative. If guitarless bass driven bands interest you then there are much better examples out there than this, both within the doom metal genre and without. It's just an album that takes a few ideas and runs each of them into the ground and is memorable only in the way that an experience that scars you for life is memorable.

And yet somehow Mirror Reaper has quickly become one of if not the most highly talked about and regarded doom metal albums of 2017. If this is what counts as good in doom metal these days then I have to declare the genre dead. And so one final time, though no one is likely to say anything that is going to change my opinion at this point, my question:


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  • Posted more than 2 years ago in Recently Watched Films
    [QUOTE=Vim Fuego]Scarlett Johansson's clothes keep falling off [/QUOTE]That's all you need to know before deciding to watch isn't it? Because fuck me if this has anything else going for it. 
  • Posted more than 2 years ago in MMA Best of Year 2020 Results
    Great work on the presentation by the way Paul!
  • Posted more than 2 years ago in MMA Best of Year 2020 Results
    [QUOTE=TheHeavyMetalCat][QUOTE=LittleBig]great work i don't know what Neal Morse is doing here, since I was told to post metal albums exclusively. Also a weak predictable album, I have never understood the hype, if I say Neal Morse is the AC/DC of prog, i'm insulting AC/DC. Sorry... Also surprised Ayreon's new one is so high in the list. Made me quit on Ayreon altogether, his last few album were a chore to listen to, no fun, no flow. The new one unlistenable for me. I don't know but I'm missing something here.  [/QUOTE] I think Neal Morse's write-up explains well enough why he's eligible.[/QUOTE] It's that grey area called Metal Related. Which was changed by the admins not that long ago. This was posted about, so you've got no excuse not to know about it:[QUOTE=adg211288]A word of caution if you're thinking of voting for anything in Metal Related or Non-Metal: not only is only the first of these allowed to be included in an MMA best of vote, but we changed the policy on what goes where this year and a lot of stuff hasn't been moved around yet. If in doubt on anything ask an admin. This change should however allow albums deemed to be of interest to metal fans to be included and should ultimately make the best of votes that bit easier, but right now there's no guarantee that something in Non-Metal shouldn't actually be in Metal Related and eligible and something in Metal Related shouldn't actually be in Non-Metal and ineligible. [/QUOTE]If you had a concern, you should have spoken up. Not moan about it after the event. You also had access to the same voting rules as the rest of us that said Metal Related was okay. You did read them didn't you? I voted for Morse because it was in the eligible sub-genre. I'm not sure it would have been before the last changes (it's not that metal and I don't think anyone who voted for it would dispute that) though. Regarding it's quality, it was in the bottom half of my list, but I still think it's pretty great. Predictable and weak? No, not at all, especially not for him. Easily his strongest for over ten years. My opinion, but evidentially others shared it. 


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